Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Nov 28, 2021
I will publish 44 new images very soon
I wanted to ask you your opinion as a person who does fan art of Big Brother - have you played the game Saga of Bad Bobby? If you did, then there is a character called Sister Lisa, she is a copy of Alice, but for example, I saw differences in them even with my non-creative view. Lisa, so to speak, has more rounded forms, feminine or something, and Alice is more rough or something in appearance, but also beautiful. I like them both) I would like to hear the opinion of a specialist whether I see them correctly or it only seems that way to me) I want to make a model of Lisa, but I want to hear an opinion)
Alisa Снимок экрана (31168).png Снимок экрана (31290).png Liza Снимок экрана (1673).png
Снимок экрана (2006).png

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
Yes, the Bad Bobby Lisa model was clearly based on Alice of the Big Brother. Even the name is a version of Alice. It was clear since day one of Bad Bobby and was no secret, either.
The main character is also based on the Big Brother Max, just even more of a discusting little shota turd.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
I wanted to ask you your opinion as a person who does fan art of Big Brother - have you played the game Saga of Bad Bobby? If you did, then there is a character called Sister Lisa, she is a copy of Alice, but for example, I saw differences in them even with my non-creative view. Lisa, so to speak, has more rounded forms, feminine or something, and Alice is more rough or something in appearance, but also beautiful. I like them both) I would like to hear the opinion of a specialist whether I see them correctly or it only seems that way to me) I want to make a model of Lisa, but I want to hear an opinion)
no I have not played the game Bad Bobby Saga
however one thing is for sure, each character user belongs to a game. makes changes with the original either voluntarily or like me by modifying a G3 character to G8. The conversion of the character does not make perfect copies.
If you compare my G8 characters with the originals in G3 ...


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Image 1072.jpg

Le lendemain matin, Anne termina de préparer le petit déjeuner de Max et Lisa

The next morning, Anne finished preparing breakfast for Max and Lisa

Comment tu organises ta journée ?

How do you organize your day?

Après le petit déjeuner, j'ai du yoga. Après, je file aux studios et je passe le reste de la journée ici à préparer mon examen et toi?

After breakfast, I have yoga. Then I go to the studios and spend the rest of the day here preparing for my exam.

Image 1073.jpg

Yoga, rendez-vous avec le docteur puis recherche d'emplois

Yoga, see the doctor and then look for jobs

Ça sent bon, merci maman

It smells good, thank you mom

Bon appétit ma chérie. passe une bonne journée Lisa. Ne tarde pas trop Max

Bon appetit my darling. have a good day Lisa. Don’t be too late Max

Image 1074.jpg

15 min plus tard. Max rejoint Anne pour sa leçon de yoga

15 min later. Max joins Anne for her yoga class

Image 1075.jpg

Tu patientes un peu. Je termine mes échauffements

You wait a little. I finish my warm-ups

Prends ton temps

take your time

Image 1076.jpg

Ok Max. Avec grand-mère, on a dû interrompre nos séances, on va aller doucement et on va reprendre les cours tous les matins.

Ok Max. With grandma, we had to interrupt our sessions, we will go slowly and we will resume classes every morning.

Je me suis entraîné. Je vais te montrer

I’ve been practicing. I’ll show you

Image 1077.jpg

C'est un cours de yoga avec un prof de yoga

It’s a yoga class with a yoga teacher

Pourquoi tu dis ça ?

Why do you say that?

pour rien! Je croyais que tu t'étais entraîné

for nothing! I thought you had been training

Image 1078.jpg

J'y arrive dans une semaine !

I’ll get there in a week!

C'est impossible que tu y arrives en une semaine sans te faire très mal. Laisse-moi un peu de temps pour y réfléchir et te proposer un autre pari aussi difficile mais plus réaliste dans le temps. On reprend le cours

There’s no way you can get there in a week without getting hurt. Give me some time to think about it and propose another bet as difficult but more realistic in time. We resume the course

Image 1079.jpg

Laissons Max et Anne faire leur yoga.Puis Anne est partie à son rendez-vous avec Eve et Max est parti chez sa tante So. Commençons par Max.

Let’s get Max and Anne to do their yoga. Then Anne went on her date with Eve and Max went to his aunt So. Let’s start with Max.

J'ai appris que ta mère a remercié ta grand-mère. Comment allez-vous ?
I heard your mother thanked your grandmother. How are you?

L'épreuve a été surmontée. Dis-moi, tu connais maman depuis combien de temps ?

