3.00 star(s) 94 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
The problem is having these two ways of playing, with or without Eric, this makes the Dev always have to do two parts... If the focus was only on one part, it would certainly be less time for the game to upgrade ; in addition to having a longer gameplay time!!!
The problem is not just the different routes. It's that the game is too big. The developer has to move several opportunities, some of which are influenced by Eric and some that are not.
2 and a half years and while there is progress in the various routes and opportunities, in most cases we're still at touching and early seduction. Even with Kira, the action seems a bit limited, but thankfully, if you DO want to see some action, there's where you can get it. A wise choice IMO.
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Oct 18, 2019
Is it a coincidence that so many devs become sick around release time? Orrrr is god smiting them for making such sinful content? Maybe just maybe they're full of shit in most cases?

( I'm only bringing this up because I think I've seen reported dev illness in multiple threads in a short space of time and it's always near the release ETA. )


Feb 17, 2020
Next month coming soon, well I won't pay any money unless the update does come. He can tell us he needs three months vacation if he's really sick I will be understand, but don't let us be disappointed by unrealistic update again and again.
Yes, I really hate such deception. On 19th, He said I still had 2-4 days, and then He said I was sick after 2-4 days. Why didn't you say so in advance. I thought Russian authors would be different from European authors, and then they would all be the same.
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Apr 4, 2021
I believe in Bootsy, along with the delay announcement, there is also a preview picture (presumably to be included in the next version). Can someone share that image here? Many thanks in advance
3.00 star(s) 94 Votes