Woah, Just finished playing Quinn's route and now I am having mixed feelings about her. After seeing
JamieSadistic ,
goldenrule91 and many other Quinn fans love
[ ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ I don't know ] towards her I decided to play a route and honestly my POV of Quinn didn't change at all till ep3, but in ep4 when they have sex on the roof and the way she holds Mc when he's about to fall I was like (⓿_⓿)(⊙_⊙)? WTF just happened and after that point it did start to change my POV of her.
TBH, I never really looked into Quinn's story because there are 5 main Li's and I have to finish them first and I don't know how but people just make their routes within a week!! Like I want to read and understand the story but if I play route after route , I will probably remember the lines or plot and guess what ... SKIP THEM!!! In order to avoid this I play a route and wait for 3 months and then play a next route to keep story fresh and interesting, I am serious, that's why it took me so long to start Quinn's route. So back to the main point I never cared about her story until I read it

and then it took a short turn just a Short one and then after in ep 6 and 7 her moments became good and interesting!!!
Now TBH as of now,
I still don't like her but I don't hate her that much either. I don't think I am a fan of her but I may become one if I see what's coming next, It all depends on the next chapter, her story etc. Like some people said before she is a broken person who we can help, so I will give a chance. The best way I can describe her is that
She is like a fire, if you are too close you will get burnt but only sometimes , this fire is good and after some time it won't feel like it's burning at all.
And I still do not like her character that much, but, One thing that I can't deny is .......
She IS Beautiful and HOT (*゜ー゜*)
And for those who hate Quinn, I myself hated her a lot but after playing her route it went from 100 to 20
[ See it is still there but look at those numbers ]. Try her route, Yeah she is nerve cracking and evil and I still don't like her THAT much but give a try who knows your hatred for her might as well come down.
Cheers !!!