VN - Ren'Py - Between Two Worlds [Ch. 8] [Drooskati]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    You're grabbed into the world of your tabletop RPG group in this one and so far it's been a very well written game which is what sets it apart from most. There's actually a pretty epic feeling in this game and as a veteran tabletop RPG geezer, this feels like the campaigns I had in my teenage years.

    The renders are not the best I've seen but they're not bad and I like it that the characters aren't over the top boob and cockmonsters. This is definitely worth paying money for I would say.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy a good fantasy story. And yes, I know it's an adult game, but it's still great to have a good story with it.

    Going into this, I had the expectation that the characters would all be transported into an alternative (fantasy) world and the fun could begin.

    Having reached day 15 (no idea what chapter that is supposed to be), I couldn't help but think this story started waaaaaaay too early. No fantasy world as yet.

    I kept thinking the story that wants to be told (the book and the mystery woman) is buried and is the lowest priority in whatever direction things were going in.

    They are into roleplaying (D&D style), nowt wrong with that. This fake fantasy in the story is the fantasy aspect of this game?! I just thought to myself, why show us a fake fantasy world when we're going into a fantasy world at some point....

    Outside of this, it was all 'slice-of-life' style.

    At this point I just started skipping it all to see what would develop and it went into another stint of their drawn out roleplaying fantasy.

    I called it quits at this point. I was bored and that's fatal for story-telling.

    Adult content? Funny enough, it kicks off around the time I called it quits and I just didn't care at this point. Yeah, there is a little bit of a build up along the way, but eh.

    I guess this take on fantasy genre is not for me. I don't want to inject myself into a story by roleplaying being in a fantasy, I want to get thrown into an actual fantasy.

    If it does eventually get to the point of actually going into a fantasy world, then it's taking far too long. I really wanted to enjoy Between Two Worlds as there's nothing inherently wrong with it - apart from the discrepancy between my expectations and what actually is!

    I'm gonna have to put roleplaying fantasy in a story up there with flashbacks and dream sequences. No, just no.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story is interesting and has good approach. Combining real world and dnd world is original. But no matter how good story, Ugly Lis are tanking game. Yes ugly not fugly but straight ugly. Forget average they look like they crawled from nuclear wasteland.

    While all male models look good/great. Female ones are very bad. Not to mention their character. Each of them are insufferable. MCs so called GF and her friends are horrible...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    4.5 star game, unique story, well written, and is polished (no spelling/grammar/wrong character identifier mistakes). The amount of content relative to how long its been in development is on the high end. Plot is advancing which is nice, I would guess its about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way finished.

    Most of the player choices in the game appear to be more stylistic than for actually impacting the story so far, for instance the party vs the lakehouse choice early seems like an unnecessary detour to moving the story forward.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    My review of Between Two Worlds this game was just above average, but I don't really see the hype that some people in this thread and community are going on about, I played from start to finish to the latest content. The story is very textbook and predictable and... Bland. This game is I guess an okay time filler, but it doesn't get its claws into me and make me hyped for the next update to drop, when I see the next chapter drop ill keep note and add it to the list of something to play when needing some time to kill but nothing to get me excited to sit down for my next narrative adventure.

    The render visuals of the game are okay and the Li's have a cute look to them but, the renders art not blow me away like other titles in the similar genre; but are still slightly above average and don't peeve me to look at, but they just seem flat and uncreative and very 2019-2020 VN quality and not what we see in popular game updates these days. But seeing how long this game has been in development the dev seems committed to the project, so maybe they have some improvement cooking behind the scenes which will blow this statement away in further releases.

    One of the talking points I have seen a lot in the community on multiple platforms is the animations. So I hoped in excited to see what the developer had cooked up, and I was disappointed, they are super slow in timing, un-dynamic linear animations, which almost look like the characters are moving on a locked axis track and not much natural fleshy motion and these animations are still above average VNs and better to have these than none. Maybe i had higher expectations due to the public hype and the way the developer has spoken about their animations in dc servers. I'm sure with the changing tools i have heard about in the scene some big developers expanding their toolset to other programs to enhance their animations to keep in line with other games of the genre and be competitive in the scene.