Image 1080.jpg

Je dirais bien avant ta naissance. Pourquoi cette question ?

I would say well before you were born. Why this question?

Grand-mère m'a dit que maman voulait son mari et que je devrais fouiller son passé pour connaître le mien

Grandma told me that mom wanted her husband and I should dig into his past to know mine

Image 1081.jpg

J'ai toujours connu ta grand-mère avec du venin dans la bouche. Toujours à essayer de monter les uns contre les autres.

I always knew your grandmother with venom in her mouth. Always trying to get at each other.

Je suis d'accord. Mais je me dis que si tu connais ma mère d"avant ma naissance ?...

I agree. But I’m thinking that if you know my mother d"before my birth?...

Image 1082.jpg

Tu as connu mon père ?

You knew my father?

Image 1083.jpg

Bill t'attend dans le bureau pour ton cours

Bill is waiting for you in the office for your class

La suite rapidement The sequel quickly


Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
View attachment 4155172

Le lendemain matin, Anne termina de préparer le petit déjeuner de Max et Lisa

The next morning, Anne finished preparing breakfast for Max and Lisa

Comment tu organises ta journée ?

How do you organize your day?

Après le petit déjeuner, j'ai du yoga. Après, je file aux studios et je passe le reste de la journée ici à préparer mon examen et toi?

After breakfast, I have yoga. Then I go to the studios and spend the rest of the day here preparing for my exam.

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Yoga, rendez-vous avec le docteur puis recherche d'emplois

Yoga, see the doctor and then look for jobs

Ça sent bon, merci maman

It smells good, thank you mom

Bon appétit ma chérie. passe une bonne journée Lisa. Ne tarde pas trop Max

Bon appetit my darling. have a good day Lisa. Don’t be too late Max

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15 min plus tard. Max rejoint Anne pour sa leçon de yoga

15 min later. Max joins Anne for her yoga class

View attachment 4155197

Tu patientes un peu. Je termine mes échauffements

You wait a little. I finish my warm-ups

Prends ton temps

take your time

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Ok Max. Avec grand-mère, on a dû interrompre nos séances, on va aller doucement et on va reprendre les cours tous les matins.

Ok Max. With grandma, we had to interrupt our sessions, we will go slowly and we will resume classes every morning.

Je me suis entraîné. Je vais te montrer

I’ve been practicing. I’ll show you

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C'est un cours de yoga avec un prof de yoga

It’s a yoga class with a yoga teacher

Pourquoi tu dis ça ?

Why do you say that?

pour rien! Je croyais que tu t'étais entraîné

for nothing! I thought you had been training

View attachment 4155220

J'y arrive dans une semaine !

I’ll get there in a week!

C'est impossible que tu y arrives en une semaine sans te faire très mal. Laisse-moi un peu de temps pour y réfléchir et te proposer un autre pari aussi difficile mais plus réaliste dans le temps. On reprend le cours

There’s no way you can get there in a week without getting hurt. Give me some time to think about it and propose another bet as difficult but more realistic in time. We resume the course

View attachment 4155231

Laissons Max et Anne faire leur yoga.Puis Anne est partie à son rendez-vous avec Eve et Max est parti chez sa tante So. Commençons par Max.

Let’s get Max and Anne to do their yoga. Then Anne went on her date with Eve and Max went to his aunt So. Let’s start with Max.

J'ai appris que ta mère a remercié ta grand-mère. Comment allez-vous ?
I heard your mother thanked your grandmother. How are you?

L'épreuve a été surmontée. Dis-moi, tu connais maman depuis combien de temps ?

View attachment 4155236

Je dirais bien avant ta naissance. Pourquoi cette question ?

I would say well before you were born. Why this question?

Grand-mère m'a dit que maman voulait son mari et que je devrais fouiller son passé pour connaître le mien

Grandma told me that mom wanted her husband and I should dig into his past to know mine

View attachment 4155241

J'ai toujours connu ta grand-mère avec du venin dans la bouche. Toujours à essayer de monter les uns contre les autres.

I always knew your grandmother with venom in her mouth. Always trying to get at each other.

Je suis d'accord. Mais je me dis que si tu connais ma mère d"avant ma naissance ?...

I agree. But I’m thinking that if you know my mother d"before my birth?...

View attachment 4155251

Tu as connu mon père ?

You knew my father?

