VN - Ren'Py - Between Two Worlds [Ch. 8] [Drooskati]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch. 6] [Drooskati]
    Story: 5 (Captivating, actually read all conversations)
    Originality: 4 (Interesting approach and character development)
    Renders: 5 (Nothing else to say)
    Sound: 4 (Fun BGM, and some nice sound effects)
    Playability: 5 (Easy to play)
    Bugs: 5 (Nothing found by me)
    Animations: 4 (Not many, but all 'realistic')
    Voice Acting: 0 (None)
    Grammar: 5 (I haven't gone through all options, but I haven't found any errors)
    Amount of content: 5 (Good amount for the current version, but still in development)

    I will definitely be playing the next chapter once it comes out!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game! This is one of the best written ones ive found so far, awesome story. laughed alot while playing :LOL: Been playing it for over 7 hours now, not once did i feel the urge to skip dialogues.
    Reccomend this game to people that likes a good plot and not just fapping :LOL:

    keep up the good work!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, very enjoyable story thus far (ch.6) with reasonably fleshed out and believable characters. It's a tight-knit friend group with nice diversity, and the romance with Hannah is pretty wholesome. Only reason I'm giving it 4 stars is personally not a fan of any of the other girls' models and Hannah only gets a pass as a redhead, as this is still an adult VN; Alora is probably the only model so far that I truly like. Looking forward to future instalments (and hoping for some Alora action)!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    play chap6 with french trad (which explains my poor written English, sorry)

    story: 4/5 Very good, a real heroic fantasy adventure! The "realistic" love story is very well done. we feel at times some length, but not enough to drop the story

    characters: 4/5 I struggled with Emily at first, who struck me as quite contradictory. The characters are clearly not all developed equally, but still enough for us to discover them all quite well

    sex scene: 3/5 I would have liked a little more, I saw more erotic too, but they are still quite satisfying and of a correct length

    renders: 3/5 The renderings are correct, the world "fantasy" and very well done

    animation: 4/5 They are quite successful although a little rigid at times

    sound: Some slump, but most of the time there is

    gameplay: 5/5 Enough choices with importance to want to play the game again!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    SUPER WHOLESOME. Its all wholesome. All of it. The MC, the LI(s?), the story. Everything. The MC and the main LI have a super wholesome relationship where no one looks to cheat, which isn't to say you can't bang the other LIs. Main girl hooks up threesomes that she's as interested in as you are. The story really starts making sense in chapter 6, so stick it out if the RPG stuff is annoying. I promise it all comes together. I quite like the story, it... wholesome.

    The renders and animations are quite nice too. Nothing earth shaking, but quite nice. The girls actually have the proportions of like, normal girls too. YMMV there depending if that's your thing or not. They are all cute but there is nary a gigantic boob or ass in site. The atmosphere is very... erm, accepting of LGBTQ things. If idea of having two best buddies who are dudes who are into each other bothers you then look elsewhere. We don't see that, but it exists and its... wholesome. The main LI is also into the ladies so if that bothers you, well tough.

    Its different than pretty much any AVN i've seen so thats refreshing. Oh did i mention its all wholesome fun for the family... so so wholesome.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall good game, great storytelling and characters are easy to recognize, what's really impressive about the game is the quality of the animations, they're really fluid so it's quite enjoyable to go through them. Keep up the good work
    Maybe one thing that annoyed me that I'll put in spoilers
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  7. 5.00 star(s)


    After pirating and playing this AVN, I immediately bought the Steam version to support the developer because it is so damn amazing.
    I really love how the dev manages to balance both the slice-of-life content and the Table RPG presentation. Each Chapter is really long but it never feels boring and dull. I've seen many AVNs that have tried to implement the Table RPG elements within but this is by far the most successful one to do so.
    I also appreciate how the character relationship plays out. I always believe that it's always a bad move for AVNs to start with you having a formal relationship with others unless they include and focus on the harem route, and even though the dev states that the canon ending will be harem (as a harem lover I cannot refuse), the relationship between you and Hannah (your gf) is something that I haven't seen in other harem-focused AVNs. Hannah is one of the most amazing female LIs that make you don't wanna lose her no matter what, and the fact she's the one that proposes and "controls" MC's harem (though under the influence of the lady) feels really smooth. The representation of homo relationship feels really natural. I'm a supporter of LGBTQ community so I have no issue with homo relationship in AVNs, and I think this relationship in this AVN is something that even LGBTQ hater can "withstand" (and accept).
    The renders are really good especially with Hannah. The animation is also one of the top in the field of AVNs. From normal animations to lewd ones, you can tell that the dev make a lot of effort to ensure the good quality of the game.
    The "lack" of walkthroughs and point system might be a little bit confusing at first, but in doing so the dev makes sure that we as players can play what ever the way we want without much bad consequence, which is something that I really appreciate.
    Overall, Between Two Worlds is one of the best AVNs that I've ever played with intriguing story, amazing characters, and interesting implementations. There seems to be at least 12 chapters planned according to Steam description, so I guess I need to keep following the upcoming updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game. just played the version on steam. loving the story and when its not only all about fucking and banning. i mostly enjoy a good story and some okay dirty stuff here and there. but great visuel story and grammer is perfect and how the story is told out. <3 happy fan waiting for new chapter.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Ch 5:

