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I mostly worked on static renders and dialogue this week. Since I have gotten a good flow with producing art, I will continue to focus on that in general.
I also purchased 22 new songs, but I'm not sure if I will add all of them to this episode or another one. I've added 12 of them so far to episode 8.
Work will likely consist of a mix of posing animations and static renders next week, and I will start production on the special render series that you voted for in this week's poll.
Speaking of the poll, the winner, who will get a special render set in episode 8, is Sally. I hope you enjoyed the slightly different poll for Special renders.
It was a fairly even poll with four front runners, but Sally overtook three out of four polls in the end.
There will be a special 2D art poll for the +$30 tiers starting soon.
Have a nice weekend
Dr PinkCake
No good Numbers this week either....
Yeah, but at least we've got some good news with the Sally render

Finally, a render that we've been waiting for for so long....
First, remember that all of my post are based on an MC that is pursuing a relationship with Sage.
Withholding this information from Sage, or outright lying to her about it would destroy any relationship they have. If this game has any theme's at all it's that lies hurt people.
People don't just 'turn gay'. And in the one flashback we have of Chad and Sage's relationship, it's clear that he was always indifferent to her.
I've also never subscribed to the philosophy that right and wrong are subjective. That's just a way to justify anything.
People may deny or repress their sexual orientation, but just waking up one day and saying I'm Gay Now!, Yeah I don't believe that.
Right, my bad for not clarifying what I meant exactly. I just put the 'I'm gay now!' sentence because honestly? I wasn't really bothered to explain too much since I was about to go out when typing that post.
Anyway, Chad could have felt like he was bi but deny it in fear of being looked down on by the rest of the alphas considering his standing, thus leading to him pushing himself to be straight, hence a relationship with Sage. Over the course of their relationship, his sexuality repression could've gradually decreased, and his sexuality might even have leaned towards homosexuality (most probably due to the stress from being with a woman). Then one day he finally realized: he has no feelings for the opposite sex but instead for the same sex. It happens.
There could also be the possibility of him turning gay only after he broke up with Sage. Though he wasn't married, the two seemed to be the most well-known couple on campus, thus resulting in an immense pressure piling up on him and many expectations on him as the man in the relationship. It's a traditional view, sure, but there're still many people who believe that the man should take charge and be the one to put effort in the relationship.
According to this site (
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), and I quote:
"Sexuality can change over time. Some of the many reasons a person’s identity might change include:
But yeah, I do agree that if we've been following the theme of the game so far, telling Sage about Chad being gay might be the best thing to do. DPC might shift the situation into one detrimental to the MC/Sage relationship if we decide to hold it in, as he's done so far with some of the other LIs, and how the other LIs have done to the MC.
I respect your philosophical views, so I'll try not to bring the "right and wrong are subjective" idea into whatever discussion I have with you in the future. It'd probably make discussion much more fruitful and substantial.
The rating thing is just Sage teasing MC, a running joke between them. Not the best Sage/MC dialogue in the game IMO
It's a fun tease, though. Shows her playfulness IMO.
We're just waiting for the 5/5. One day, one fucking day, we'll get that 5/5. Even if it means taking viagra and fucking her for 5 hours straight. She'll say it someday.....