Riona's Special Render Series ( SRS ) in ep7 is really Well Made and Beautiful.
And I have a doubt, do the patrons suggest the short stories seen in these series?

Or DPC just lets the patron decide which girl will get a SRS and then makes the story himself?
Like Jill and MC go treasure hunting, Jill in-between goes diving and meets shark and then later they reach the island...
Riona gets a Call and then changes into a Modern ninja and when reaches the location, sees the MC on ground with three gangsters trying to kill MC and she kills every one of them and then She and MC have sex...
If Patron's Suggest the story for SRS then
my guess fails...But if DPC makes the story all by himself, then my guess might have a little chance...though it is a little weird.
What we see in Riona's SRS is that the location she is going to, is a chinatown-like place, where a group of bad people or gangsters are attacking MC and Riona beats/kills them and saves MC.
This is not a theory but a simple stupid guess
I know that there are multiple holes in this guess, but it will be interesting if something like this happens. What do you think?
And if you are curious to know where I got this bizarre guess from

I read a Novel years ago which I sadly don't remember the name of. It had the similar circumstances and seeing Riona's SRS made me remember that part of the story.
Ps: that steel cock