VoidSite I said it before. Give me maybe 20 years and I will make the game where averybody can do what they want. I think you guys complayning about possible oportunities. First may look that this game is Almost 1 man project and not making 50 000/month to hire other 50 people to fulfill your dreams about game where everybody can do what they want. BTW even GTA V have it's limits.
Yes. You are right. But I dont want to have the opportunity to peel a banana, read an ingame book from a bookshelf that contains 200 Books or have the possibility to clean the floor because its dirty. I was not talking about that kind "Freedom of Action". I was talking about the expectation I had, as I realize the Idea that you had.
See... if someone comes to you, hand you a remote, and explain: This is the button to be Invisible, this one is to possess other people, here you can press to see the last special Moments of a person, here you can shrink people, here you can enlarge them and finaly here you can fill them up with lust.
What would come to your mind, with this set of skills?
And even if I have no idea who you are, I am sure that most of the things that come to your mind, would also come to mine.
But in the game...
I am a programmer myself. I know exactly how much work it is. And beside VFX, I have no share to 3D modelling and Rendering etc. But I know that this is even more hard work. Thats why I would never compare an F95 Dev with a real game Dev.
I know that almost no Dev here has the Ressources or the Money to by them. Most are like you, small teams between 1-3 peeps. And thats totaly fine. It also makes some of the games here special.
The lack in your game (from my perspective ofc), is that the fact that I am died and have superpowers seems like an excuse for "You play different MC's". The Boy is not interested in his own death, he dont think about it, he dont investigate it, his crave to speak to his mother is extinguished in a blink of an eye.. And YES, I know this is a porn game, no Erotic adventure, no Adult game with pron in it.. A porn game. But I still think the fact that you are DEAD now, shout matter more then "Yes lets go shopping! I wish I would have the boob-expander-pills with me".
And this is the maybe most funny thing. Cause it's not about how old dev is, but about how old is MC of the game, and he is definitelly not 30.
Well.. could be a point for you. I'll give you that.
At least it would be a total unique experience for everyone here, to play a "real" 15 Year old. Not the body of one like in almost all other games then even the thoughts and the behavior of a 15 year old. I am honest, no sarcasm, no ironics.. it can be an interesting experience. But also It can easily backfire to you. We'll see when it is done.
Game is in development. That means you must include things from near begining even if you will use that later.
We both know, that include dont means: show.
An easy algorithm with state-flagging. I know that there is no Switch-case in phython. But you have dictionary mapping which is even more powerfull.
And for dev mode, you can easy comment it out or define a "dev"-method.
sorry.. I know that you know that, but I felt a bit triggered ^^
Little more realistic look on the things doesn't hurt you.
Sure it doesn't. But I hope you dont see my critic as a personal attack. It is just critic on the product you delivered.
Reviews are not carved in stone. If upcoming iterations of the game change anything on my thoughts, I will reflect this in the review.