3.00 star(s) 94 Votes


The Happy Beaver
Respected User
Former Staff
Sep 9, 2016
The new update shows version, Next to the Mac download it says version .07.p2.00, If I download the Mac version will it give me version .07 or will it give me the latest version?
Mac version is outdated.


New Member
Sep 22, 2018
After through review this altered and diminished is not worth the time. The cheats have been reduced to bear limits. game editors are of no use because of this. Just feel very cheated this is no good what so ever and I highly advise all to not support this endeavor any more. So but nice try this is just no longer worth it. game on ignore.
It's, as one reviewer put it, a very pretty game with everything thrown at you to not go your way, that it just literally punishes you every step of the way. This is an absolute chore with very little reward for the amount of trudging you're forced to do.
I just don't get how this can be fun.
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Active Member
Aug 14, 2017
So, once again I ask for the spoiler (I guess), how far does Eric get with the ladies in this build on the friendship path? Is the question "too NTR, I hate Eric!" to be answered?

.Black Panther.

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
I haven't played in a while, can someone tell me if Max has already had sex with Alice or just the touching when she's drunk in the bathroom on Friday night?
Any chance someone could upload a Mac version?
That would be wonderful. :)
You can use this torrent file to download different versions on different platforms. To use it, you must have one of the torrent downloader programs.



Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2019
Naturally there is no other path for me, i hate ntr and only try this game now because you meanwhile can get rid of that ugly asshole and the original game was never completed (but it had that nice cheat mod to get rid of eric before even meeting him)...i just want to finally get the girls quests complete. The WT shows every quest and how to solve it on the hostility path, but not the fastest quest-order to get rid of him.
Check my signature, think it's around save 15 - 16. You can skim through the hints to guage how much was done before he's booted. If I remember correctly, I withheld the sex-ed book from Lisa until I got all the quests that needed Eric done first though. Screenshot_20220713-065759_   .jpg

.Black Panther.

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
So, once again I ask for the spoiler (I guess), how far does Eric get with the ladies in this build on the friendship path? Is the question "too NTR, I hate Eric!" to be answered?
It depends on you what level and what level of this type of relationship can be less annoying for you and what is your maximum tolerance. It is clear that you should be on the path of hostility in the game according to what you said. Nothing can be done about Ann and Eric should be thrown out of the house. But for the rest of the girls, Max can make things happen in a way that stops Eric.


New Member
Sep 9, 2018
can u make a patch to
be able to change the name while in game because the only patch that works requires to start a entire new game :(((
3.00 star(s) 94 Votes