VN - Ren'Py - Between Two Worlds [Ch. 8] [Drooskati]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, seriously loving everything about this game so far. The story is great, the animations are as well and there is a diverse group of characters. Although they may not be the typical supermodel type they're still very cute/hot depending on the character. I'm sure there will be detractors there always seems to be, but seriously worth the time to check it out. Well done in all areas. Looking forward to more of this story.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This one has promise, but it's definitely not living up to its full potential just yet.

    Most everything about the game is solid- the renders are mostly excellent, the music is pleasant, the writing is clear and believable and the characters are generally distinct.

    I have three issues with the game, though each one is minor and nebulous enough that I can't really be sure how Drooskati would fix them, or even if they should be fixed. The first is about animations; while they're pretty smooth and well made, most of them don't really add anything to the game. These tend to be the ones that loop constantly. Except for one animation where the group's party is strolling down a road, I can't remember a looping animation that didn't seem forced or awkward. Not a major issue, I know, but it happened often enough that it bugged me.

    The second has to do with character speech patterns. I said above the characters are mostly distinct, and they are, sorta; they all have unique personalities, but that isn't immediately apparent because they all speak with what feels like the same voice. The characters' cadence and phrasing are all the same, and it occasionally resulted in me mixing them up. Again, the writing is very competent (apart from occasionally dropping commas where they shouldn't be), but refining each character's individual voice could really make it shine.

    The last problem is pacing. I can't really put my finger on it. Scene changes feel abrupt- especially chapter ends, which land very suddenly. The biggest offender here is the end of Chapter 3; without spoiling, the first two chapters end abruptly but consistently, while 3 ends out of nowhere, with no buildup whatsoever. Gave me narrative whiplash.

    That seems like a lot of text describing the problems I have with this game, and it is, but that's because everything else about it is great. These issues are mostly based around my own expectations, so your mileage may vary. Whether they're addressed or not, I'm very much looking forward to more.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are great
    Animations are amazing
    Characters are one of the most realistic and lifelike in all the VNs I played here
    Story is well paced, mix of fantasy and real life settings, as well as featuring a fairly authentic tabletop RPG experience.

    Play it already, solid A tier VN
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I was a bit dubious when I read the description it sounded like a very ambitions project AND! it is but Drooskati delivers no problem and proved my fears to be just silly.

    It is a great VN. Drooskati even does something rare, he has made a good girlfriend we deny see that very often. She is also by far the best catch of the girls around which is also rare in this media.

    The RPGs are very much realistic haha honestly the DM here is very patient compared to how I was a s DM haha

    The supernatural element is still in the early stages but is looking good and is very interesting.

    5 Star and only going to improve I'm sure
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Terrible bland and boring story very flat characters and nothing cute and the cherry on the dessert the erotic scenes are sad a loop of 5 seconds the truth is lazy the game is very boring and as I said the story and characters are flat nothing memorable the graphics are not either the great thing there are many games with better graphics.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    boring dialogue. Everyone talks like they have nothing to say. the story is VERY good thought and is the saving grace for me. the lighting is not that great. it has a few sexy scenes which is a plus. would recommend.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written, a plot that gives good foreshadowing, excellent renders, an MC who manages to be both a good guy AND a manwhore. The juxtaposition between the two worlds is a great idea, it's been done before, but I haven't seen it this well done since Sylphine and Drooskati appears to be a better Dev in the sense that he produces more regular updates. This Rivals Eternum and exceeds it, IMO, in having me ponder and theorize about what is going to happen next. I played the chapter 3 update, and then did a full replay to remind myself of what a well done game this is!

    My thoughts and speculations:

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    Anyway, a well done and intriguing concept, I look forward to reading more!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    + Animations are smooth as sex on lubed silk.
    + Characters have depth and story.
    + Choices matter and don't just throw up a no effort game over.
    + The dev is really nice and updates it frequently

    - I finished it, multiple times.
    - There's no galley yet.
    - The gnome only get's 1 real seen it's height discrimination.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything until chapter 3 has been such a joy to play, the renders are not exaggerated, the music is not all over the place and have a good and believable pace, can't wait to see how the fantasy slowly takes over and were this trip takes us.

    This is a good rising star, hopefully if it continues it will have someone that we could equate to the same reals of Caridbis.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I wanted to wait with my review for another chapter, to make sure this wasn't a fluke and having played chapter 2 now I can happily say that it wasn't. Not only that, but given the time since the last release and the quality of the graphics, I also think that this is a sizeable update for the development time.

    Basically everything about this game is great.

    You have a fascinating story with a large cast of diverse characters, sure some might not be the most original, but overall it is impressive.
    The renders look great, the girls are beautiful, without looking like dolls or supermodels. They look like girls you could actually know in real life, that is, if all your female friends had perfect bodies for their type.

    There's humour, and it works, there is well done dialogue, the descriptions work and are well crafted. The writing simply is really good.
    It might not be fantastic, but it's such a mark-up compared to so many of the games shared here.