View attachment 4155255

Bill t'attend dans le bureau pour ton cours

Bill is waiting for you in the office for your class

La suite rapidement The sequel quickly
Dear buddy rolmac.
I was going to ask these questions in private chat, but I figured that many people might be wondering this too.
At the beginning of this story many many months ago, you explained a few details.


The story drew me in, which I have expressed several times.
But a few things are still bothering me, and I think you're the only one who can clarify it.
Case one... Bill is a childhood friend of Ann and Kira, So also but Max calls her Aunty, as if she were the sister
of Ann and Kira. But she isn't because Max asks her several times how long she has known his mother.
I know that in many countries the phrase "Auntie or Uncle" is a courtesy call to close family friends, but
you also write that "Then Anne went on her date with Eve and Max went to his aunt So",
so there is a family connection or not?
Case two... Alice says to Ann that she has met her father.
Which means that she knows that Max and Lisa are not her real siblings?
And could it be that the bald bum was her father?


Or it is still to remain an unknown important to the conclusion of the story?
Case three... In one place you wrote that Ann had been kidnapped by her father and brothers.
Many pictures further you write that behind everything stands grandbitchmother Dorothy,
while her husband was in prison. So Ann's father could not have organised the kidnapping?
Case four... I can't for the hell of it comprehend the connection to the family.
I don't understand who's who, although persons have shown in history.
"Angie est le petit ami de Raven qui est ta cousine. érik est le petit frère d'Angie. le père d"érik est rentré un jour chez lui, un peu trop bourré. Il c"est défoulé sur sa famille. Il a tué sa femme devant erik et envoyé erik dans un état grave à l'hôpital. Angie a tué son père et il a fait un petit tour en prison. Erik suite à ses blessures à la tête, il est devenu un peu simple. Son oncle n'était pas le tuteur idéal pour Erik. Max. Angie et Raven font partie de la famille. On ne se bagarre pas"
Case five... Brian (the school's headmaster) was Ann's husband or was that just the grandfuckin"mother's plans?
I would really be grateful for some clarification if it's not a secret.

Respect and greetings!

PS: This is the first time that Ann's appearance other than the original has appealed to me so much!!!
She's beautiful.



Active Member
May 28, 2017
Image 1084.jpg

Pourquoi ici et pas à ton cabinet ?

Why here and not at your office?

Dans notre cas. Je préfère voir une amie plutôt qu'une patiente et c'est mon jour de congé. J'ai vu la mère de Max et on a beaucoup discuté.

Image 1085.jpg

J'imagine ce qu'elle t'a pu te raconter

I imagine what she may have told you

Elle ne regrette pas sa décision vis-à-vis de Max. Je te propose d'en discuter en marchant. Il y a beaucoup à dire.

She does not regret her decision regarding Max. I propose to discuss it while walking. There is much to say.

Image 1086.jpg

Je sens que je vais me faire du souci à ce que tu vas me révéler

I feel that I will be worried about what you are going to reveal

Des soucis ? Si seulement ! On y va et je te raconte.

Any trouble? If only! We go and I’ll tell you.

Image 1087.jpg

D'abord, je vais répondre à une question! Max ne s'est pas fait enculer par un extraterrestre et il est bien humain!

First, I’m going to answer a question! Max didn’t get fucked by an alien and he is human!

Je ne suis pas rassuré pour la suite.

I am not reassured for the future.

Image 1088.jpg

C'est un cas unique au monde. Plus on avance dans les analyses, plus on découvre des propriétés de la semence de Max

This is a unique case in the world. The more advanced we are in the analyses, the more we discover properties of Max’s seed

Des propriétés ?


Image 1089.jpg

Le sperme est constitué du liquide séminal et d'éléments cellulaires : spermatozoïdes (cellules de la lignée germinale), macrophages polynucléaires, hormones de croissance, cellules souches, nutriments, oligoéléments, cellules épithéliales... pour un homme normal!
Max a le même sperme mais en plus il produit... (désolé mais ce sont des données sensibles). Je n'ai pas le permission de vous les communiquer. C'est scientifique, vous n'en avez rien à foutre. De toute façon, la science ça ne fait pas bander)

Sperm is made up of seminal fluid and cellular elements: spermatozoa (germ line cells), polynuclear macrophages, growth hormones, stem cells, nutrients, trace elements, epithelial cells... for a normal man!
Max has the same sperm but in addition it produces... (sorry but these are sensitive data). I do not have permission to communicate them. It’s scientific, you don’t give a shit. Anyway, science doesn’t make you horny)

Bien! Max a plus d'ingrédients dans son sperme. Ça lui donne des super pouvoirs sexuels. Une endurance exceptionnelle? Plus d'éjaculation ? Un goût fruité comme la banane ?