    All in all Between Two Worlds is an okay game that is just way overblown with compliments, I'm willing to edit my review as updates release and as i play them and see if the developer had some awesome upgrades baking in the oven. This game is worth a try and a good 'fast food game' where you can sit down and read some text and kill some time but nothing that will stick with you or make it to your top games list (IMO).

    (Please try and ignore typos English is not my main language )
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game just doesnt seem like it has a soul. It has potential but its not even close to fulfilling it. I'm just not able to grasp anything with the overall story and get "hooked" on it. The whole attempt seems very lazy, along with the janky looping animations. I just don't see what other 5 star reviews are talking about at all about them.

    Some of the LI's are attractive, but the flat, blandness of their personalities gives me 0 reasons to care about them. Imagine reading a college level thesis that doesnt have a "point", thats what it felt like. If this game was a Book, without the mildly pretty renders, it would be near indecipherable to read. Its like this game doesnt know what it wants to do, and tries to do everything, but nothing actually well.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    So is one interested me, as someone who dabbled in roleplaying games with a group of friends in my younger days. and the early updates showed some promise. Having just finished chapter 8 I thought i might write my impressions.

    I want to point out that the developers of this game seem to be capable of following through on their project, that's high praise around these parts. I also liked the setting a good backdrop for a story. Unfortunaly that's really the only positives for me.

    Everything about this novel is bland, super bland. They have a planned story wih a planned ending. But it's filled with nothing moments that add nothing to the narative... You meet some centaur people on the road, cool right? nope a short uninteresting dialogue and you continue on your way. The story is filled with scenes that just don't mean anything.

    The story starts you off in an established relationship, It's really a fuckbuddy type arrangement, you never feel any real attachment with your 'girlfriend'. and thats the same with all the characters, they are all pretty uninteresting people. The girls are very plain looking (just my opinion of course) The girlfriend I found to be quite distracting, she has an uncomfortable looking bone structure and perpetually pouty lips that I found offputting. In fact the most attractive girls in this game a usually the random encounters that you have almost no interaction with. The whole fuckbuddy sex ring thing just feels like it's tacked on to make the game adult, its adds nothing, the writing fails to make anything feel emotional. after the first couple of sex scenes I just skipped the rest they did nothing for me.

    Early on the game seems to offer up a choice to be the hero or go all dark side, by that stage I had no emotional investment in any of the characters so naturally I went straight for the dark path. Up until now the game seems to carry on as if I have chosen to be the saviour. It feels as if the game is just going to railroad you into being the hero. If there is a dark ending it probably won't make sense given the narative so far.

    Overall a dull game, with mediocre writting that fails to make an emotional connection with it's characters. I'm giving this a 3/5 because there a lot of games worse out there, And I appreciate the developers seem to be able to see their project through, hopefully they grow from this project and can make something better next time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't often give five stars, but on reflection this deserves it. Just discovered the game, and played it all the way through to the end of chapter 8. I also bought it on Steam.

    Overall story concept: 9 out of 10. A clever variant on the "ordinary guy saves magical world" theme.

    Quality of the writing: 8 out of 10. Mercifully mostly free of spelling mistakes and the grammar is sound. Narrative style is a bit wooden, but the characters' different personalities are clearly delineated, and they develop over time.

    Models: 9.5 out of 10. The character models are individual, facial expressions are very well done, and they look at each other properly when interacting. The Bailey character is a bit strange - looks like she was based on a child model, then enlarged to adult size, so her head is too big.

    Animations: 10 out of 10. They are really well done. As someone who tends to click through sex scenes in most VNs because they are a bit boring and mechanical, in this game I even found myself replaying some to admire the skill with which they are executed.

