
Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
Quinn is already hot and if she wasn't such a character asshole, my MC would stick something warm in Quinn's belly. :devilish: :ROFLMAO:
You can stick something warm in Quinn's belly and I can stick something warm in Bella's belly. Simple problems require simple solutions. :KEK:


Active Member
May 30, 2020
Why are you arguing about Quinn? :unsure:

The fact about Quinn is that she is losing control of her business. The back story doesn't matter anymore and neither do her fighting skills.

And when Quinn caught a slap from Maya in front of the assembled sisterhood, there is blood in the water and the sharks will come.
I asked a very innocent question about who would win in a fist fight out of all of the girls and made the mistake of mentioning how Quinn wouldn't be as effective as most people would think. Lol I guess the guy got mad about that


Active Member
May 30, 2020
I always see weak motives in these theories about the real architects of the various blackmails/leaks of information

it would be Vinny because he's "mad" at the DIKs.
it would be the nerds because they're "mad" at the other frats.

boh, that seems a little weak.
It's fun to theorize, but yeah we definitely don't have the full story or even half of the story it seems. For all we know Tommy could've fucked Magnar's mom in front of him and posted it on the Hub for the world to see


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
It's fun to theorize, but yeah we definitely don't have the full story or even half of the story it seems. For all we know Tommy could've fucked Magnar's mom in front of him and posted it on the Hub for the world to see
If that happened you know that Magnar (like the second biggest guy on the campus after Caleb) would wreck Tommy boy's ass. :ROFLMAO:


Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
Funny. The only thing I said is that a girl growing in a violent environment is more prone to fights or physical altercation than a bunch of nice and caring girls. That's all I said. So far, no one give actual evidence than others girls have any fighting skills, experience or used to fight. In other words, you and the others are the ones makings assumption with no actual evidence.
Josy's fighting speciality is lower body kicks
Sage trained with MC and beat up Chad
Maya is the slapping queen
Tybalt Melon Beat Champion (Is also a girl) :ROFLMAO:
Oh accusatory reversal now ? I've never said, she's a badass. Felice used the words not me. Did you notice I've never denied her failure as a leader or a succesful drugs dealer ? I've just said it means nothing regardless of physicall altercation. At that's the all point. I asked him to provide any evidence proving that the others would be tougher in a fist fight. He keeps telling she's a bad boss, a moron, has no charisma or leadership and a bad seller. Ok point taken but how is that relevant in a fist fight ? I ask the same question but no seems able to give an actual answer.
There is no fistfight then
Yeah like most human beings would have been hurted by a punch and a sneaky attack. What are you trying to prove exactly ? That she should have super senses, special awardness and incredible constitution ?
Anyone who moves in such a milieu must always be prepared for attack.
See ? You admit it yourself. There's nothing suggesting the others girls have actual fighting experience, so you deviate from the topic and talk about brain cell. It's like talking to a brick wall.
The girls who don't take drugs have more brain cells.
And I've never denied that. I said nothing suggest the others girls have superior skills :sleep: God lord, do I have to write it in French, arabic or Dutch ?
Josy/Maya/Lily are hornier. Other languages would not change anything.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
What is inspiring all these absolutely wild theories flying around (the ones that have no grounding in any of the events we've seen in the game)?

It's not like this game is rife with twists and coincidences.

As far as I'm aware, the only shocking twist was that Josy and Maya were already in a relationship (everyone knows by now, but I'll blur it anyway).

That's about.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
What is inspiring all these absolutely wild theories flying around (the ones that have no grounding in any of the events we've seen in the game)?

It's not like this game is rife with twists and coincidences.

As far as I'm aware, the only shocking twist was that Josy and Maya were already in a relationship (everyone knows by now, but I'll blur it anyway).

