Is it ? Keep in mind this game is above all a porn game. I know some people are more interested in characters and story and there's nothing wrong with that, but one of the main goal is still to provide a lot of sex scenes. Quinn's restaurant is big a part of it. Porn doesn't usually expose seriously dark and gritty's aspects of prostitution's world ( In hentai prostitution, rape, drugs and mind breaking are even tags some fans actually enjoy, but that's another debate. Man, there's even a Weinstein based game here

). The way the MC handle the whole prostitution thing isn't realistic from the start.
Honestly speaking, the Pink rose is more a brothel than a strip club at this point. The ladies have sex with VIP customers. There are clearly kind of hookers but neither players or characters have issues with it. Because none of them seem depressed, defenseless or forced to perform. The MC even started a sexting relationship with a hooker mom. Same thing for Quinn's restaurant. All interactions with the MC are portrayed as completely consensual. Camila enjoyed it so much she offered him anal freely, Sarah admitted being sexually aroused, Riona was the one suggesting the threesome because she likes him much more than others customers. All of them would have fucked him anyway. They actually did later. Even Quinn has an obvious crush for him and fucked him freely. Assman is so attractive that he doesn't have to pay anymore and hookers like it.
That's a poor way to represent relations between hookers and customers. But the point is, DPCK has never intended to be realistic about it. Yeah there will be issues with Mona and Burke. But Burke is portrayed as an unsympathetic and pathetic cheater lustful for younger women. The Mc on the other hand is too gifted to be realistic in any way. So does his relation to women.