I'm not at all worried about the abundance of content in this game, we will definitely see different scenes soon. I'm not a fan of incest and shota content, but the storyline with the son and Henry is extremely weak, and reminiscent of Sophia's relationship with Dylan from AWAM. Henry's personality is a complete misunderstanding, an insecure guy suddenly declares he loves her and tells her she will belong to him, what is this nonsense? Where did that come from? It's worth working on.
With Goro everything is very clear, the old man thinks her husband is nothing, sees her sexual frustration and actively pushes those buttons, revealing her dormant sexuality, but what we will see in the end is not clear, I would not want to see scenes of group sex of Christina with friends of Goro, I also do not want to see only animal sexual relations of Goro and Christina, adding a touch of sensuality to their relationship would fit perfectly into the game. Adding a path of lust or love with the characters in the game, would be a nice option.
A female protagonist is a good thing and many people love it, but the trouble with many such games is that they go unnoticed when other games exist, such as AWAM/JOHN, and these two games are having a hard time, so new game authors should take advantage of that. I can see a developer borrowing ideas from popular games, that's good, but you should also take into account the mistakes of other developers when releasing updates.
Anyway, I don't know what kind of story the developer has in mind, if anyone knows, please share, I'll be glad to read. At the moment the game looks quite optimistic.