
New Member
Sep 13, 2016
I'm pretty sure cheating the relationships will help with advancing storylines faster. I may have to test it later unless someone else knows off the bat.


Aug 6, 2016
I believe this is tamara's husbend and sorry if its a late replay
Valentine was added in v0.11 I believe but I have yet to find his encounter. Tamara's has a different section in the NPCs folder with a single scene so I don't think he and Valentine are the same.


Aug 15, 2016
Valentine was added in v0.11 I believe but I have yet to find his encounter. Tamara's has a different section in the NPCs folder with a single scene so I don't think he and Valentine are the same.
EDIT :Oh yes I was Wrong so i had to open the qsp file to know who he is and thats what i find he is tamara's father this is his description in game ((( 'Valentin Fedorovich, as it became known, the Pope Tamara. He raised a daughter with one 12 years, because he dumped his wife abroad with boyfriend. When Tamara jumped married, Valentine moved to the city where he worked in the personnel Department of a firm. In the village he was seldom, infrequently, often communicated with her daughter on the phone. A new family, he never started. When he learned that his daughter divorced, I decided again to take care of her myself and spend the weekend at her house.')))
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Aug 27, 2016
(Updated 04/05)

So I've been on a 2 day binge on this (don't ask :p) and here is a somewhat updated guide. I'm writing this from memory so there might be some inaccurate facts. Please correct me and help fills this up.
(Huge thanks to the original creator plus everyone else on this thread who took time to explain stuff).

DO NOT BREAK UP TAMARA AND HER HUSBAND UNTIL AFTER YOU GOT BLOWJOBS / SEX WITH YOUR BROTHER or you'll lock off that entire branch. The code for the Tamara talk at the shop after the 'vacations" will not occur if she's single. I think it's a bug. Or a poorly written "if" statement :)

To get anywhere with mom, you have to raise your depravity and intelligence. You can increase depravity by buying and reading the books from the mall, running into her in the bathroom at 7:00, bathing with her in the sauna at 20:00, and watching her masturbate in her room starting at 19:00. (Pretty sure you can also increase it by removing the underwear and doing the "Arrange the merchandise" in the shop). To raise intelligence you can play chess or read books at the club. After raising your depravity level to romantic nature and intelligence by one level you can kiss her in the sauna. After doing that for a little bit, you can have sex with her in her room or in the Sauna.

Mom sex scenes (I might be missing some):
- Sauna
- Her room in the evening (if not had sex with her for a few days)
- Your room (she'll come to you if you haven't had sex in a few days)
- Her room in the morning (after stepdad moves in and you ask for it in the shower)
- Bachelorette party (in the bus) - this event triggered for me after the stepdad moved in, had to ask her why she's sad in her room at night and then she'll ask you to go with her to the city for new clothes. Do that, and then offer to go drinking. Keep drinking, you'll both get drunk and have an orgy on the way home.
(When you talk to her after also having sex with stepdad she also mentions she and him are trying to get pregnant, here's hoping for updates to that storyline. Also, please let there be at least threesome with her and "dad", the setting is almost perfect)

When working at the store arrange the shelf with no panties a few days then talk to her about it. She will tell you that her and her husband sex life is not all that great and she wants you to give advice. Keep a porn magazine on you at all times cause after a few days she'll need it. Give it to her, then after the fourth day of giving her the magazine, she'll invite you to her house but only on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. (I had to keep giving her pron magazines, but I never tried just waiting a few days). You have to bring a DVD with you that can be found in the video store in the mall. After going over her house a few times, her husband will want to get involve, tell him he can watch but don't interfere. After that, you're free to go over there whatever day you want to. After a bunch of sex with her and her husband he'll get you involved. After even more sex he'll message you on your phone to go there and he just wants you. Tamara dumps his ass after that and you and her get to be bffs and you keep the access to her house.
You CAN talk to her with cum on your face once the relationship is high enough. She'll be mad a bit but you can explain and go back to the status quo (i.e fucking her).

Tamara sex scenes:
- heavy petting followed by sex while watching the lesbian DVD
- sex after watching the DVD
- sex with her while husband is there
- sex with both her and husband
(next scenes have extra if you own a strap-on, you can buy from city sex shop) - hours might be off
- sex in the living room around 18-19
- sex in the kitchen around 19-20
- sex in the bathroom around 20-21
- sex in her bedroom around 21 - later with option to spend the night (note that having sex blocks the spend the night option)
- sex with her while on weekend vacation with brother (see brother for more info)
(I think there will be threesome with stepfather, but I haven't gotten there yet)
- sex with her and your boss at the shop once you get his relationship high enough and get an accounting diploma

Give him vodka 10 times. He'll tell you about his grandmother that stays over in the private sector. Go to her, she'll ask you to bring back some weed plants. After that, she'll reward with you some moonshine. Give that to Naebaiko, he'll tell you that his grandmother has this dress for sale and he wants you have it. Go back to her and buy it. Wait a week or two, then go back to his lottery store and drink moon shine with the dress you got from his grandmother. You'll waste some of the drink and have to go to the back of the store to clean it. You'll have a option of having some fun back there. Choose the " Well, why not then" option. After that you can have sex with him once a week.

I was wearing the wrong dress. You get TWO dresses, one from stepfather, one from his grandma. You can activate the quest just fine with the right dress (the really ugly one).

Sex scenes:
- at the lottery shop once per week (you'll get quite a bit of money from a rigged ticket)
- after grandma dies you can fuck him both at her old house and at the lotto shop more often but it only seems to work on certain days. I wasn't curious enough to figure out a pattern. You also get quite a bit of money from searching his pockets after sex.

