I don't recall justifying or glorifying rape at any point in time, nor would I!Are you an asshole or what, any interaction in a rape is rape. Any rape is rape no matter who does it.
As for Alice Friday night I only do the one before aunt Kira shows up and never use them afterwards on her on Friday nights.
Wow just wow you are trying to justify rape, wow.
Since my other post went completely over your head this is what it means.
As long as the MC that I play does not do any form of sex that uses any type of power including but not limited to magic, super power, blackmail or forced in any way in my games I play, otherwise if listed I will never download the game and if found and its not listed then I will post about it and trash the game.
I am just pointing out that this game is full of blackmail for sexual gratification, every time that you catch Alice with a cigarette or kill a spider for her there are consequences for her if she does not do as Max says.
And Max has taken advantage of her as well when she is under the influence of pot & alcohol.
Calling me an asshole does not change those facts.
I honestly don't care what you do or don't get into or what games you do or don't like, I just called into question your statement that you don't play games that include a certain type of content, when you clearly are...
It's like saying I cannot stand bananas in any way shape or form while eating a banana chocolate chip muffin.