FYI, The impressive photoshop is done by DPC himself

Seems like you didn't notice.....
MC asks Maya in either ep2 or 3 whether is she sure of the tuition thing, She has doubts at that time. During the swimming pool scene, Quinn asks the daughters whether they have heard about the rumor regarding tuition to which they all reply yes. Quinn continues saying that some HoT member can't keep her mouth shut. She asks if all of them are ready to pledge, to which Camila responds yes, Mona responds free tuition, sign me up and finally Maya responds yes as well.
Now if the other two agreed, surely they would have also heard and maybe confirmed about it, but SURELY, they might have not done it. Maya had a small hope of getting this tuition and seeing Quinn say like that ,neither agreeing nor denying and other girls trusting it as well, her hope became big.
The worst thing is that none of the other sisters said about it or denied the fact or interrupted Quinn. Sarah and Mel were there as well and If I am not wrong some other HoT's as well, why didn't they denied the rumor regarding tuition? were they deaf? Neither the other sisters said anything about it. This is why I believe that Maya trusted Quinn's word.
She had trust in her father earlier, after the fuck up, her trust might have decreased a lot but hasn't disappeared. She believes that her father will not fuck up anymore since he has already done a lot. And maybe he might not fuck situation anymore.
Maya trusting Quinn's word, I explained it above.
One is a father, one is a girl , something Maya has experienced. MC is a boy, Maya has never been intimate with a boy before, Derek is her brother...Several times she has thoughts like "this is my first time with a guy, this guy is making me feel happy", And at one point Maya starts to fall for MC. It's been a month approx. , would you expect Maya to tell MC all about her years and problems? Trusting a person and a word are 2 different things. Deep Trust in someone does not build within a month.
Surely, Maya already has sex with MC, has fun with MC, is in relation with MC but still it's like one step at a time for her. I expect her to tell everything to MC in ep8 considering their relation grew stronger in ep7, bcuz of Josy or Maya choices.
And maybe this is the reason why MJ path gets blocked if you go Quinn's path. IF a DIK MC knows about Maya's complications, there are chances he would spill it to Quinn, and then classic Quinn fucks Maya's life more.
I Honestly wish that this loan fuck up gets over in ep8, and Maya lives a happy life with a big smile on her face. I do not wish her to remain sad and depressed.