    Renders: 10 out of 10. And the icing on the cake for the graphics is the lighting. Both the placement of light sources and the overall exposure is worthy of someone with photographic or cinematographic experience. Really looking forward to the next instalment.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    The game takes a long time to get to the main premise and doesn't really contribute much to the overall plot. Additionally, the choices are quite limited so far, especially the fact that you're forced into a Love Interest without the option to reject them. The "good or bad" decisions don't have a truly significant impact beyond changing some dialogues, which is quite poor considering they are supposed to hold importance in the story. The characters, for the most part, are flat and uninteresting, including the MC's girlfriend and main Love Interest, who seems more like a friend than a romantic partner.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    + kissing renders looks really good
    + animations
    + music
    + nice idea for the story, something new in this genre
    + harem
    + no jealousy drama
    + no cockblocking

    - no dirty talk in sex scenes
    - Emilly and her annoying jokes, especially during dnd sessions
    - mc is boring, no to mention his pathethic jokes. He also trying to be some sort of "chad" but fail miserably. Sometimes i really can't stand him
    - first threesome, probably the longest scene in the game and it's a bit disappointing, mc looks there like a third wheel. Wasted potential
    - he and his gf looks more like fuck buddies than a real couple

    Good avn with interesting story & sex scenes, 4 stars from me
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! Thank you Drooskati for a really great novel. The writing is great. The renders are great (very normal LIs are a refreshing change). The animations are great. I even love the story. The way the harem is create is very refreshing and somewhat believable (as believable as a harem can be). I would have never stopped playing DnD if I would have had a dungeon master like Drooskati. I am actually going to follow this novel to the end which is very rare for me. It is criminal that this only has 46 reviews as it should be up there with the top novels. (y)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review as of Ch. 7]

    This game is absolutely amazing. Top shelf stuff.

    The writing is good, the story takes itself seriously while still having great humor intertwined in it (there are a couple of instances of "why didn't the MC ask X character about Y event/circumstance in this situation" but they aren't numerous and don't really detract from the story. And so far, the story is pretty great). The characters are awesome and I like all of them - with a special mention to Oscar and Kenny.

    Game starts fairly slow, but once you get used to the initial slice-of-life pacing things move along in a decent rythm. That said, things really shift gears on chapters 6 and 7 and now I'm feeling miserable that I must wait for the continuation of the story.

    One of the few minor gripes I have is that some characters are significantly more attractive than others. But attractiveness is something highly subjective per individual since what is a 10/10 girl for me in the attraction scale might be a 6/10 for some other guy.

    I do appreciate that none of the LIs look "generic" though. You know what I'm talking about, those models that all look uncannily familiar and you seem to find them in a lot of different games? In here most characters look quite unique. Or at least, I don't really recall seeing many characters similar to the ones in B2W in other games.

    Just... for ME, the only one I think is actually not appealing at all is Kaylee. Specifically her face. Seems like her face does not match her body at all, it's as if she had the face of a fat person imo. Makes me think of Ursula from the Little Mermaid. But all that is basically just her appearance. Her character, as with all the characters in this game is fantastic and I truly wish this game explodes in popularity. It certainly deserves it.

    At this point I'm only hoping that the dev can work as fast as he can while keeping the quality to deliver updates regularly, hopefully in a way that doesn't lead to burnout or anything negative. I also hope they get a flood of subscribers/patrons and whatnot.

    I'm really glad I picked this one up and recommend it to anyone that reads this review. I might update my review once more updates come through, especially if something happens in them that makes me want to change my rating. So far though, I'm giving it a 5/5 and I honestly do not expect it to change in the future.

    Awesome game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this story, both worlds of it, even thought it is a bit drawn out, which i personaly dident mind when the story is good enough to carry it and this one is just that.

    I am not the biggest fan of how the LIs look, i cant really call them hot but they will still grow on ya du to nice and diffrent personalities, and its nice to have the option to make a small harem with some of them.
    I am a little annoyed to see that they do have hot LIs in game like the black haired girl that you only get a BJ from in a house, or the elven girl in town, just wish there was some hot main LIs as well.

    Not sure if you truely can pick freely or not but choices does seem to matter, but it is a harem game so dunno if solo route would be a thing since so much in my first playthrough was harem route and alot of the story spinds around that aspect, but i might test that in another playthrough.

    Story 5/5
    Not much to say its good with well made personalties for the LIs.