Good! Max has more ingredients in his sperm. It gives him super sexual powers. Exceptional endurance? More ejaculation? A fruity taste like banana?

Image 1090.jpg

et pas que !... Max a de la chance de t'avoir comme infirmière.

and not that!... Max is lucky to have you as a nurse.

hein! et pas que? il y a autre chose ?

huh! and not that? there is something else?

Oui! et pas que ! Je connais un endroit tranquille pas très loin. En attendant, si tu me parlais de Max.

Yes! and not that! I know a quiet place not very far away. In the meantime, if you tell me about Max.

La suite rapidement The sequel quickly


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Dear buddy rolmac.
I was going to ask these questions in private chat, but I figured that many people might be wondering this too.
At the beginning of this story many many months ago, you explained a few details.
Abdeladdrian, you just bluffed me. I didn’t think there would be anyone to follow this story in the reading. There is already one person who counts the images produced for this story better than I do.
Thank you for your attention to this story

To go back to your many questions. I will try to answer them without spoile

You have two types of family ties
The first is blood.
The second is the other. It’s the status you give to someone with whom you don’t share a genetic link. As your wife or your man, your best friend. Who are you going to give the title of brother, sister, aunt, uncle?
In my story, I play a lot, if not a lot, with family ties. I admit it’s a big mess

I try to tell the story of Anne with Max’s eyes.
The part I publish gives the reason for Max’s sexual activity, which will allow me to judge the sex scenes. That, I just did in part
For the interaction between the characters, you will discover it at the same time as Max in the next publications. Where we will know more about the past of BB characters with sex scenes that will be consistent
As I am not a writer but rather graphic designer. I advance image by image

I’m sorry to give no better answer. But! You show me that the scene is set and that now. We’re not going to enter the world of Anne


Active Member
Oct 17, 2017
Abdeladdrian, you just bluffed me. I didn’t think there would be anyone to follow this story in the reading. There is already one person who counts the images produced for this story better than I do.
Thank you for your attention to this story

To go back to your many questions. I will try to answer them without spoile

You have two types of family ties
The first is blood.
The second is the other. It’s the status you give to someone with whom you don’t share a genetic link. As your wife or your man, your best friend. Who are you going to give the title of brother, sister, aunt, uncle?
In my story, I play a lot, if not a lot, with family ties. I admit it’s a big mess

I try to tell the story of Anne with Max’s eyes.
The part I publish gives the reason for Max’s sexual activity, which will allow me to judge the sex scenes. That, I just did in part
For the interaction between the characters, you will discover it at the same time as Max in the next publications. Where we will know more about the past of BB characters with sex scenes that will be consistent
As I am not a writer but rather graphic designer. I advance image by image

I’m sorry to give no better answer. But! You show me that the scene is set and that now. We’re not going to enter the world of Anne
Thanks for your answer. I hope the future will clarify more. You could write a few more lines next to the images.


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Image 1091.jpg

Tu traumatises Max ?

You traumatize Max?

Il a posé la mauvaise question.

He asked the wrong question.

Image 1092.jpg

C'est quoi ce bordel?

What the hell?

C'est une proposition d'achat. Plutôt très sérieuse.

It’s a purchase proposal. Pretty serious.

Image 1093.jpg

Je vais contacter les filles

I will contact the girls

Moi je vais rencontrer l'acheteur et voir de quoi il en retourne

I will meet the buyer and see what it is

Image 1094.jpg

On va jeter un coup d'œil à l'école. Histoire de jeter un coup d'œil.

We’ll have a look at the school. Just to take a look.

Tu as vu Erik ?... Il t'a briefé sur les tarifs ?... tu veux quoi?

Did you see Erik?... he briefed you on the rates?... what do you want?

Image 1095.jpg

Décide-toi et donne mon cadeau !

Decide and give my gift!

Image 1096.jpg

T'as choisi nichon et chatte.

You chose tit and pussy.

Image 1097.jpg

Mais bien sûr que tu peux te branler, si tu éjacules ? Dans du papier toilette ou dans tes mains. Bon, tu es prêt.

Of course you can jerk off if you ejaculate? In toilet paper or in your hands. Okay, you’re ready.

Image 1098.jpg


Image 1099.jpg

Tu la vois bien ma chatte ? Surtout dans du papier ton éjaculation, tu seras gentil.

