
Jan 29, 2018
My mistake, but I think Nick is a prime candidate then. Perhaps he was the real reason his ‘brother’ left. the main reason Tommy is under suspicion is that he may be trying to get rid of rusty so that his plans with Quinn can move Forward. maybe he figures he’ll get removed From the Frat like Chad
Maybe, Nick was where the "murder weapon" was found, but, he did have a good reason to be there, and he seems really shaken by his brother having left college. We will probably learn more about him after joining the DIKs.

About Tommy, he lacks motive. His plan hinges on Rusty's influence. The only reason they can use the pink rose is Rusty. Also, i don't think Rusty will be removed of the frat, his family is too powerful, but he will lose the Presidency. Tommy will probably be the President and another DIK will step up as the VP. I can see Rusty's last act as President being him passing the torch to the MC, letting him join the DIKs. It could make it a great episode 5 ending.
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Real Kreten

Active Member
Apr 10, 2020
By the saying "expect the unexpected" Cathy pic may uploaded Maya. Why?

A: I think, behind all this is Quinn, HOT's and 3-aplha's
B: Maya is directly uder Quinn control, because she is her mother
C: Maya clearly stated to MC, that she do for that tuition everything
D: The time of uploading is before the dildo game started, because at the time we see post, it have so much likes already
E: Maya look so sad during whole dildo game, and she looks like this before MC sit between M&J
F: Maya already did similar thing under Quinn command, when waked up MC to CUM-petition
G: No one expect this from her, because she looks like grey mouse there, while other HOT's distracting DIK's members
H: Quinn whisper during game to MC, that she is happy to see that Maya is obedient and does what she told her to do, but in start of dildo game was in circle girls only and due to Maya is lesbo, there was no problem for her to kiss another girl.

That's my possible conclusion, but due to upload time (which we don't see any pic who was at this time where) it can do simply anyone.
H. Quinn is confident in her control of Maya because she knows nothing about J&M relationship. She thinks the prudent Maya kissed Josy at her command. She therefore throws it up to the white knight Tremolo, because she expects his reaction, pushing button (he opposed similar manipulation before)
C. It has limited meaning, there are enough things that Maya won't do for tuition. Like she will not kill Derek.
B. Quinn may be able to force Maya to do a number of things. Maya not talk about it then is a different matter. If Maya did it, Josy and MC (and we) would already know.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2019
Cersei is a good comparison. She was always so focused on herself and what's hers that she became overconfident and arrogant, often throwing others to the wolves to save her own skin and she lost everyone and everything close to her as a result.

Quinn feels a lot like she's going down the same path and the MC is her Ned Stark; someone to be sacrificed in order for her to keep her secret.
You've stretched way too far in trying to support your Quinn's collapse and MC patsy speculation, comparing MC/Quinn's relationship to Ned/Cersei doesn't work at all. Cersei hated Ned Stark from day 1 of that story, because a) Her husband never loved her because he was hung up on Ned's sister, b) He stared her lover/brother off the throne after arriving from Ruby Ford, c) as Hand he was her direct rival in power, and d) was intending to bring her and her son down with the knowledge that he possessed. In her mind, the Starks were the bane to everything/everyone she cared about.

None of these apply in any way to the Quinn/MC dynamic. In fact, regardless of our feelings towards her, as michael1984 said, Quinn actually seems to like the MC.

If you follow the story carefully, the person Quinn disdains is actually Maya, and more importantly, the more MC displays that he likes Maya the more Quinn's dislike grows. Try it. Play a run where MC doesn't display affection for Maya at all - don't defend her during the CUM-petition, don't help her make out with a DIK, don't warn her to talk to Sage instead etc.- and Quinn will actually treat Maya better. This is school playground dynamics in play i.e. If one likes someone, you dislike the person he/she likes because you want him/her to like you instead.

This is also supported by several feedback from other HOTs. Behind the scenes, Quinn seems to be gossiping about the MC like a giddy schoolgirl e.g.


This does not mean that she won't sacrifice the MC if she doesn't have a choice, but it won't be because MC is the target of her hatred or a potent threat ala Ned Stark.

