Ren'Py Abandoned Ben X Slave Quest [v0.05e] [Newman&Akanoes]

2.90 star(s) 26 Votes


Engaged Member
Apr 19, 2019
Anyone figure out the agility, damage, or health console commands yet? The speed one I figured out and put in an earlier post no longer works.


Certified Benis Inspector
Jan 20, 2017
Ben X 0.04c Public build is UP! :)
Newman My man ...for the love of gilgax...Change the laser charging sound on the big brothers it's sounds like somone took a record scratch and then put the pitch to mad and made the waveform super tight so it just fucks with peoples ears.


Dec 8, 2018
Anyone figured out what to do in regards to new content? I used the item in my inventory to unlock the new transformation and bought the fish eye and used it on the camera in the shower. Really not sure what to do now.


May 9, 2018
Anyone figured out what to do in regards to new content? I used the item in my inventory to unlock the new transformation and bought the fish eye and used it on the camera in the shower. Really not sure what to do now.
I wish, I finished 4b without buying the spider cams and now I'm in 4c and can't even figure out how to use them. Interacting with the bed/shower don't seem to be an option.


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
Anyone figured out what to do in regards to new content? I used the item in my inventory to unlock the new transformation and bought the fish eye and used it on the camera in the shower. Really not sure what to do now.
what new transformation. Only thing ive been able to do is put the fish lens on the camera in the shower. Cant seem to do anything else


Feb 9, 2018
for the camera, go into the bathroom and interact with the shower also enter her room (when she is out) and interact with the space under her bed
I tried this and it still wont do anything, it wont even say there is an interaction there. Nevermind I figured it out, is HandJob the only thing open from Shar? Cant get her lust above 15
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Sep 18, 2017
take with a grain of salt as I have 0 python experience, the cheats to make the fighting easier are "Ben.agility = 9999999" (which will put your speed at 20) and "Ben.combat_skill = 9999999" (which puts your damage at 60-100). You have to have a battle for the stats bars to update.


Jun 9, 2017
Do I have to start a new save?
Or is there any trigger?
Cuz I can't find new stuff on my previous save except the "fish-cam" ._.


Resident Head-Patters
May 5, 2017
got buffout in my items, but cant even use it in patrol, and i am too lazy to restart everything


Apr 30, 2017
Im stuck. Not sure if this is due to using old saves or what.
I need to give the sleeping pills to shark to build the lab, but when i buy them they are not in my inventory and I cant find a way to use them.


Jul 7, 2017
Opening the console- "Renpy" games are called renpy games because the use the same basic game engine. During game creation, the developer makes use of many options, includeing whether to turn off the console during regular play.
Because of Bug hunting, there is a text file that you can change, that will activate the console even if the creator intended you not to have access to it. I assume a really anal creator could delete portions of the file, but most don't bother.
Go to the directory where you start the game. There are 4 subfolders ("game", "lib","renpy", "update"). open the "renpy" folder.
again, there are a bunch of subfolders- open the one labeled "common".
look for the two files "00console" and "00console.rpyc". 00console is the text file you want, open it with any text editor (wordpad or notepad works fine, if you actually have a programming editor, [that gives line numbers] that might be easiest).
All the lines with # in front are remarks, the rest are coding for the game. About 70-100 lines down you'll see something like:

# Configuration and style initalization.
init -1500 python:

# If true, the console is enabled despite config.developer being False.
config.console = False

Change the word "False" to "True", and yes, the capital T is important

Save the file, and start your game

You can now open the console with Shift+o (hit o while holding shift). you can exit by hitting the ESC key
Commands change for every game, depending on what the game creator used. For Ben X, useful ones include {you can change the numbers to whatever you feel like]: += 10000
Gwen.lust += 10
Shar.lust += 10
Gwen.corruption += 10
Shar.corruption += 10

{add 10,000 money, add 10 lust to Gwen, add 10 lust to Shar, etc}

depending on how much the game creator cared about/considered people cheating, changing too many values can really mess up your game (from missing important scenes/flags, to actually having the game quit if your values are outside a certain range)
the only code that works now is the money one it seems
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2.90 star(s) 26 Votes