MoneyNutz i get it that you want to tell yet another BB story, story that not many gives a damn about. There are simply better stories, characters, games in general but i strongly suggest you to drop it an try something new. I get it that you want to play on nostalgia but as you can see very few cares about. If you're going to continue with this don't expect support from here. Reviews and comments are all that's neaded to convince any potentional supporter to simply walk away. I'm telling you this as a friend. If you still want to continue this path, if this is what you want then at least make some changes, like BIG changes. Here are some of my suggestions (whether you take them or not i don't realy care) :
1. Make MC actually big in every way, like grown up person. Seing him small pathetic horny loser he is made me almost wanting to punch monitor. Also enlarge his dick for fuck sake.
2. If you trully want different BB game and expiriance then make it different. Like i get it that this is harem, non stop sex game where love doesn't matter where MC can bang everyone everywhere but you could perhaps go other route. Like MC going for single girl, building up relationship, with harem option, hiding that mom won't get MC banging aunt is actually part of fun. And give players an option whether to have protected sex or not.
3. Make the story revolves around these 5 characters (Mom, Aunt and 2 sisters + MC). Don't bring other characters. And change them a little bit.
If you decide to follow these steps there would be neaded to reset relationships with family members since you're building something new. Let players choose with which characters MC wants relationships, make choices important, like they matter and don't force players into unwanted relationships. If you implement these changes you just might recieve some support from this site and people might change their reviews and stances about your game.