Dude game is game gotta catch them all. I only did once in my other path so I can unlocked the scene. You are a disgrace to Ash if you never capture her
Milton, do you know any website where Renpy saves can be uploaded to check variables, need to check MG points and other variables, Because I used one last year but now my memory is very foggy about it.
After finding out Jade is Sage's mom, I've made a new save without doing anything with her, and I also picked that choice with Camilla. I don't know what is happening then.
Before you live the party did you and Cami text Sage also did you accumulate any cheat points during the party because this also crucial. In episode 9 did you choose to be adventurous or vanilla?
Did you have sed with Camilla in prev episodes?
During the pool scene with Sage Camilla and Heather did Camilla mention that "that's not the mc I know"
Milton, do you know any website where Renpy saves can be uploaded to check variables, need to check MG points and other variables, Because I used one last year but now my memory is very foggy about it.
But even when you're on side girls paths I'd not completely discount the possibility of various choices having an impact, like during E9 when Quinn asks MC to keep his dick in his pants for the night, there are a couple of renders and some dialogue that is presented if you do manage, which actually can be checked against by DPC to create different paths in the future. This of course assumes that DPC keeps track of these variables and essentially wants to create 'hidden' paths. Which I hope he does.
But even when you're on side girls paths I'd not completely discount the possibility of various choices having an impact, like during E9 when Quinn asks MC to keep his dick in his pants for the night, there are a couple of renders and some dialogue that is presented if you do manage, which actually can be checked against by DPC to create different paths in the future. This of course assumes that DPC keeps track of these variables and essentially wants to create 'hidden' paths. Which I hope he does.
Yea for me, other than Jill or lily, I'm probably not turning her down except to see whats going to happen in future saves. Maybe Josy by herself. but yea woof
Only thing you might miss is the Camilla & Sage threesome in Episode 11. But it's considered to be "cheating" for reason that is unclear to me. Ideally the 'best' route is to be 100% faithful. But if you want the best DIK route? Sleep around with everyone you want EXCEPT Jade. Big no-no.
When you go to take a picture with Sage during Halloween responding with "Yes" and choosing to take a Sexy Photo with Sage when you're not on her path will also get you +1 for each choice
Yea for me, other than Jill or lily, I'm probably not turning her down except to see whats going to happen in future saves. Maybe Josy by herself. but yea woof
You need the right triggers from the Dots game, and then during Ep11 flirt with her when you sit next to her in class, choose to go to Bella's during the panty party and it'll give you the option to click on Cammy before you leave
You know what's fucked, I only care about the Lily and Quinn paths, except also the Jill path where I plan on cucking Jill with Bianca, I just find the MG content to be boring.
just finished the newest chapter and boy is it grim. who hurt DPC so much.
not a single playthrough felts good in the new chapter. I understand the concept of "not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows" or whatever, but to wait over a year for new chapter to then not get a single "feel good" playthrough is insane.
All in all, lot of negatives, it did not feel like story is going anywhere and this chapters purpose is just to make as many characters miserable in some sort of "filler" chapter and i say filler because barely any plot moved that was relevant and most of the stories remain where they were at end of previous chapter just with lot more "flavour" text.
luckily after 10 or so playthroughs i did find few gems so its not complete waste. its just that for people who are only interested in one or two girls/playthroughs this feels like a really rough chapter
Good take man and i had a similar feeling,at least in some branches, as for others with all cinderella and new girls popping around i think some old side girls will be gone for good ( pretty sure that will be the case for Rio ) in favor of new ones but i would recomend everyone to just treat the S3 as it is, an unfinished product, i know it's hard because of time between releases, but hey it is what it is