DS knew this day was coming, and as I said before, that's why he's making the sudden push to give the BB fans what they want with actual sex with Ann, while also pushing Glamour to the forefront. As people have said, any incest, even step or someone just using the terms "brother", "sister" or whatever isn't going to fly. This also isn't limited to m/f incest, so as someone said, they'd just have to be totally unrelated people living together. There's also the issue of dubious consent in a lot of cases (blackmail, people being asleep, drunk, drugged, etc.), and the fact that Max and Olivia look like they could possibly be underage, which in some people's eyes is enough to damn the game. Even if we're just talking about rewriting dialog, I just don't see DS going to the trouble of doing it. For one thing, he's not really a fan of his own game. Secondly, he really wants to do Glamour. And last of all, there's no guarantee that after he does all of the work, Patreon won't still say "nope" at some point. He could move to another site, but he likely won't make the same money he could on Patreon.