If she had a choice she'd probably take down Maya. Now Maya is not really in a position to be a convincing patsy for her yet (and neither is the MC for that matter), so Riona is in a dangerous position. However, if Maya joins the HOTs but refuses to be on the menu, Quinn may demand that she deliver "mysterious packages" for her instead and then she'd be completely exposed to being hung out to dry (so Maya fans better be careful.)

In any event, whether she will even need a patsy at all is still a matter of pure speculation at this point.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Wow, 8 hours later and we're still on the Cathy pic discussion. :oops:

Oh well, here goes. ;)

Let me throw in something extra for the "debate" unless it was resolved and I missed it.

Who sent the pictures to Chad in the first place?
Maybe same person who uploaded the cluck?
I feel that it's the same person. Someone trying to cause chaos all over. Pitch everyone against each other OR someone who really hated the DIKs and frame them for everything.
The idea that's there's some shadowy person or persons trying to pit the DIKs and Jocks against one another seems like a massive stretch and there hasn't been any evidence, hints, or allusions to it whatsoever. Whereas with the Cathy pic in particular, there's an obvious culprit based on both proximity, motive, and ease of access.

If anything, I'd think the Jock pics were sent by Tommy just to rub in their faces the fact that the HOTs spend a lot of time with the DIKs, considering a lot of the pics seeme to come from inside the DIK mansion and they were taken before the MC was there and someone like Tommy could have those kinds of pics.

Is it on the DIK's laptop or just posted by the DIK log in? I don't remember it specifically said it was saved on the laptop only that Rusty would delete the post.
The DIK Rooster account is logged in to a shared laptop, most likely for security purposes because having it centralised like this in the DIK mansion ensures, or at least should have ensured, there would be no unathorised access as well as greater accountability since all Clucks only come from one source.

I think it's pretty clear that whoever was ultimately responsible, the Cathy-cluck was a group effort. There's no one entity that would a) have a way to get the picture of Cathy, b) have access to the DIKs Rooster account and c) want to stir up trouble between the DIKs and Cathy/B&R.
Quinn, Riona, and possibly Camila. Either Quinn got hold of the password for the laptop, possibly getting a drugged up Tommy to spill it, or she and/or Camila distracted Rusty when it was already open allowing Riona to get it and take it to the library where she uploaded and posted a pic of Cathy one of the HOTs had taken of her in the locker room.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
You've stretched way too far in trying to support your Quinn's collapse and MC patsy speculation, comparing MC/Quinn's relationship to Ned/Cersei doesn't work at all. Cersei hated Ned Stark from day 1 of that story, because a) Her husband never loved her because he was hung up on Ned's sister, b) He stared her lover/brother off the throne after arriving from Ruby Ford, c) as Hand he was her direct rival in power, and d) was intending to bring her and her son down with the knowledge that he possessed. In her mind, the Starks were the bane to everything/everyone she cared about.
It's not a literal 1:1 comparison of that dynamic, it's a part-comparison, namely the part where she throws Ned under a bus (or in his case, sword) to save herself and what's hers, and also the part about both of them being arrogant and overconfident to the point where it backfires on them.

If you follow the story carefully, the person Quinn disdains is actually Maya, and more importantly, the more MC displays that he likes Maya the more Quinn's dislike grows. Try it. Play a run where MC doesn't display affection for Maya at all - don't defend her during the CUM-petition, don't help her make out with a DIK, don't warn her to talk to Sage instead etc.- and Quinn will actually treat Maya better. This is school playground dynamics in play i.e. If one likes someone, you dislike the person he/she likes because you want him/her to like you instead.
Well, following the school playground dynamics, I always saw it as Quinn viewing the MC and Maya like playthings for her own amusement and she didn't like their dynamic because it might mess with her fun if they got too serious with each other, like when a kid acts nasty to another kid for playing with their favourite ball.

So if the MC doesn't seem interested in "playing" with Maya, Quinn treats her better, but if the MC does seem interested, then she treats Maya worse because Quinn views the MC as her toy, not Maya's.

