Try not to do too fast the <additionaly ntr path>, play first all others, until max makes war with eric again for the wallet,
although have not found the first 3 images with alice too
alefrago — 22/05/2023 7:09 ΜΜ
Plot develops good, have a little problem at last update, i can see some scenes at the cheat menu 1) alice smoking punishement from eric, 2) lisa lesson with eric and ann, how can you reach these scenes from playthrough?, have reached all the other scenes...
PornGodNoob — 22/05/2023 7:17 ΜΜ
alefrago Old players can not achieve this alas, it is necessary to start the game from the beginning. Try not to rush regain control of Lisa. Alice's punishment depends on the events in the blog with Eric, before and after the blog with Eric. Older players will only be able to see all the videos through the cheat menu.