teen-aged detector of Russian schoolboy detected )A Russian schoolboy detected. Somebody call to Partyvan.
do you really think that obscenic reduplication is the schoololo-only feature?
teen-aged detector of Russian schoolboy detected )A Russian schoolboy detected. Somebody call to Partyvan.
That's quite a narrow point of view. Many users live in coutries where a international credit card is a VERY expensive thing to mantain, or do not have a line of credit at all - thus cannot "afford the dollar" in a sense, but that's beside the point. I've seen this specific argument of "if you're broke and cannot afford X product then maybe you shouldn't be yada yada" against piracy many times, and the simple truth is that is beckons a equally simple answer - the way people, broke or not, choose to spend their own time is no one else's damn business. This notion that the right for entertainment is some sort of luxury or commodity that should be exclusive for people with stable financial lives is... well, BS. I have seen plenty of cases of people dealing with severe ansiety and depression in which games - the rating nowithstanding - helped them to cope up with their issue and quite literally saved lives. Patreon is a very nice platform and i'm all for supporting an artist, but sadly is not for everyone, and the ethics of piracy may be a problematic point, but it's not that black and white and will never be. DS is swimming in bucks and will continue to do so, his game will leak and be pirated, and it will continue to do so, and both supporters and no supporters will play the game and continue to do so.You have internet, I'm sure you can afford $1/month to become DS' patron. But are you a patron? Supporting a developer doesn't mean having to be a patron to the highest tier. Just support with what you can. There's a big difference between not having money to be a patron (in which porn game on the internet should be your least concern), and not wanting to pay at all ($1/month is something that the vast majority people can afford but chose not to).
thank you!Updated! Thanks to all involved, you guys are the real mvps!
all hail to TCMSUpdated! Thanks to all involved, you guys are the real mvps!
I gave up on that game, BB all the way now.After that pathetic "Dual Family" update, it feels good to see the release of an actual good game from an actual competent developer.
ok ..... no longer F5 ... can i use Ctrl+R?The person who cracks said he will be off for 30 mins and afterwards he can take a look and do his thing, so no need to keep hitting f5 during this time
Edit: For those wondering, 1.2gb is the total size. 1257 pics NOT COUNTING the faces (aka not counting the .png's aka not counting the pics that aren't encrypted)