    Girls 3/5
    A bit low score but its based on hotness and they arent really hot in my eyes, but i still enjoy them due to the story with each of them, some of the side LIs was hot but i am more into rating main LIs not side stuff that you barely see.

    Animations 3/5
    Animations looks good but they are about average compared to other games, but they are still good enough to enjoy.

    Music 4/5
    It is a nice background music that fits the game.

    It is well worth the 4 stars since it is a long story and its good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review as of Chapter 7 )

    Story First

    For the first few chapters, I was left wondering where the Dev was going. There was amazingly well done slice of life and the TT game was fun, but the build up was slow in coming. I would have been fine with this, but the premise of the game promised much more and it took its good sweet time getting to that.

    That being said, when the shift in the story occurred (being vague to avoid spoilers), the payoff was well worth it. By that point everything that followed actually felt like something I was invested in rather than just another cliche plot element. (And lets face it, its a classic trope we all know and love).

    The Girls

    The renderings are almost all top notch. I would say that Emily's is perhaps a little less glorified than the other girls, but even she was nothing to sneeze at. Skyler and Hannah are probably the two best ones so far. The Dev took the time to really develop them well, each with their own personality and quirks. It was very refreshing to have LIs who were engaging rather than just 'Well, she's hot. Gotta get with her'.

    The other thing that demands comment is the relationship dynamics. It actually works. Sure, there are some elements helping to influence things (and it is a erogame) but the dynamics of all parties actually give it a feel of realism. It makes the MC much more likeable when he isn't a bad boyfriend or a bad friend (mostly...he isn't perfect).

    The Guys

    Kenny and Oscar actually work really well as characters. They help to round out the world, adding to the dynamic of the group and its setting, while at the same time avoiding being a camp caricature. They're likeable as individuals, but also not flawless.

    Biggest Gripes

    1) This is a slow burn, but there was no warning on that. So if you're going to give this game a try, and I really recommend you do, you need to understand that. You'll get a lot of sex scenes before the story *really* gets going.

    2) The DM. Treating the players as he did because they came up with a plan he didn't account for wasn't cool. Bad DM. No treats for you! I'm kidding mostly, but it was one of the few things that stood out. On the same hand, this sort of thing happens and it added a greater richness to the character for it.

    3) Abandoned paths. So far there have been a few characters introduced (such as Bailey) which haven't really gone anywhere. Sure, by the end of Chapter 7 Bailey is just starting to get plot, but still. A number of other NPCs who were introduced and it seemed suggested they would be revisited and they haven't. This isn't a deal breaker, but I'm nitpicking because everything else was done so well.

    Rare is it that a developer does such a good job on the game that I actually want to throw money at them, but here we are. I'm seriously looking forward to seeing where this game goes, not just for the smut but for an even more rewarding story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed it - the dev has put so much work into this to create an immersive, detailed storyline - the writing and characterisation are very well done. The blending of the 'real' world with the game-within-a-game is handled deftly. There are similarities to Eternum and I consider that the highest praise!

    My only slightly negative remark is that Skylar and Emily are a bit bland compared to characters in some other games out there, but that's just personal taste.

    Thanks Drooskati, grateful for your hard work
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    PHENOMENAL! Great writing, great characters, great art and scenes! Did I mention the great writing? Only complaint is that there's not more to play. Also I like going for more chaotic character play when given the choice to, but making the evil choices in this game makes me feel bad because characters actually have personalities and respond when you do.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun Dungeon & Dragons themed visual novel with realistic characters.

    Finally! A game where all the love interests don't look like supermodels or have oversized H cup breasts. I'm impressed by the variety of characters in the game that aren't beauty queens.

    The realistic characters and excellent animations really set this game above so many others on this site. The game has excellent writing also. The animations are some of the best you'll find.

    The story is engaging and fun.

    There is a bit of cock blocking during the first third of the game. Two potential H scenes are skipped for some reason. One with Rhaskin (the player is even given options if he wants to pursue this but then nothing happens if you choose yes) and then one handjob in the tent (either from Skylar or Kaylee don't remember which) and the MC wakes them up instead for some unknown reason.