This is also supported by several feedback from other HOTs. Behind the scenes, Quinn seems to be gossiping about the MC like a giddy schoolgirl e.g.

View attachment 670636
Quinn "liking" the MC is still very vague because is it doesn't necessarily means she fancies him. Is it affection, attraction, or is it as a plaything for her desires and amusement? We still don't really know.

This does not mean that she won't sacrifice the MC if she doesn't have a choice, but it won't be because MC is the target of her hatred or a potent threat ala Ned Stark.
Again, it's not about hatred for the MC, it's simply about him potentially being a sacrificial pawn on her chess board, that's as far as I meant for the comparison to go.

In any event, whether she will even need a patsy at all is still a matter of pure speculation at this point.
It is speculation, yes, but it's not as inconceivable as some people may think and it feels a lot more plausible than the Cathy pic being done by the nerds, or the Jocks, or by some mysterious, shadowy, unknown entity who is somehow also repsonsible for the pics sent to the Jocks.

If it doesn't turn out to be the doing of Quinn and Riona, then the misdirection was huge because so many things line up in favour of them being responsible.


Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
So I wake up to this again... Again with the Quinn bashing caus why not she the big bad of this game rite :LOL:

Again im gonna clarify she not my favorite not even top 3 for myself

But some people clearly need to get over this Quinn situation and her trowing people under the bus

Quinn showing a bit lighter side oh noo that must be a plan to trow us under the bus

Tommy showing a bit more respect ohh nooo hes a bully I don't trust him he might trow us out the frat

Maybe some have played AL too much and cant see past all the bad and see the good but yeah who knows

Now to meet some quinn bashers halfway is it possible that she behind it I mean yeah everything is possible... my gues it be a 50/50 odds that quinn is responsible … But I don't see her having beef with cathy so I don't see why she would use her ..


Devoted Member
Nov 30, 2018
What's BaDIK got to do with GoT? The whole Ned/Cersei MC/Quinn ideas make zero sense but that's going ridiculously off-topic as it is.

Now to meet some quinn bashers halfway is it possible that she behind it I mean yeah everything is possible... my gues it be a 50/50 odds that quinn is responsible … But I don't see her having beef with cathy so I don't see why she would use her ..
It's easy to point fingers at Quinn she is the obvious choice take AL for that instance I thought the big bad was always going to be Peter having a cop in his back pocket and everything but DPC really played the big twist with that one and in the end, he was really a nobody.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
So I wake up to this again... Again with the Quinn bashing caus why not she the big bad of this game rite :LOL:

Again im gonna clarify she not my favorite not even top 3 for myself

But some people clearly need to get over this Quinn situation and her trowing people under the bus

Quinn showing a bit lighter side oh noo that must be a plan to trow us under the bus

Tommy showing a bit more respect ohh nooo hes a bully I don't trust him he might trow us out the frat

Maybe some have played AL too much and cant see past all the bad and see the good but yeah who knows

Now to meet some quinn bashers halfway is it possible that she behind it I mean yeah everything is possible... my gues it be a 50/50 odds that quinn is responsible … But I don't see her having beef with cathy so I don't see why she would use her ..
I'm not bashing Quinn, I think she's an interesting character and I somewhat like her too, but that doesn't mean I can't envision a possible downward spiral for her.

Why would Quinn have to have a "beef" with Cathy to use her? She's a faculty member who was getting changed in the women's locker room and a picture like that would be useful for her distraction plan, simple as that. She doesn't have to dislike her in any way for her to use a picture of her like this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
Now now, the update will drop in what, another 2 weeks? Let's wait until then to see if DPC opens a can of whoop ass on all the conspiracy theories.


Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I'm not bashing Quinn, I think she's an interesting character and I somewhat like her too, but that doesn't mean I can't envision a possible downward spiral for her.

Why would Quinn have to have a "beef" with Cathy to use her? She's a faculty member who was getting changed in the women's locker room and a picture like that would be useful for her distraction plan, simple as that. She doesn't have to dislike her in any way for her to use a picture of her like this.
So basicly caus AL had a downward spiral so this game will need one too ?

