I find it's the Ctrl key on my computer. Do they both accomplish the same function?
I've got a paid VPN, and it's still a PITA some days. The weird thing is watching it determine the "best route" to an output point. if I'm on my home PC, it's always Chicago. If I'm on my cellphone, it decides Israel. Very weird.
But it could include Bella, so I think you have to make a certain allowance for something else. I'm picturing the Axe Gang dance scene during the movie intro.
That's kinda on the old and small end (by which I mean those were great, 10 years ago). Where do you live? I might have to ship you some of my 'junk' parts, they'd be an upgrade.

Gotta view Josy's ass in all its glory, can't have that storage device forcing you to download a compressed quality version of the game.
Does Chandra get no love at all? Much like Riona, I'll take her over any of the 'main' choices. I really hope Rio gets some quality action with this expansion, but (and I hate myself for saying it), I think it's time the Jill fans get something. I don't like the Raccoon Queen at all, but JFC, it's time they get some real payout. A proper J&M threesome would be nice as well, but I feel for those poor sods.