    One odd thing is that Skylar mysteriously develops larger breasts late game. Out of the D&D group, the MC's girlfriend Hannah has the largest breasts (D cup) and then suddenly Skylar has bigger late game. She goes from C cup to DD (bigger than Hannah now). I wish I could post screenshots.

    There's lots of content to play through. Overall, the game is very well done! The game succeeds in nearly every way!

    I highly recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game just makes me happy on so many levels.

    Table-top gaming with friends in the same room: Check.
    Table-top gaming with friends in the same room and they're NOT ALL MEN: Double-check!

    Isekai story: Check.
    Isekai story where the MC can be nice and relatively intelligent and still be somewhat OP: Double-check!

    Enjoyable sex scenes: Check.
    Multiple paths for a variety of enjoyable sex scenes: Double-check!

    Be the best boyfriend: Check.
    Be the best boyfriend AND have a harem: Double-check!

    Seriously though, The gaming scenes are on-point, the story is compelling, the ability to be either a "villain" or a "hero" is fun, and the characters are rich, unique individuals with their own personalities and beautiful both inside and out.

    Only problem is that @Drooskati is putting a lot of effort into making sure the story continues to be strong and consistent within itself, which means now that I've found it, I have to wait impatiently for each new update to the story.

    Thanks and looking forward to more.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, Played up to the current Chapter 6 and It's actually not bad at all for a first attempt.....A damn fine job, actually.

    The animations are some of the best on any VN I've seen on this site. The Dev REALLY put some effort into making the story AND sex come alive. Kudos! The story is very unique and ti be honest, I wasn't expecting where the story was going heading into Chapter 6
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    Writing is great and even liked some of the choices we were making. The cast seems like a pretty likable cast and not the stereotypical sluts or douchebags found in many VN's.

    Now I don't give 5 stars on any game because I feel that ANY game/VN could use improvement BUT I give this game the highest I can based on my Rating chart. I did end up knocking off a half star for a very, very minor nitpick and that's because Even though I give the Dev credit for creating plain human models with !gasp! normal bodies for the women.......I'm not actually attracted to any of them except Bailey and MAYBE Skylar. But that is a matter of personal taste, so DEV please don't take it to heart.

    Overall, I want to see how this ends.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If I have to describe this VN in word it would be "simple" but simple isn't bad, in fact if done correctly simple is awesome, and the dev definitely did that.

    The MC feels like an actual human being without sex on the brain or some creep who is ogling every female he sees . no sleep groping or outright rape.
    I also really like how he shares his struggles with the The book/ Alorie with his friends, really brings their relationship into perspective.

    For the rest of the cast, the characters are done really well, the male friends don't fade into the background, they are neither your typical clown or "Bro" character and i found my self liking them.
    The LI's are very likeable as well, Hannah is well, Hanna ! she is awesome. I typically hate when I start a VN with a the MC already in a relationship, typically she is a harpy or you cheat on her. not here Hannah is really likable and their relationship is really amazing, actual communication and no cheap drama ! sign me up.
    Sky is the innocent type but not to the point of Naivety, and is trying to spread her wings, which is nice.
    Emily and her alter ego stole the show for me, she is headstrong and slightly out of touch with her emotions, without *gasp* hurling insults at you every two seconds, the back and forth between her and the MC is one of the highlights. There is Sky's sister and Bailey but i'm not sure how they will factor in later or even of they should.

    For the plot, it's nothing ground breaking but it's engaging and consistent. the table top part is done really well, and again Emily/Kersei the gold hoarder kinda stole the show for me. the slice of life part never felt boring in comparison and develops the various relationships really well, and the interaction between the main cast is interesting.

    I like how the Harem isn't forced on you, and it's your choice. and I like how basically the MC and Hannah decide on it together before anything happens. no cheating here. If i had to nitpick regarding the harem is there is no emotional connection yet, but it is still early.

    So, to sum it up an MC who feels like a human being and not a dick with a brain, an engaging and likable cast of characters without oversized proportions. and engaging and consistent plot without cheap and contrived drama that keeps you engaged. like i mentioned in the beginning all really simple. but an amazing VN all the same