Not necessarily a different image, he'd need a number or some other hidden sign to tell who was the guy that leaked it and keeping a list of what hidden sign you sent to each patreon.
It used to be from a single post, but a lot of special renders got leaked that way. (Someone had posted a MEGA link with all the special renders back in the day)
To catch the leaker he started sending the images individually, so I guess he has a way of tracking the images.
Unless Sombo took the preview from the email that DPC sends to the patreons. Then the preview could have been watermarked with Sombo's email address and was thus expilicitly assignable.
It used to be from a single post, but a lot of special renders got leaked that way. (Someone had posted a MEGA link with all the special renders back in the day)
To catch the leaker he started sending the images individually, so I guess he has a way of tracking the images.
That also makes sense. All I know is that he knows who the leaker is if an image gets leaked.
when i got caught, DPC was slowly changing his patreon reward release process from a general email sent to all patrons who qualified that just had the preview pic in the email itself, to sending out emails with individual links to download the preview pic. i also imagine they were sent out in waves to narrow down possible leaks
i posted the Sage preview pic like 5-10 min after i got the download link, and like a few minutes after that DPC already knew who i was and sent me on my way.
idk how he does stuff now, but i imagine its still similar to that process. i never had anything even close to the same username here and on patreon, so it wasnt hard to anonymously post the preview pic without being discovered. but he finally figured out the just mass emailing the image itself wasnt going to ever be trackable lol
when i got caught, DPC was slowly changing his patreon reward release process from a general email sent to all patrons who qualified that just had the preview pic in the email itself, to sending out emails with individual links to download the preview pic. i also imagine they were sent out in waves to narrow down possible leaks
i posted the Sage preview pic like 5-10 min after i got the download link, and like a few minutes after that DPC already knew who i was and sent me on my way.
idk how he does stuff now, but i imagine its still similar to that process. i never had anything even close to the same username here and on patreon, so it wasnt hard to anonymously post the preview pic without being discovered. but he finally figured out the just mass emailing the image itself wasnt going to ever be trackable lol
when i got caught, DPC was slowly changing his patreon reward release process from a general email sent to all patrons who qualified that just had the preview pic in the email itself, to sending out emails with individual links to download the preview pic. i also imagine they were sent out in waves to narrow down possible leaks
i posted the Sage preview pic like 5-10 min after i got the download link, and like a few minutes after that DPC already knew who i was and sent me on my way.
idk how he does stuff now, but i imagine its still similar to that process. i never had anything even close to the same username here and on patreon, so it wasnt hard to anonymously post the preview pic without being discovered. but he finally figured out the just mass emailing the image itself wasnt going to ever be trackable lol
Remember how Tyrion Lannister found out that Pycelle is more loyal to Cersei? He told absolutely different stories to all people who he had doubts about and the story that breaks the surface marked the traitor.
It's not so difficult to connect the dots
Well it's finally here, The Hammer-Time Mod™ that makes MC fuck like the pornstar that everyone acts like he is. He lays pipe like a plumber, he's the mayor of pound town, whatever floats your boat. We had a slight delay after I finished episode 7 and decided to take a break for uhhh... user testing, and I'm happy to report it's good.
And that's that. I'm a steam player so idk if I'll be in for episode 9 any time soon after that drops, we'll see what the future holds or Hammer Time! In all seriousness, this is a beautiful game and I'm so grateful for DPC and everyone else who has made this the experience it is today. Hopefully someone else enjoys this mod as a little cherry on top.
So i placed the webm files in the respective folders, but I'm still getting the slow scenes. Am I supposed to delete some files? Nothing is being overwritten, just a new folder dropping in.
So i placed the webm files in the respective folders, but I'm still getting the slow scenes. Am I supposed to delete some files? Nothing is being overwritten, just a new folder dropping in.
I can't believe I'm online right now to help troubleshoot! You're right my instructions weren't specific enough, you need to copy+paste the scenes in to the respective folders, not the episode folders I posted. This should give you the option to overwrite, I only made the episode folders to make it easy to know what scenes need to go where.
is there any cheat where I can be with Jill on the dik path at the end before the interlude? Does anyone have it? Any harem cheat or something like that?
is there any cheat where I can be with Jill on the dik path at the end before the interlude? Does anyone have it? Any harem cheat or something like that?