After having played through the season quite a few times, here is my current ranking for best girls (only includes main LIs).
#1: Sage
#2: Isabella
#3: Jill
#4: Maya
#5: Josy
* Josy and Maya ranking behind the others is unsurprising at this point. Maya lying to MC twice about her relationship, even making him think she was single, when she expected him to be fully honest, is simply not excusable.
* Josy is arguably even worse. To be fair, she did tell MC she was in a relationship...after leading him on! Then she says "this isn't farewell, but goodbye" when MC tries to stop seeing her again. In the dinner, considering her view of cheating, she seems to think that it's okay to cheat as long as it makes the cheater happy...then she invites MC to stay the night. In the bathroom, she had the nerves to say she didn't know what he was to her, making him feel like the third wheel. This wouldn't be so bad if Josy had actually done something that shows she truly cares about him. As someone else said, she seems to be all talk. It's quite sad when even Quinn, who has the reputation to be a bitch liking to push people's buttons, seems to show more care towards MC (even if she'd sooner jump a bridge than admit it

) than Josy does. And the way she immediately accepts the "break-up" (provided you go that route) and just proceeds to make out with feels like she never gave a shit.
* And then there is Jill. 3rd, but a VERY distant third. My main issues with Jill is that compared to Isabella and Sage, she doesn't have much content, nor is she that fleshed out. Aside from deciding to act against Chad without MC's go-ahead, she doesn't even seem to have any particular character flaw. Smart, beautiful, athlethic, compassionate, stupid rich...on paper, she's the girlfriend any of us would dream to have. Shit, even after MC groped her (by accident, but as she pointed out, he didn't let go immediately), she doesn't even get mad. Instead, she's ashamed at looking at MC's dick after an accident that was mostly his fault (though she liked what she saw

). Damn, even if we play MC as the biggest CHIK possible, we're not even close to be worthy. We'll see what happens in Season 2, but as of now, Jill's character needs to more fleshed out. And she needs more content, dammit! At least the little we had was quality content (ex: that kiss scene at the end of the date was pure beauty).
* Isabella, our resident Ice Queen. Typically, this kind of character is a little cliché in my tastes. But we could see from the start Isabella's caring side, as MC could count on her when he was in a pinch multiple times even back when she didn't like him (take notes, Josy). She serves as a good contrast to Jill's warmer personality, and acts as a protective older sister towards her. Like most LIs, she turned out to be a cheater as well...but much more sympathetic than the others because her husband wasn't even there, and he seemingly left her for a long time. The last update has shown more depths as well, such as an apparent playful side (apparently, she liked it when MC splashed her). It seemed in the third episode that the kiss scene saddened her for reasons unrelated to her marriage. Let's hope we find out in Season 2.
* And finally, Sage. From the beginning, she smells trouble, telling us to involve ourselves with the love life of the Jocks' president in exchange for a reward. Luckily, we like trouble here. And sure enough, we get punched in the face by Dawe. All the same, Sage has a great relationship with MC. Their dynamics is a great balance of playfulness and affection, the way they support each other for their problems, particularly in episode 4, in which Sage tries her hardest to distract MC from his issues when he's at his lowest...all this makes their relationship feel authentic and natural, even though they're not romantically invested in each other. That troublesome redhead has grown on me. Just one question: why the fuck would Chad ever cheat on that girl?