And why so steadvast on Quinn there are plenty of other possibilities …. It is just the way that u make ur statement about Quinn.

She showing a different side a little but somehow that must be part of a scheme to destroy everything from within rite ?

Basicly no mather what Quinn or Tommy do to make some headway in redeeming some things it must be only beneficial to them and or a ploy for worse things to happen

I get that u see Quinn as this big bad antagonist but come on there are plenty of others out there... Did Quinn maybe assist the leaked pic thing possibly

But my god if u only see Tommy and Quinn like that then im wondering if u mistaking real life with a game

Deleted member 15555

Harem Lover
Apr 25, 2017
Seeing how much support Quinn is getting by people and how it is in the banner with the other LI's in dpc discord.... someone will take that into consideration since she holds more power than a sub heroine... I always did think Quinn is the mastermind of all but I doubt she will try to fuck over all the Diks with the photo leak.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2020
What's BaDIK got to do with GoT? The whole Ned/Cersei MC/Quinn ideas make zero sense but that's going ridiculously off-topic as it is.

It's easy to point fingers at Quinn she is the obvious choice take AL for that instance I thought the big bad was always going to be Peter having a cop in his back pocket and everything but DPC really played the big twist with that one and in the end, he was really a nobody.
Well not sure where these GoT fans come from, but Cersei doesn't toy with or fuck Ned.

Everyone's thinking Quinn is masterminding something with the tri-alphas, but both plans:
1. For Quinn & Tommy to take over the HOTs & DIKs slowly
2.The secret plan with Sage & the tri-alphas to solve their "problem"

I think its not a monetary issue, but something to do with the competition, gym sponsorship, sports season. We'll see. E5 should be out soon if DPC doesn't take long
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Feb 6, 2020
For me, Quins isn't on my top 3, but I have to admit it: she's so much fun. We all know, she's a bad influence. If we stay silent while playing, we can even hear our grandmother saying: "that girl is no good for you, little fella". Of course, we're aware of that.

But man. She's so much fun. All the HOT are so much fun, specially when you crash at the sorority. We know they mean no good for MC, but honestly... who cares?

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
So basicly caus AL had a downward spiral so this game will need one too ?
AL's downward spiral was heart-wrenching and tragic, and I don't for one second think that will happen here. All it could be is a series of unfortunate events that causes things to unravel for Quinn in both comedic and somewhat serious ways, that gets resolved in a way that redeems her and ends well for all involved. Kind of like the format of the movie genre DPC has based this game on.

And why so steadvast on Quinn there are plenty of other possibilities …. It is just the way that u make ur statement about Quinn.
Like who? The nerds? The cafeteria girl? Troy? That guy we helped in the maths class? Quinn has the access, motivation, and resources to pull off something like this. For it to be anybody else would be coming completely out of nowhere.

She showing a different side a little but somehow that must be part of a scheme to destroy everything from within rite ?
Again with the "destroy" guff. It's not about destroying anything, it's about distraction. And "showing a different side"? Showing 1% vulnerability and possible affection for the MC is hardly a different side.

Basicly no mather what Quinn or Tommy do to make some headway in redeeming some things it must be only beneficial to them and or a ploy for worse things to happen
What exactly has Quinn done to redeem herself at this stage? A couple of furtive glances when the MC is around? Not letting him fall off the roof and seriously injure himself? These hardly make her Mother Theresa.

I get that u see Quinn as this big bad antagonist but come on there are plenty of others out there... Did Quinn maybe assist the leaked pic thing possibly
I don't see Quinn as a big bad antagonist at all, I see her as someone who's just making foolish decisions and life choices that will come back to bite her and very possibly have a wider ranging fallout. She's not bad, or evil, or someone whose schemes have to be defeated for the hero to triumph, she's simply a flawed human being and someone who I see as being perfectly redeemable.

