I am bored. That's why I have come up with a theory or speculation. (It's just for fun)
What if Maya and Josy had been planning all along to trick the father by having Maya pass off some boy as her boyfriend. After all, Maya once said that one plan wouldn't work now, but it could still work if the MC helps her.
What if Tommy and Maya were to pretend to be in a relationship?

What if Derek even put Maya and Tommy up to it?

That could explain why Tommy was such an ass to the MC. Tommy could have also involved Quinn in the whole thing to manipulate Maya. Tommy saw Quinn as a better friend than Rusty. Maybe Tommy even forced Quinn to take Maya into the HOT's and in return Tommy had to take the MC in.
Then Josy comes to B&R. Her presence alone, of course, bothers Tommy, as he probably knows about the Josy/Maya relationship. It prevents the fun he could have had with Maya. Quinn is happy that Josy is there, so she can get back at Tommy for forcing her to take Maya in and so Quinn couldn't get the MC.
Josy and Maya fall in love with the MC, Tommy notices this and perhaps slaps the MC because of it.
And now Maya's father arrives and the whole truth is revealed.
Too stupid, though, that Josy and Maya have fallen in love with the MC.
How will the MC react to this?