Do you guys think DPC will do that for Bella/Jill fans? That would be nice, but is it that likely? I know Jill fans have had to put up with some serious blue balls and Bella fans get only slightly better, but wow, a threesome ending!?! That would be incredibly generous from the man who gave us Acting Lessons.
No, and I don't think that would be generous , or a plot twist. Honestly, it would simply just a Fucking Bullshit.
on one hand we have Josy and Maya. an already established relationship and they decide that they are welcoming a third party member in to their relationship. How they end up there, is doesn't matter right now, in the end of the day all of them put out all the card on the table, and they made this decision together. all 3 of them decide to try this out, despite knowing the danger. and they very well known it's unlikely that it will work out, that is why they make the "no commitment " rule. etc etc etc
and on the second hand we have Jill and Bella. a very different relationship, whether there was an "accident " between them or not, they more than likely have a sister relationship. but here's come the juicy part. First we have to prove to Bella that we are worthy for Jill. and not only that but after, Bella actively pushing Jill and MC together, all while she secretly want him to herself, IF the MC push her enough. which is already Toxic in my opinion, the whole Bella MC relationship. While some may find interesting this "I melt the Ice queen heart", it also can be seen very forced.
MC : You want this
Bella: No, stop, I dont...
MC: Yes You want, I know you Want.
Bella: Yes I want.
that basically sums up the whole Bella & MC relationship

. and they doing this behind Jill back, so MC even looks like an asshole, considering how upset he was with the whole Josy maya stuff
and to top of this, Bella's concerns in not about that She is doing this behind Jill's back, but something else.
so chasing both Jill and Bella, seems very toxic and somehow peoples want this to be rewarded?
oh and yeah Jill has absolutely no idea about this, but we hope she would not only be fine with it, that her best friend is betraying her and of course the guy she likes, but agree to enter a three way relationship.
ugh, I guess I hurted some Bella fans feelings , sorry