So we can end up fucking both of Sage's moms? Gotcha. And then we can also leave her for the smurf.
I don't know what Sage did to make DPC hate her so much.
She was born a female redhead.
It seems nearly all female redheads in BaDIK are fucked ine one way or another if you look at it xD
- Arieth is as dumb as a brick
- Ashley can't decide between Ant and Derek
- Beth is among the poster girls
- Bianca is either herself a cheater and/or a homewrecker
- Cathy is screwed with the nude picture and also did a blowjob to a student
- Elena is in a relationship with a cuck
- Karen needs hearing aids since quite a young age
- Mona left school early on because she didn't want to join the restaurant
- Sage is adopted and was being cheated on by a gay boyfriend, has pretty bad parents, is being screwed over by her vice president, is adopted sister of Tybalt and the list goes on
The only redhead (natural or not) that doesn't seem to be fucked is Rose, although some may it consider fucked that she's a stripper.