If i find Eric in this game that will be end of me playing the game
indeed, Eric was the worst part of the real game, if he is forced in game and not removable, then i will not even try this game
Go look up the "oedipus complex". It's a very common fantasy, and has been for thousands of years. I mean, the idea of incest being "taboo" has only become common in recent times really, in the past it was mostly considered a fairly normal thing. It's also not that weird, or dangerous. As long as you aren't getting anyone pregnant then it's just consensual sex between adults. The fact that it's considered so taboo, and illegal, is only because of religion.
personally i dislike oedipus complex, im more of a electra complex kind of guy.
maybe cus I saw my mom bush so many times growing up that i almost have ptsd when remembering
but NO it is not illegal because of moral values or religion, well maybe in USA, it is such a new country.
look at some countries in the arab world where 1st cousin marriage is legal and even seen as a positive thing, the inbreeding over generations causes some crazy genetic damages, much lower intelligence, aggression and very high child/infant deaths(read the study on pakistan inbreeding).
ppl are scared to talk about it as they think they might be branded a racist for saying inbreeding can cause problem...., but it is not illegal in civilised countries because of morality or religion, but because of the damage it does.(does royalty still marry into family like in the old old days?)
If someone wanna bang their family member and both are over the age of consent and consensual, use protection and im fine with it.
ofc games is more of a fantasy and condoms are a turn off in porn and games