I think that deep down she can be a good person but she wears a tough outer shell persona to hide her inner pain and is taking the quick and easy path with the drugs and selling the girls, but doesn't think of the possible negative consequences. Seeing that all collapse around her would be good for her in the long run as it would help her to see the folly of her decisions and become better from it which is what I'd like to see of her character arc.
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Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
AL's downward spiral was heart-wrenching and tragic, and I don't for one second think that will happen here. All it could be is a series of unfortunate events that causes things to unravel for Quinn in both comedic and somewhat serious ways, that gets resolved in a way that redeems her and ends well for all involved. Kind of like the format of the movie genre DPC has based this game on.

Like who? The nerds? The cafeteria girl? Troy? That guy we helped in the maths class? Quinn has the access, motivation, and resources to pull off something like this. For it to be anybody else would be coming completely out of nowhere.

Again with the "destroy" guff. It's not about destroying anything, it's about distraction. And "showing a different side"? Showing 1% vulnerability and possible affection for the MC is hardly a different side.

What exactly has Quinn done to redeem herself at this stage? A couple of furtive glances when the MC is around? Not letting him fall off the roof and seriously injure himself? These hardly make her Mother Theresa.

I don't see Quinn as a big bad antagonist at all, I see her as someone who's just making foolish decisions and life choices that will come back to bite her and very possibly have a wider ranging fallout. She's not bad, or evil, or someone whose schemes have to be defeated for the hero to triumph, she's simply a flawed human being and someone who I see as being perfectly redeemable.

I think that deep down she can be a good person but she wears a tough outer shell persona to hide her inner pain and is taking the quick and easy path with the drugs and selling the girls, but doesn't think of the possible negative consequences. Seeing that all collapse around her would be good for her in the long run as it would help her to see the folly of her decisions and become better from it which is what I'd like to see of her character arc.
Like I said we can keep doing this every single day back and forth up and down with this endless discussion

But its clear u have a hard on for Quinn being this particular way

And also clear that I and many other will be a 100 % against it

So neither camp will make much headway... lets just move on this topic and find something else caus at this point its exhausting to have to butt heads over something neither of us is willing to back down off


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Well not sure where these GoT fans come from, but Cersei doesn't toy with or fuck Ned.

Everyone's thinking Quinn is masterminding something with the tri-alphas, but both plans:
1. For Quinn & Tommy to take over the HOTs & DIKs slowly
2.The secret plan with Sage & the tri-alphas to solve their "problem"

I think its not a monetary issue, but something to do with the competition, gym sponsorship, sports season. We'll see. E5 should be out soon if DPC doesn't take long
I compared Quinn to Cersei because I believed they were similar only in the sense that both appear to believe themselves to have masterminded a foolproof plan with guaranteed success

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As happens far too often, people have taken 2+2 and come up with a chicken. I wasn't even saying I thought she was behind the Cathy clucks, I mainly meant that her drug and prostitution business.

As to my other point earlier about Dawe and Anthony being too stupid to have been the ones who posted the pics, another chicken I'm afraid. If the cluck was made on the Diks laptop which was found in the library then yes, anyone in the party could've used it. Additionally, I've posted that the library appears to have sliding doors which mean it would be a point of access to the building and those things tend to have quite weak locks so any of the Alphas would be capable of getting in that way without being seen.

The thing is, we don't know for sure that the laptop was the source, a clever person might set up a second device to mirror the Diks laptop and make it look like it was the source of the leak. We know there is a group of intelligent students, we know that they find at least some of the Hell Week stuff tiresome, we know that one member of that group was at the party and we know that the president of that group is perceived to be arrogant (not that that proves anything in and of itself but it could be a Chekov's gun)
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Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
Like I said we can keep doing this every single day back and forth up and down with this endless discussion

But its clear u have a hard on for Quinn being this particular way

And also clear that I and many other will be a 100 % against it

So neither camp will make much headway... lets just move on this topic and find something else caus at this point its exhausting to have to butt heads over something neither of us is willing to back down off
Against what, exactly? A redemptive arc or her being responsible for the picture? Because I honestly fail to understand how people don't see these as being possible.
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