That's about.
I agree with you

and that too is a twist that is far from hidden, it's just that out of laziness and habit we don't pay attention to various signals.

but all these theories are essentially born for the author's fame, so if Chad doesn't want to be with Sage he's gay, if Bella has a room where she doesn't want others to enter there will be her embalmed husband inside, MC's mother must be related to someone already at BR etc etc.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
I agree with you

and that too is a twist that is far from hidden, it's just that out of laziness and habit we don't pay attention to various signals.

but all these theories are essentially born for the author's fame, so if Chad doesn't want to be with Sage he's gay, if Bella has a room where she doesn't want others to enter there will be her embalmed husband inside, MC's mother must be related to someone already at BR etc etc.
In AL, to my knowledge there were only two shocks:
  • Leah
  • Cancer
Not enough for everyone to be looking for aliens under every rock...

However I do think the Chad is gay theory has heaps of circumstantial evidence to fuel it, and that's not even some great twist or shock anyway.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
technically with BADIK when he finishes it he will have 5 BAD games since its 5 seasons and 1 AL!
No, BaDIK is just one game. :FacePalm:

The way I see it, minimages, DnG , other features is a way for DPC to not get burned out. Beside loving creating the animations, he likes to create these little new features. I think its help to him to not feel creating the game as a pressure, , forced . and There are some I actually think its fun. I really liked the Tennis, hoping we would play again, and I assume we will based on one of the preview. making the pancake was fun, I one of those who liked the DnG . I like a mansion mini game.
I hope we somehow keep that, like after we fixing it, We need to keep managing the money, so we could throw parties and etc.
The way I see it, mini-games, DnG, and even many of the phone features to some extent, are entirely unnecessary filler that don't add anything to the story and are just there to pad out each episode and delay more important things.

I wonder if the forum's search function is no longer working. The questions about the update keep coming. :unsure:
You'll see a lot of more of this in the coming weeks along with people asking all sorts of technical questions about the update. Then when the update drops, it's probably best to avoid this thread for at least a week since it will be full of, "how do you unlock x scene", "where do you find x render", "I got this error", "can't download from x link", "walkthrough pls", "ANDROID VERSION!!!!!!!".

What if Maya and Josy had been planning all along to trick the father by having Maya pass off some boy as her boyfriend. After all, Maya once said that one plan wouldn't work now, but it could still work if the MC helps her.:eek:
I do not recall her ever saying, directly or indirectly, that she would involve the MC in any "plan" to deal with her Dad. What I do recall is that Maya and Josy discussed something together that seemed like it would involve them joining the HOTs to take advantage of the "tuition" offer and would probably involve Josy squirrelling away the money her Dad would give her in order to use that as starting money to run from Maya's Dad after college.

What if Tommy and Maya were to pretend to be in a relationship? :unsure:
What if Derek even put Maya and Tommy up to it? :unsure:
That could explain why Tommy was such an ass to the MC. Tommy could have also involved Quinn in the whole thing to manipulate Maya. Tommy saw Quinn as a better friend than Rusty. Maybe Tommy even forced Quinn to take Maya into the HOT's and in return Tommy had to take the MC in.

Then Josy comes to B&R. Her presence alone, of course, bothers Tommy, as he probably knows about the Josy/Maya relationship. It prevents the fun he could have had with Maya. Quinn is happy that Josy is there, so she can get back at Tommy for forcing her to take Maya in and so Quinn couldn't get the MC.

Josy and Maya fall in love with the MC, Tommy notices this and perhaps slaps the MC because of it.
So Tommy was mad at the MC because he was supposed to be Maya's pretend boyfriend but now he won't be because of the MC? :WaitWhat:

Oh brother. :rolleyes: :FacePalm:

Eh, Holy Bacchus has mentioned the possibility of it being the nerds.
Woah, woah, woah, back it up. I have never been a proponent of the "Nerds are behind it all" theory. Whenever I've ever mentioned or been involved in a discussion about it, it's to say that I don't believe that theory at all.

I have a very dark theory (speculation, fantasy) regarding the prostitution and drug dealing. :rolleyes::unsure:;)

What if Zoey's bad boyfriends had really been Josy/Tommy and Zoey and Tommy had not only consumed alcohol but also drugs. And Tommy convinced Zoey to prostitute herself to finance the drugs?
He buys the drugs from Quinn. So a bond is formed between the two.

