I'm colourblind....

so I'm not easily distracted
I don't understand what you mean though... the times in the game are accelerated, except for this damn debt, which in addition to being overexposed with all the credibility doubts it leaves.
The fact that Maya takes so long to explain the deception she's undergone makes both narrative and emotional little sense.
She tells an almost unknown MC that her father hates her, doesn't accept what she is, and has never supported her. it seems to me a very difficult confession to make, something that I would find difficult to tell even to a close friend.
instead to tell him that his loan had a double signature it takes 7 chapters... and you think that in the 8th chapter there will still be a clarification.... to tell something that nobody cares about, neither to us players, nor to MC
if she had told it in the third chapter what would have changed in the story? absolutely nothing, it's not a narrative forcing, but a descriptive one of Maya
let's hope she told Sage.....
I don't have this confidence in Maya's change, because it's not something limited to MC, not even with Josy or Derek she has a more sincere, more direct relationship, she's like that