    There is porn, but it's not that much, although Oscar does go out of his way to give the MC enough to show he's a horny little fucker. :cool:
    Speaking of Oscar, I love that he and his boyfriend Kenny are shown as real people, with their own quirks, not at all reduced to being the "gay friend" characters.
    Anyway, back to the ecchi what is there works, but this isn't a porn game, it is a visual novel telling an interesting, MATURE story. So if you just play for the nasty, forget this game, do not try it and then give a bad review, because you were looking for pure porn.

    Okay, now to what does make the game stand out from other games with characters and stories done as well, and there are two factors.

    This game has absolutely gorgeous assets.
    This is way above any other fantasy game I play or played here, from the costumes to the creatures, to the environments, the buildings etc.. It is absolutely amazing, how good everything is set up and how brilliant it looks.
    You can tell how much love and attention was put into this, no matter where the assets originally come from.

    And the other thing are animations. They are fantastic and not just during sex, in fact I don't even remember right now, if there were any in those scenes.
    No, just regular animations, characters walking, camera driving through a tunnel, the animations in the action sequences.
    It's just absolutely amazing and definitely on par, if not better than, any I've seen in any visual novel using renders and CG.

    This is a real gem, if you are in any way interested in story-driven games, in fantasy settings or especially if you yourself play or played pen and paper RPGs, you owe it to yourself not to miss out on this one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Highest rated VN I've seen on this site and fully deserved. The story is intriguing, the women are cute, realistic and each has her own depth, strengths and vulnerabilities.

    In terms of visuals, the animations are often breathtaking and add to the sense of immersion.

    I'm already missing the characters and will likely play through again before the next update.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN has a TON of potential.
    Love the renders
    Love the story
    (so far) It is refreshing to see a story that is not a copy and paste. Sure some aspects have similarities but essentially it has a breath of fresh air.
    Characters have interesting personalities. I have my eye on someone other than MCs GF. (uh oh) :p
    I'm excited to see where this goes and see you in the next update!(y)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice looking and customized girls
    Very decent animations and overall good renders
    You start with a girlfriend right from the start, that's original. She is really nice and easy going, with a good sense of humor.
    It's only the first release and you can already feel a lot of possibilities with the group MC is hanging with.
    Quite a lot of contend even for a 0.1
    The story will probably alternate between the real world and a fantasy one (they are all RPG players), with a magic touch.
    An original game really worth trying
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played chapter 1 and I was enamored with the characters, their distinct personalities, their quirks and attitudes.

    I loved those animations simulating life,
    the story, while slow and steady, is going into an interesting direction.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid 4 for the story, script and the girls, and 5 stars for the perfect English. Story has good pacing, and the characters are believable. Nice to see a game where the MC is not a total douchebag, like in many of these games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3250193

    Fantastic start for a promising dev. Loved this. Every bit of it. Solid, consistent writing. Great-looking characters that don't have the cookie-cutter look so many other AVNs fall prey to. An interesting premise that I look forward to seeing more of.

    I was especially pleased to see actual, real-world RPG books on the table during an RPG session. I know, it's the weird, little shit that makes me happy. Regardless, it was a nice touch and it made me like the game just a little bit more.

    There's a promising future ahead for this game. Can't wait to see where it goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer 2: Effective as of Chapter 3, I have become too close to the developer to be able to honestly review the game. The review score and text below are accurate to my feelings as of Chapter 2 and will not be updated.

    TL;DR: Developer pays me in nudes to stop complaining about his game but then I just complain about the nudes.


    Disclaimer: Although I am not a part of the game's dev team, we are very well acquainted and I was a beta tester for a prerelease build of v0.0.1. I have attempted to prevent this from affecting my review as much as possible, however I strongly suggest reading the reviews of others for a better picture.

    Version Played: v0.0.2

    Time to Complete: 2.5-3 hours

    TL;DR: A very strong show of pure passion from the developer, where he has gone absolutely overboard on fine details absolutely everywhere.

    [5/5] Story: This game has a story that is difficult to describe. It sits Between Two Worlds, with those being the "real world" and some other magical world. I am not yet certain if that world is that of their DND campaign or of another, but the dev will likely ping me about it once he reads this.

    [5/5] Renders: This game has some really good renders. Although CH1 was "above average," CH2 has shown great improvement. A significant amount of effort has been put into modifying store bought assets so as to not be immediately recognizable (though you will likely be recognizing some things), and the overall render quality is often incredibly good. When it comes to characters, although I personally only find one main character attractive, the others certainly aren't bad in any way. Some background and minor characters are also particularly cute as well.

    [+4/5] Music: The music in this game varies from slightly overused to incredibly good, with the overused music not being very bad in the first place.

    [+5/5] Animations / Transitions: Although CH1 had a few animation of varying quality, Droosk gone completely overboard with CH2. There are now various fully animated scenes with even idle scenes sometimes being animated. The animation quality gone from manual work to motion captured and, although not perfectly natural are still very close and incredibly good overall.