Zoey doesn't want this anymore and moves away. (Maybe Zoey also went to the police and got into a witness protection programme, which would of course initiate a police investigation. Possibility for Undercover Lily.) Josy finds out everything and hates Tommy for it.

Tommy and Quinn meet in college and together they set up the restaurant to finance their personal drug needs.

Quinn wants to expand her drug business and gets caught by Burke. Burke gets into the business by blackmailing Quinn. Quinn sees no way out and everything gets out of hand. To meet Burke's demands, Quinn has to find new outlets. (Preps) Quinn may also arrange for the DIK house to be destroyed so that he no longer has to finance the free drugs.

Police version

Maybe Quinn knew about the MC and the connection to Zoey through Tommy.
Now, of course, Quinn has to find out what the MC knows about their business. Maybe that's why Quinn's interest in the MC. Quinn sees Rusty as a threat to her business and it was she who released the Cathy's Chunk to get rid of Rusty. To meet Burke's demands, Quinn needs to find new outlets. (Preps)

Burke may have found out about the police investigation and knowing that the DIK are not at home, he has had the house destroyed with the help of the Jocks (Chad) or by someone else and wants to blame it on the Jocks. Stephen just wants to get rid of clues.

Maya's father may be a policeman working on Zoey's case and therefore knows about Josy/Tommy and doesn't want Maya to be with Josy. The father infiltrates Lily into the Pink Rose to create a plausible backstory for his undercover agent so she can investigate Quinn. He also has a plan for Tommy. But that plan to plant an undercover agent backfires because he was the third man on the cum petition. So he can't help but put his son (Derek) in charge. And Derek diligently collects data and uses it for his own purposes.

I could write for a gossip magazine, it's not true, but it's exciting to read. :ROFLMAO:
Live look inside dalli's though process -

But seriously, dalli -


Engaged Member
Mar 29, 2019
Woah, woah, woah, back it up. I have never been a proponent of the "Nerds are behind it all" theory. Whenever I've ever mentioned or been involved in a discussion about it, it's to say that I don't believe that theory at all.
First time I've seen the theory being discussed, you were discussing it with someone. If it wasn't your creation, then it's my bad for pointing in the wrong direction. It's questionable and some of the game logic fits, but it's a stretch IMO.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
First time I've seen the theory being discussed, you were discussing it with someone. If it wasn't your creation, then it's my bad for pointing in the wrong direction. It's questionable and some of the game logic fits, but it's a stretch IMO.
At this stage I honestly can't remember who brought it up and who else buys into it, but it's not something that's made much sense to me. I've seen people say that the Nerds trashed the DIK mansion and made it look like the Jocks, and that they're setting these 2 frats against each other so they can take one of their frat houses as their own, neither of which really makes any sense.

Honestly, when it comes to Sally being at the party in Ep 2, I think she just leads something of a double life; she's a smart girl who hangs out with the Nerds but she also likes to party with the cool kids.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
An unconfirmed possibility would be that the DIK house acted as a transshipment point for drugs onto the campus. Sally may have been at the party in EP2 because of this. Could also be seen as a reason for the destruction of the house. :unsure:
Damn you make alot out of kids smoking weed, B&R isn't some drug hot spot.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
What is inspiring all these absolutely wild theories flying around (the ones that have no grounding in any of the events we've seen in the game)?

It's not like this game is rife with twists and coincidences.

As far as I'm aware, the only shocking twist was that Josy and Maya were already in a relationship (everyone knows by now, but I'll blur it anyway).

That's about.
A few people have certainly taken leave of their senses lately, that's true.

An unconfirmed possibility would be that the DIK house acted as a transshipment point for drugs onto the campus. Sally may have been at the party in EP2 because of this. Could also be seen as a reason for the destruction of the house. :unsure:
Or maybe it's just as obvious as it seems and it was the Jocks for no other reason than them being assholes.
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Nov 21, 2019

Didn't you have a theory that Bella had a child, one that didn't make it? maybe James was or felt somehow responsible for the death of their child so he left

I was playing Episode 4 and noticed a little stool with a mirror next to the bathroom sink, so this theory kinda makes sense
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