Don't forget the Disney+ spin-off.Your waifu is shit if she at least doesn't have her own MultiVersus
Zoey manhwa
Zoey Love Live
Zoey phantasy star online new genesis
And of course the original
Don't forget the Disney+ spin-off.Your waifu is shit if she at least doesn't have her own MultiVersus
Zoey manhwa
Zoey Love Live
Zoey phantasy star online new genesis
And of course the original
JoJo is more sexually open than slutty and more enterprising than the passive and shy Maya (not her fault). And this is more like a wild fire inside the soul, Josy is open to experiments.Don't forget, Josy is also the one who pretty much seduces Maya after she learns from Derek that Maya fancies her. She's a little, slutty firecracker <3
Women who have grown the fuck up prefer a guy who's going to treat them well. That's why Lily gives it up for free to a chick mc and tells him that he's the type of guy she'd want to settle down with. Because she's dealt with assholes(DIKs) for a significant portion of her life and like most immature girls eventually mature enough to realize(after they've been with enough assholes) those aren't the type of guys you spend the rest of your life with.
Yes, when you are actually defending yourself or another human being.
Enough is enough is not a good reason. It takes a strength of character that only a real man has to walk away when you really want to beat the shit out of someone. This kind of excuse is what a petulant child uses.
And fighting Dawe was self defense.
Objection! Speculation.
Which, again, was self defense. Bringing up fights that I already indicated were ok is kind of stupid.
Not really. He doesn't keep coming after 1 hit. However, I disagree with DPC labelling it a DIK choice. A) He did attack you. B) He's really in need of a sharp lesson in humility and C) It's more of a bro fight anyways where no one's trying to significantly hurt each other but the line has been crossed and your friend needs to be taken down a peg.
No it can't be. That's the kind of fight a petulant child get's in to because they want to feel like a big man.
Except you've literally listed 2 fights that are initiated by the MC. Dawe initiated that fight but the jocks didn't. They just ran up after that fight was over. The MC attacks them if the player makes that choice. Dick move. Same with the Caleb fight. He doesn't take a swing at the MC unless the MC takes a swing at him first. Another dick move. In both cases they are defending themselves from you.
Interlude (and the chapters that will be released after it) are treated as a separate game. So keep the folders separated, and when you start playing the Interlude you will be asked to import saves from 0.8.3i downloaded 8.3 now and i downlaoded interlude do i just paste it in to the other stuff or alone somewhwere?
That has been 10,000 pages of this thread and you just now notice??That was the most pointless debate ever, not one person changed their mind about anything and the lack of compromise and just repeating their own points again and again made everyone look like Dawe (unable to read or comprehend the other person's point).
Feminists aren't human, bro. It doesn't count.MC is a jerk to a degree no matter your choices. Always been, I couldn't find the post specifically where it was laid out so well when i tried to search, anyways he sits around with a bunch of idiot guys laughing and ridiculing a fat feminist that have been reduced down to a point on a scoreboard after being filmed, fucked and discarded!
Our beloved Chick/Neutral/Dik MC does this willingly, and associates with these people. Thats not a good person. If you actually sit down and think about whats going on things are not ok.
Our MC is flawed (awesome for characters) but dont fucking say that he isnt an asshole at times to someone who has not really done anything to him. Theres was some other things too but i dont remember, all i can recall are Dik options like the cafeteria worker and receptionist.
Dont ascribe all actions into Dik or Chick. It doesnt really work. Moral systems doesnt work. Dik choices are all on a spectrum from fun and confident to arrogant and asshole behavior. Chicks too but to a lesser degree.
In my experience, the only people who behave in this manner are those who have never experienced the pleasure of being inside one first-hand (or other digit, if you will). A sip of wine is no longer titillating if you down bottles of it regularly.The whole desire to look up a girls dress thing is something that must have skipped me by in life. I always found that to be very childish behaviour.
It’s a different thing to enjoy a girl deliberately flashing you (like a frisky girlfriend in class), but otherwise it just comes across creepy to me.
It is truly, really, not strange whatsoever. I realize some people may not have encountered it, but it's quite normal when you get a woman riled up and horny. Location means almost nothing, it's entirely about wanting to be going at it with the person that got them hot like that in the first place.(it's strange that a chick agreed to this at all).
Ha. Not in my experience. Toughest guy I ever knew came up to my nipples and he wasn't overly muscular. But he ate guys llike Caleb(and even bigger) for breakfast. And he didn't have any training. But he was the fastest motherfucker with the best reflexes I've ever seen in my life.If you take the challenge that Caleb throws out as a challenge (MC`s half of the size, even with no martial arts training guy as fit and big as Caleb would be challenge for bigger and better guys than MC) or/and a measure to drop down future threat level, are you really a DIK? Maybe a little, more neutral to me.
No. You delete it all and go back to your life as it where. i will contact you for the the thank you basket when the time comes.i downloaded 8.3 now and i downlaoded interlude do i just paste it in to the other stuff or alone somewhweroe?
What wallpaper? You need to quote the material you're referencing so we know what exactly you mean.You think that Isabella wallpaper is from story?
Yea I agree, people are just beating dead horses about random stuff because there's nothing else to say. As soon as the new episode comes out, they'll forget all about it.We need new Episode.
I blame Interlude, and Zoey personally, for delaying new release.
Yep they stood there confused, but as soon as you pick option to fight them, they start going after him. MC didn't even make a move and they went after him.
All jocks fought or tried to fight MC at one point or another. They literally exist to antagonize and fight MC. Even at HOT party some of them tried to start shit with MC, while he was just chilling.
Even if you don't fight Caleb, ignore all alpha rooster posts, he still will try to antagonize MC in the 8th chapter.
The idea that some posters try to take moral high ground by denying jocks their purpose is laughable.
I've never said anything about canon btw.
Hers will be the 'horrific' twist, it only happens if she's not involved with the MC. She goes back to dating Rusty, there's a car accident, and she's horribly disfigured, resulting in a pretty smile.Jill smiles in a way that is at least acceptable in games far more mediocre than BaDIK.
In my opinion, the only chance that DPC, after just four years of development, will solve the problem is if they build a minigamon about it
Do you have the numbers on Pinks subscribers? Our perfect thing keeps shooting away in all wrong directions (Lynette&Counterlude)This is about today's DPC post. I think it's a new phone or laptop wallpaper
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