    Interesting concept. Very nice visuals. Good story. Some pacing... quirks (maybe it's just me, but the DnD sessions drag a bit. That said, I haven't had a 4+ hour session of any TTRPG in a decade).
    Very interesting characters. Well written gay-best friends duo. Lots of choices that do seem to affect things. No errors or bugs that I've noticed.
    On the negative side - I do have concerns about running off story because of the choices. I've written gamebooks and know how many permutations even half a dozen choices can create. Hope the dev can keep up. The DnD parts are for the moment... a bit sub-par, compared to the otherwise much more interesting real-world shit going on, but it seems this is intended to change.

    Good game, I recommend it wholeheartedly.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Got my attention thanks to lovely faces of the female protagonists.
    While I'm usually seeking adult games for the themes that are hard to find in real life or "real life" porn, this game is making me reminiscencing about the nerdy times, and delivering the sweetest, imho very realistic depiction of the first threesome. Also I don't find split between slice of life and roleplaying reality disturbing at all, it shows dev's experience in that field for sure. Plus public sex or at least indecency is always a major turn on, no dispute about that. :) Also I don't really care about so frequently mentioned animations, but they seem to be way better and frequent than usual here.
    Let's state some very subjective objection, that kinda follows me most of times - while I really adore faces of the heroines, they kinda seem to have the same very womanly body type. Still within realistic body proportions though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love this game. It doesnt look too nice when you first look at it imo but is pretty convincing while playing it.

    First things first the Story: I really love the feel good relationship experience you get while playing the game. A loving functioning relationship with the typical activities you would except, like dating just spending time together havinf fun with friends and of course fucking. At the same time there is the DnD aspect which keeps the story interesting and diversified until the main plot is revealed. So imo the pace of the story is really good and you get eased into the whole mystery of the main plot. Im really interested to see where this is going because it feels like now (Chapter 5) its really going to get started. The writing is also absoluetly well done and really enjoyable to read.

    As for the renders they are done really well and count to the best ive seen so far. Alongside with the transitions the game looks really good and the sex scenes are super well made. As far as looks go they are not really for me none of the girls you can get involved with so far really does it for me and i think they could look much better, mainly their faces. Thats mostly personal taste tho but the women in this game arent the hottest imo. The kind of realtionship you have with the main girl can make you look past the fact tho and as its mostly the faces that arent too hot the sex scenes are still good. I think a big part is the hair that look often stringy and kinda weird.

    As far as choices go there are some times where there are very few choices to make and so far they dont seem to have too much impact (besides denying or accepting having fun with other girls) but its still enough to let you feel like your involved in the story but i would say its the bare minimum. Would be great to have more choices with some that really have impact and some that are just flavor choices.

    I also enjoy the sound and music of this game and can say overall this is a really fun game to play and has one of the best gaming experiences ive encountered so far. Even tho the girls in other games are much hotter looking i have to say this is a must play and i look forward to seeing where this goes :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know how I didn't find this game sooner, but on the plus side, discovering it at chapter 5 gave me a lot of content to play through.

    Strap in, this is gonna be a long one. TL;DR- great writing+great characters=great end product. The rest is in spoilers so that you don't have to scroll past a frigging essay to see the next review, if my thoughts aren't of great interest.

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  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played: Ch. 5

    Main Point : This game isn't really a 5*. i give it 5* however because of a promise of excellence. Currently it's more like 3.5/5.

    Writing is good, and so are the renders. Animations are among the best I've seen in RenPy adult games. Not too many sex scenes though.

    What is lacking however, is plot cohesion/development. For a year or of development all we get are some glimpses into a plot and what it could be - nothing noteworthy actually happened yet. And the latest update didn't even bother with exploring the story at all, all it did was lewd it up (nothing wrong with that in general, but I get the feeling this is more of a narrative-driven than lewd-driven game).

    I would like a bit more player agency/choices, but I understand too many branching paths are quite a pain to deal with and keep track of.

    Overall, you should play it - but it hasn't really gotten to the meat of it, so far it's just nibbling, and some games get there in their prologue, and here we've had 1 year and 5 chapters.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Between Two Worlds [Ch. 5] review

    VN is confusing. Attempted lewds did nothing to my crotch region.

    This VN shows off the Dev's ability to make cool scenarios, hot renders and spicy animations. Sadly though, those 3 things never happen at the same time and the writing drags this one down by alot.

    The author fails at making me care about the main characters and even sabotages his own quite formiddable animations by creating sex scenes which feel routine and mechanical. The girlfriend is givning me strong sexbot vibes. The sex scene in the game-within-the-game is also very difficult to be invested in, since it's just the imaginings of a fictional character.

    Moving on, the writing in general in the "waking world" seems to me like mostly pure fluff without purpose. It was very hard to keep reading it. The devil-in-the-book stuff I liked, but the rest: pass.

    The part of the game which got me the most invested was the fantasy world from the tabletop RPG you're playing. Most of what happens in that world is actually fairly interesting and managed to keep my interest.

    But then all of that feels ruined when I hop back to the the "normal" world again. It's hard to care about life-and-death situations in a game within a game. What happens if MC dies? They just make another character, no big deal? Yea, not exactly high-stakes.

    This is actually 2 separate stories happening in parallell. The real world stuff is mostly uninteresting, but has hot sex animations. The RPG game world has cool world building, nice action scenes and a functioning story, but is light on the sex. (I didn't care about the tent scene at all, it felt very artificial and lacked believable build-up.)

    I can't really score this lower than a 3 because the visual work is definitely very good. But the rest... Needs work. Or a complete rethink.

    My advice to the Dev would be try to make one story instead of this kind of mangled hybrid, and try to focus on the lead-up to the sex scenes. Make it feel forbidden and exciting, with characters we care about!
    And stop putting so much unnecessary fluff in there. If it's not telling the story you're trying to tell, then it needs to go.

    Honestly just make 2 separate games from this instead. I would have liked the fantasy game a lot more if I felt it was the real setting for a story.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    I've waited a bit before reviewing this game, just as safety after all the abandoning we've seen, and boy do I not regret waiting to make the review.

    This game simply gets better and better which each update.
    The renders are well above average, and the animations, as short as they are, are absolutely excellent. There hasn't been any clipping or body part moving when they should not as far as I can tell, and the quality is really high.

    The story, while not ultra super original (supernatural entity choose you as their champion in some fashion, and gives you some sort of power/help to get laid, a lot), but it is well written, and despite how cliche it is, is not the typical "thing" either.

    Despite it being a porn game, and not being shy about it (there are a very decent amount of sex in it already), it's not, unlike most other supernatural harem games, vulgar about it.
    The couple does seem enamored, and playful, not just vulgar about it, that alone deserves extra stars and special medals or something!

    The choices are mostly clear enough (although sometimes, a joke will give you "evil" point), but most of the time, they're quite clear cut, which is also a nice change in an AVN these days.

    And best of all? The game is now on Steam!
    TLDR: Get it, this is a gem.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4603800

    This VN combines many of my favorite things. Roleplaying games. Redheads. A girlfriend who actually loves you. The ability to be faithful to said girlfriend, and still get the payoff we are all here for.

    This is how much Drooskati has me reeled in. I hate Hannah's hairstyle. But I don't care. Because I love her. She's so well-made a character that I recognize she's her own person, and if that's how she's gonna do her hair, then more power to her.

    This does not happen often in visual novels, and if you follow the VNs that I'll bother to rate, you may notice a trend. They have to have well written, believable characters.

    It's not just Hannah, though. Everyone here is very well detailed, and different. This writer is a fellow (or lady) who observes, and pays attention to what they see. And then they make superior art with those observations.

    As a plus, this VN is already many more hours long than is the average. And none of it is wasted time. It's all good.

    I think this is my personal favorite of all the VNs I've tried here. I can't wait to continue. I am on the waitlist on Steam, and I will buy when it's available. Proudly.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: The game is interesting sometimes, but not all the time.

    • Many (high quality) animations or movie clips (as backgrounds too).
    • Good quality renders.
    • Interesting general idea.
    • The soundtrack.
    • Almost all female models aren't really attractive. In the first 3 chapters, this game is mostly spending time with not quite attractive people, which is just not that engaging.
    • The story pace seems to be slow. (The writing can be a bit wordy, and the action can be far from intriguing).
    • I would do Emily or the barista/barmaid/etc., but it seems it's not gonna happen in this lifetime.
    Despite some good elements, I'm not thrilled.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review is for version 4.2. Disclosure: ThorsHamster is a beta tester for Between Two Worlds.)

    What happens when the real world and the fantasy world of a tabletop role-playing game begin to bleed into one another? Between Two Worlds is a fun and sometimes sexy romp through the fantasy world envisioned by a group of friends, and promises quite the adventure as the fantasy world begins to intrude on the real world.

    STORY AND CHARACTERS ★★★★☆ (4/5)

    The story of Between Two Worlds revolves around the main character, his girlfriend, and five other friends, along with a small ensemble of supporting characters. Each of the primary characters is well developed and interesting, and the side characters have been decently fleshed out as well. While the most interesting aspects of Between Two Worlds is the time the friends spend in their fantasy tabletop role-playing game, there is plenty of treatment given to their interactions in real life as well. Each character has their own alter ego within the tabletop game, but their personalities shine through even when they are role-playing. Consequently, between real-life interactions and in-game interactions, each of the characters is very well developed, and the reader is afforded to opportunity to invest in each of them.

    The story is still in its relative infancy; as of Chapter 4, the focus has still largely been on baseline character development while laying the foundation for the core elements of the game's plot. While the progression along the main story arc is deliberate, it never feels like it is dragging. There is always something intriguing going on, and the character interactions are a treat, so even basic conversation is made interesting.

    Likewise, the progression of sexual relationships proceeds at a deliberate pace. As of Chapter 4, the main character's primary interactions have been with his girlfriend, with quite a few scenes devoted to their sex life. The game promises the opportunity for encounters with other girls, but so far those have been limited to very oblique interactions in the real world and a couple of scenarios in the fantasy world. Note that, because the tabletop game is portrayed through the eyes of the players' alter egos, the sexual encounters are no less titillating than real-world encounters; and it's easy to forget that the whole thing is being narrated with the help of a game master.

    Players who are just here for the lewd scenes may be put off by the amount of time the game is taking to expand the main character's scope of sexual activity, but the game strikes a good balance of story and sex while carefully teeing up for more exciting content in both departments.


    Between Two Worlds features beautifully rendered real-world scenes and absolutely stunning fantasy scenes. A lot of attention to detail has been put into the settings and the character's behavior and expressions. The result is a real world that feels grounded and believable, coupled with a fantasy world that is an absolute treat to behold.

    Animations are ambitious right out of the gate, and since Chapter 1, the quality has been improving by leaps and bounds. The volume of animations (as a percent of total content) is probably about average when compared to other adult visual novels that include animations at all. All of the sexual encounters contain some animation elements; only one scene fails to apply its animation where it would have been most appreciated. Sex animations are crisp and precise, with good motion and generally no discernible clipping — always appreciated when viewing activities that involve a lot of bodily contact. There are quite a few animations that help drive other parts of the story as well.

    All in all, the game delivers some impressive eye candy.

    SOUND AND MUSIC ★★★★☆ (4/5)

    Between Two Worlds features a modest soundtrack. The music selection is good quality and generally fits the scene well. Sound effects are minimal, but what is there is well designed. Both music and sound are reasonably balanced. There is one ambient backdrop sound that I find rather noisy and distracting, but it is the exception in an otherwise enjoyable soundscape.

    Note that the game is largely devoid of generic lewd sounds or other sound effects associated with sexual encounters. Use your imagination. One scene does introduce lewd sounds, but it remains to be seen whether this will become a regular occurrence.

    USER EXPERIENCE ★★★★☆ (4/5)

    Between Two Worlds is a fairly standard Ren'py experience, with no surprises and little customization beyond visual styling. Consequently, players of other Ren'py-powered visual novels will have no difficulties navigating the game. This is a "choices matter" game, though for many of the choices presented thus far, the impact will not be realized until future chapters. While none of the choices drastically change the overall story arc (that we are aware), a couple of choices already lead to temporary, substantially divergent branches, with entirely different scenes for the player to experience. This makes replays particularly enjoyable.

    OVERALL ★★★★☆ (4/5)

    Between Two Worlds is a lovingly crafted story with fun characters, rich visuals, and an imaginative story that shows a lot of promise. The sexual content of this adult visual novel is thus far quite enjoyable, although diversity of partners is only slowly forthcoming. Fans of tabletop role-play gaming will particularly appreciate the fantasy adventures that arise during the friends' regular game nights. This is definitely a story to try out!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice combination of cute girls and DnD. That is so rare combination
    And actual game has captivating story (for TTRPG nerds) and beautiful ladies. Renders are excelent and still improving :D

    Combination of realworld and fantasy world where our protagonists play their DnD adventure is pretty balanced.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing renders that go with the breathtaking locations
    addictive storytelling
    high quality writing throughout
    lovable characters with different personalities
    this differently deserves more popularity
    underrated but highly recommended