I think the possibily really important stuff will be revealed when he remembers what happened during either the bella sleepover or even more likely the dorm party
I have a feeling something really important has happened during the return to the dorm.
1. If anything important happened at the club (more than we already know), he would've heard it from either the DIKs or the strippers (especially Lily or Nicole if you're on their routes)
2. If MC told anything important to Maya, you can be almost certain that we have seen some further talk of it when he was sober.
This only leaves the black spot during the return. It would be a bit repetitive if it was again Bella who picked him up, so I doubt that's the case. Also when you're so drunk you have a blackout, you usually can't remember the way back. That makes the most likely option that someone brought him to the university and I can't remember the DIKs saying that they did it.