3.00 star(s) 94 Votes

.Black Panther.

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Well, yes, but i couldn't make it work.. tried multiple times, and couldn't figure it out(how hard can it be?)
Then again, using a cheat to skip the grind of an official update shouldn't be a feature... it's a chore..if you remove the void between each Sunday/Quest step, you end up with a short(and sweet) update.. and that's how it should have been presented..imo
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the story of the game or the gap between the events.
But about the cheat mode. It is easy to use. You select the number of days you want to skip in the game and then click on the "avoid" button. The game continues for the number of days you have chosen. And it stops at 6 am that morning. Unless something important is happening on the days you want to pass and you miss it. In this case, cheat mode prevents you form this.


Aug 17, 2017
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the story of the game or the gap between the events.
But about the cheat mode. It is easy to use. You select the number of days you want to skip in the game and then click on the "avoid" button. The game continues for the number of days you have chosen. And it stops at 6 am that morning. Unless something important is happening on the days you want to pass and you miss it. In this case, cheat mode prevents you form this.
The "avoid" button is the "skip days" one..well..i should have figured it was a clickable button instead of a title.. silly me..at least other people will know it now..thanks
Still doesn't change my second point.. though.. you shouldn't need a cheat to play the new-content.. it's pointless grind to stretch a short update.. and it devalues the quality of the renders..
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Mar 23, 2019
is the ntr avoidable?
Kind of. The stuff with the mom isn't but I personally don't consider your mom sleeping with her boyfriend to be ntr. Especially since she has zero interest in you aside from you being her son, for that part of the game. Everyone one else you can avoid and even kick the guy out of the game once you get far enough


Active Member
May 9, 2017
Pay no attention. There are a couple of regular dudes here who protect alexey when update is late, a very late, when the update is too small, etc. There is nothing to talk about with them. I don't understand why they do it. One dude says that the update is designed for three different route is complete nonsense. and the difference between the archive of pictures in 20 mb in relation to the last update proves this. 4 fckng months for 20mb content. Bravo! :Kappa:
Pay no attention here.
Some people whine and complain about a free game.
It's almost as if their life depended on this game.

If you don't like it, don't play it so you don't have to whine and take up space in this thread.


Jun 27, 2017
A decent update that sets up future events with Ann, problem is how long it took for this update to be made 4 months for just a handle of scenes? Hopefully he can maybe use the money hes getting to hire a team to help if hes struggling to handle this himself.


Dying is always an option
Jul 5, 2017
So all I read is people didn't like the update and that it was way to short. But could anybody mention what was added since the previous one (and what path?) Last I know of was some minor progress of Max moving onto Ann after getting rid of Eric.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
Is that all? The difference between the folders of pictures is only 14MB, taking into account that the pictures in the webp are about 300-400KB in the update is only 50-60 pictures without a background and it's for 4 months? Are you serious? Even my 3080ti will do it in less than 8 hours with a break. Moreover, the update each time less and less. At the same PornGodNoob in his Big Brother:Remake Story for 2 months the update came out 20 times more with animation, and he even has GTX 1070 and works alone!
Is there really a team working here?
Maybe you should make a game and get the sweet Patreon dollars then? Also, the renders compared to this game are night and day.
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3.00 star(s) 94 Votes