3.00 star(s) 94 Votes


Apr 20, 2021
“Are YOU the victim of [insert crime here]? Then why the fuck are you upset about it?”

See how absurd that sounds?

Pirate forum or not, this site is reaches shitloads of people (including myself) who end up subscribing to some of these devs. If I’d found this site before I found SimBro and several other devs, I’d have saved a substantial sum of money.
Pirate forum or not, if you are not a supporting a project you are not owed anything. Most people here are entitled parasites, leeching off of other people's work. Worse, instead of patiently waiting and being thankful for content they will consume free of charge, they bitch, moan, cry and spew hate towards the developers like they are actually owed something. It's surreal.

I have supported and will continue to support several projects from devs whose games are published here but sure as fuck will never leak anything myself because of the bottom of the barrel, cancerous parasites I described above. These entitled shitstains ruin the entire community.


Mar 23, 2019
I always find it weird people focus on this place being a "pirate forum" given the fact a good number of games on this site are posted with the support of the devs and have devs who frequent this site. And that every dev with a patreon has a link to the patreon on the front page. Anyway I don't really think the comment that started this argument was way big a deal. I've seen bitching that was way worse than this on forums were the devs are a lot more active. Wondering if the guy is honest about his health of if it's just an excuse for missing the deadline seems like a geninue concern. Supporting the dev or not I actually find the complaint about the comment kind of absurd given how light the original comment is.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
“Are YOU the victim of [insert crime here]? Then why the fuck are you upset about it?”

See how absurd that sounds?

Pirate forum or not, this site is reaches shitloads of people (including myself) who end up subscribing to some of these devs. If I’d found this site before I found SimBro and several other devs, I’d have saved a substantial sum of money.
You actually compare a delayed release to a crime. Yes, I see how absurd that sounds.
If releasing to late was a crime, it would not have to be your concern. There are people who's concern it is. They are called cops, lawyers and judges. Given the fact that they don't bother with late releases, we can only assume that releasing too late is not a crime.

As I said before, if you subscribe to a dev, you have more direct ways to reach him. Use them.

If these really ARE legitimate concers, the best thing would be to talk to the person and not to go to a forum and make fun of him and his health state.
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Summer Love

Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
Man, I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this forum post. I should just keep it somewhere on my desktop so I can just copy+paste it wherever I need it.

" At this point in time, two countries are embroiled in a war being fought by the common soldier who would probably rather do something other than fight and possibly die for a bunch of rich assholes; millions of people face financial ruin and possible homelessness because of severe sanctions placed on their county of residence and are forced to work dirty jobs outside of their specialization to support themselves... but clearly the people truly inconvenienced by all of this are y'all whining about not being able to wank to games. How dare these devs prioritize themselves and their families instead of pumping games out for no money so you all can masturbate, right?" -Summer Love, 2022


Aug 29, 2017
You actually compare a delayed release to a crime. Yes, I see how absurd that sounds.
If releasing to late was a crime, it would not have to be your concern. There are people who's concern it is. They are called cops, lawyers and judges. Given the fact that they don't bother with late releases, we can only assume that releasing too late is not a crime.

As I said before, if you subscribe to a dev, you have more direct ways to reach him. Use them.

If these really ARE legitimate concers, the best thing would be to talk to the person and not to go to a forum and make fun of him and his health state.
I’m not comparing anything. You jumped on someone for commenting about dishonest devs, claiming that if they’re not paying they have no say. I don’t have to stay at a Trump hotel/resort to know that the man is a fucking crook, and I have every right to share evidence and my opinions of him in public forums. Not actively paying a dev does not disqualify a person from having an opinion of them and offering speculations.

Furthermore, the guy was fucking spot on. It really IS quite bizarre that so many devs mysteriously take ill shortly before the deadlines that they set. No one’s calling Aleksey out specifically, just noting the coincidence of it.
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Aug 29, 2017
And it’s especially interesting that being “under the weather” is such a common claim from devs. They’re fucking computer people, not crab boat crewmen. I’ve been wicked sick for the past week, I could barely breath because my throat was so swollen. You know what I did? I sat in front of the fucking computer and TV all week.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2018
[...] and I have every right to share evidence and my opinions of him in public forums. [...]
And of course you have the right, as I have the right to write down my opinion about these alternative facts and it's also my right to question the motivations of those who spread them.

I have nothing against evidence, just against accusations without such. All we had here were some false conclusions most likely based on insufficient or filtered/selected information without seeing the full picture. Inductive reasoning is a dangerous technique that often leads to false results especially if the data was preselected by someone who doesn't know what he is doing. But then again, most people make exaclty that mistake on a daily basis. So I don't blame anyone for that, just for insisting on these conclusions being 'facts' and spreading them.

If by "jumping on someone" you mean that I suggested he would do something that makes him happy rather than something that makes him anrgy or sad and then suggest to contact the dev and talk to him about his concerns, I am guilty as charged.

ps: The good thing about supporters not being happy with what they get for their money is: It's very easy for them to do something about it.
Those who don't pay have no right to the game and the updates in the first place and should consider themselves lucky to get them at all. If they then feel the need to complain, they must be aware that other people might not share their point of view.

edit: changed paragraph order
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Jun 9, 2017
The comments and discussions are better than 90% of games here.
People attack and defend The Devs like a football game.
I love it!!

I know, right? Imagine someone making a game based on one of the popular threads.. Main characters being the posters and dev being the girl/boy they're trying to get/get rid off :D It'd be difficult to translate it into a game, but I'd find it hilarious and innovative :)
3.00 star(s) 94 Votes