DS honestly needs to get off his doggy style kick, and start doing a lot of new poses. What was happening with Anna in the last movie would be perfect for one, the way Lisa is laying at night when you handcuff her is another, and even a cowgirl style scene with actual visuals of the actual sex act instead of showing a girl sitting on Max from a side view.
The reason I say this is because most of the sex scenes are not hot. They don't turn me on, thats a fact. After you see Alice's doggy style in the blog quest, all other ones just feel like a rehash of that one because there is no variety, its all doggy, or it shows nothing. This game is starting to feel empty because you have to go through long periods of nothing to get to events, and then when you get to those events, most of them are lackluster. Grind needs to be cut down a bit, and scene quality quality needs to be upped. Trying to save all the good stuff for the end, is not a good idea, folks need to be drip fed good stuff on a regular schedule, or we start thinking, "what is the point in this game after 10 hours?"
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game, played through it 3 or 4 times so far. But due to this, I see its many flaws as well. DS needs to up his game on the sex scenes, and quit saving the only really good ones for the movies that can't be repeated.
DS also needs to drastically cut back how often Max's dick is on display. When you see Max's privates 99.9999999% of the time compared to the girls, something is seriously wrong. Plus, I also feel he needs to do something about Max's dick to make it look more realistic. At present it doesn't look like it belongs on Max's body, and also doesn't quite look human. I don't see him changing it at this point, but I hope he takes it into consideration for his next game.
Lastly, he needs to get real proof readers. The corrections made to the game in the last update were worse than what was in there before. Prior, it was kinda like Engrish, funny to read, mostly understandable, and interesting because it felt like somebody who didn't have English as a first language wrote it. Now, it feels like somebody with English as a first language wrote it, but they have a tenuous grasp on the English language and constantly screw up normal sentence structure, and even usage of many words. This last play through of the game almost made me quit multiple times because of the writing. Prior to the changes, the text could almost be called charming, while now it is just a butchering.
This game was my favorite for many months, but this extreme drip feeding of content, with most of it that comes out being ok, but far from great, has made me come to the conclusion that I won't be playing this game again for a long while. If I was a patreon, I would of quit paying a few updates ago, when I realized the content coming out may look pretty, but lacks any oomph.