This was probably my favorite chapter so far, I don't really know why...but I felt the MC having to choose his partner was coming, and appreciated it finally happening. But, and here's what's really interesting to me, the first time I played this game...I HILARIOUSLY messed everything up. I fucked up with Bella due to Cathy, I burned my bridges with Maya and Josy (honestly, kinda fuck them), I didn't particularly have anything against Sage, so I went with it. And I kept going. And, well, she was the one I liked the most, besides Bella (which I did another playtrough, and many others after that, obviously), but I never really felt like I "belonged" there, you know? And that's the thing I always searched my whole life for. Belonging somewhere. And I realised I came to care about Quinn. Her scene in episode 7 is still my all-time favorite of time, and what marked me as seeing something...more. Something exciting. So, continuing my first playthtrough, when the time came, I didn't choose to be with anybody. I'll just be on my own, even if it's only for a little while. And let's see how things go from here. I hope I can share that with Quinn. And in my life, with someone, someday. Like a truly great man once said, be that in a jail cell or in the arms of your loved one, life is what you make of it. So dream big.