You see it, my pussy? Especially in paper, your ejaculation, you will be nice.

Image 1100.jpg

Aller, c'est fini. Bouge de là, j'ai d'autres clients qui m'attendent. je bosse, moi!

Go, it’s over. Move away from there, I have other clients waiting for me. I’m working!

La suite rapidement The sequel quickly


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Image 1101.jpg

Tu nous amènes où ? J'aimerais entendre la suite des analyses de Max

Patience, c'est juste là.

Patience, it’s right there.

Image 1102.jpg

Voilà! Ils font un café à tomber, accompagné de pâtisserie qu'ils appellent viennoiserie. Tu vas m'en dire des nouvelles

There you go! They make a coffee to fall, accompanied by pastry that they call viennoiserie. You will tell me about the news

Super! Un bistro à pâtisserie! donc le sperme de Max...?

Great! A pastry bistro! so Max’s sperm...?

Image 1103.jpg

Ok! Je vais tout te dire. Nos analyses ont découvert que Max fabrique des molécules supplémentaires. Ses molécules agissent sur Max en augmentant ses capacités d'éjaculation, ainsi que sa libido, ce qui rend son gland plus sensible. Là, tu vas rire. Si sa partenaire s'applique ou avale le sperme de Max. On en subit les effets secondaires... libido, plaisir augmenter

Okay! I’ll tell you everything. Our analysis found that Max is making extra molecules. His molecules act on Max by increasing his ejaculation abilities, as well as his libido, which makes his gland more sensitive. Here, you will laugh. If his partner applies or swallows the sperm of Max. We suffer the side effects... libido, pleasure increase

Tu peux préciser "effet secondaire sur les filles"

You can say "side effect on girls"

Image 1104.jpg

On devient plus extraverti sexuellement, on a plus de plaisir, notre libido est en hausse. En clair, nos envies de sexe augmentent, on devient plus chaud, pas besoin de prendre un verre pour avoir du courage

We become more sexually extrovert, we have more pleasure, our libido is on the rise. In clear, our sex desires increase, we become hotter, no need to have a drink to be brave

Image 1105.jpg

Si je comprends bien. Si une fille a un acte sexuel avec Max, elle est foutue et Max fait ce qu'il veut avec elle

If I understand correctly. If a girl has sex with Max, she is screwed and Max does what he wants with her

Si elle est consentante, où est le problème ? Le sperme de Max ne fait qu'augmenter un besoin physique, pas les sentiments. Ce sont deux choses qu'il faut bien séparer. Une fille aura toujours le choix de son partenaire. Max n'est pas une obligation. Il est juste une super pilule de Viagra pour fille

If she is consenting, what’s the problem? Max’s sperm only increase a physical need, not feelings. These are two things that need to be separated. A girl will always have the choice of her partner. Max is not an obligation. It’s just a super pill of Viagra for girl

Image 1106.jpg

Tu as bien dit que ça nous désinhibe... le rêve des garçons... on est foutue! Ça va être la fête du slip !

You said that it disinhibits us... the dream of the boys... we’re screwed! It’s going to be the party of the panties!

Tu auras plus de plaisir à bosser. notre commande arrive. On se cherche un resto ? je t'invite.

Image 1107.jpg

Retournons à l'école. Vérifions juste un truc

Let’s go back to school. Let’s just check something

Putain, tu es déjà de retour ? ... Olivia, c'est un peu plus loin

Fuck, you’re back already? ... Olivia, it’s a little further

Image 1108.jpg

Salut, tu veux quoi?

Hi, what do you want?

Il a payé pour le total

He paid for the total

Image 1109.jpg

La totale! Tu es riche, je t'aime!

The whole thing! You’re rich, I love you!

Image 1110.jpg

Regarde ma chatte ! Elle te fait un clin d'œil. Elle t'aime aussi.

Look at my pussy! She winks at you. She loves you too.

Image 1111.jpg

Bien sûr que tu peux te branler, mon chou.

Of course you can jerk off, honey.

Image 1112.jpg

Comment tu te branles trop bien!

How you jerk off too well!

Image 1113.jpg

Continue comme ça! Tu m'excites de trop !

Keep it up! You’re making me too hot!

Image 1114.jpg


Image 1115.jpg

bon? C'était bien. Tu reviens demain ?

Good? It was good. You’ll be back tomorrow?

La suite vraiment plus tard The following really later
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes