Not really already translated: MTL doesn't count, also, this is Uncensored so let's enjoy it while we can!
Samurai Vandalism is coming along actually: I saw some English dialogue screens. It's up to them when to post it and to post it as bugless as possible! Give them time... we waited a few years, what's a few more?!
Oh I wouldn't be so lenient and friendly towards Kagura Games like you are. This has been their modus operandi since they first started.
Yes they make good translations and have without a doubt done a lot of good, but they also are greedy bastards at the same time.
They make dozens upon dozens of ''upcoming'' announcements with no discernible release date for YEARS. Dozens of titles sitting in their to-do-list. So why do they announce upcoming releases YEARS before they actually translate them, or hell, years before they even bother to post an estimated release date ?
Simple, so that noone else will and people pay and rely on them.
Hell I bet they still have titles in their upcoming page since they first began publishing lmao. It's ridiculous I tell you.
I used to buy every title they released, now I'm glad to pirate them.
I remember following a particular title here which was about to be translated by a dedicated fan, know why that fan translation didn't go through ? The fan-translator said : ''Oh Kagura announced it, so what's the point ?''. That game the guy was going to translate ? Still gathering dust in Kagura's upcoming list just cuz they had to put their greedy paws on it. Smug bastards basically have a monopoly on official translations and think they can just make twenty or so announcements just to discourage anyone else, and the fans forgive them cuz we ain't got noone else ffs.