You have to be at least a bit attractive to talk to him. Give him Jack Daniels until you get invited to drink with him on Friday after work. Continue doing that and he'll eventually give you a key to his place. When you sleep at his place sometimes his father will come to you talk to Vasya back at the work about his father and you can give him the keys back and break up with him or you can start a path to have a threesome with his father. Also, if you start dating the shop boss he catches you having sex with Vasya on camera and you get an option to dump him, dump the boss, or do Vasya only when not at work. The last option will obv close down all shop sex scenes with him.

Vasya sex scenes:
- Friday on the bench after work (option to go there will show up at work if you talked to him during the week; event will stop happening once you get the key)
- at work every morning and if you get him hot enough by "Arranging merchandise" without panties (after you started having sex in the park)
- in his house (first you can call on him to let you in and have sex, then once you have the key you can just go in and do it)
- sex at his house in the mornings (tue and sat his father can join in)

Have sex with your mother at least 16 times. Walk into her room and she'll have some roses. Ask her who the lucky guy is. Then the next day go to the administration building, offer to pay the debt. After a few days mom will ask you how you feel about him moving in with you all. Tell her you don't mind or something like that. After that, Talk to mother one day, she will tell you that he wants to see you at his office at the administration building in the area. He will talk to you about his stepson. Pick the last option. It says something along the line like as long she is happy or as long as mom is happy.

After that, he will give you a dress. Once that happens. you can invite him to the beach through the week but you need swim suit. When Saturday comes around at 10 in the hall, go pick out the swimsuit. Afterwards, invite him to the beach. For the following week, keep showing stepfather your panties. If you show him you have no panties it will decrease sexual relations. While showing him your panties, go into your mother room at 20:00, stepfather should be laying down on the bed. There should be a option about showing him your lingerie. Clarify what you're talking about. After that, sit with him in the sauna at 19:00, it should be option to bathe naked, then invite him over to sit with you. He'll ask you how many times you kissed had sex. Say just once. He says something about practicing kissing, then he licks your bobs, then eventually it goes to jacking him off. After doing that eleven times he'll ask for a blowjob. One day after all of this, talk to him and he'll invite you to on vacation. You'll leave Saturday evening and that's how you have sex with him.
Once that's done you can have sex with him A LOT.

Stepfather sex scenes:
- masturbate / suck / sex in the sauna
- you can blow him / have sex in his room in the morning while mom is in the shower
- if you take a shower he can join you, you can masturbate, suck, fuck depending on how progressed you are
- if you fucked him and enter the bath while he's in the tub you can fuck him some more
- at breakfast you can tease / suck him (extra hot when mother comes in)
- on the sofa in the hall you can masturbate / suck him (again, mother can walk in)
(sadly you hide in both those cases)
- you can ask for a ride to the city and blow him in the car
- go to his office during the week and you can masturbate / suck him or if you choose talk you can fuck him
- if you haven't had sex with him for a few days he'll walk into your room while you're sleeping and fuck you
- summer + sunny = you can invite him to the beach and masturbate / suck him
- if you come back home after 00 am your mom will be pissed at you and get your father to "punish" you; sex ensues

Gregory (Store's boss):
Keep flirting with customers at the cashier machine. He'll eventually catch on to the fact that you're stealing from customers. In order to keep your job, you have to do good deeds for him. After doing them for a while, he'll invite you to a cafe. You fondle with him right there in the chair and then all will go the bathroom. You take control then give him free reign. He'll ask you to be his girlfriend. If you have your accounting diploma and a high enough relationship you will eventually be able to ask to be an accountant. He'll agree if you have a threesome with him and Tamara. Talk to her and remind her that she owes you a favor for the threesomes with her husband. She'll agree and next day you get promoted :)

Sex scenes:
- in his office at the store
- in his house hall after work (where you'll meet his son Alex)
- in his house bedroom at 21(ish)
- one off event: threesome with him and Tamara to become an accountant
- at work after getting your accounting diploma, getting your relationship high enough

Alex (Store's boss's son):
You meet him at the boss's house. After you have sex with the boss there a number of time you get to talk to him. He'll offer you chance to cheat on taking inventory at the store (assuming you make money off that, i didn't seem to get any). He'll also offer to fuck you (or you offer to fuck him, not that important :p)

Sex scenes:
- his house in the morning / early afternoon will lead to sauna sex
- his house at night scenes for having sex with him before or after you fucked his father

Help in in his garden (Plot). Start taking naked outdoor showers while he's there. Then it will proceed to helping him naked. Keep doing that and eventually you can walk into him in the bath (evenings and mornings) and in his bedroom. After doing that you'll get the option to strip and sleep with him. After a few of those you can jerk him off. In the morning, put viagra in his tea, which you can get from the sex store in the city then talk to him around 19 he will give you a drink with sleeping pills on it. Go to sleep and he will come to you repeat until he has sex with while you're sleeping. After that go to his room at 22/23 at night and fuck him.

Sex scenes:
- in his bedroom around 22
- in the bathroom around 21
- first floor in front of the TV after 19
- outdoor in the garden (must be summer)

Accounting Professor:
Make sure depravity is high. After the reading the accounting book, go to the kahlua and ask about the econ professor. Go back inside of the kahlua to find him and pay him cash or in other ways to start your lesson. Keep going back until you receive your certificate.

Sex scenes:
- the regular progression one described above
- threesome with him and his assistant while helping your stepbrother

Stepfather will ask you to tutor his son on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Go over to his house and the son will be playing video games. If you beat him, he has to do work. If you lose, you have to kiss him. When you beat him, he'll go to his room. Go in there and help him out. After that, he'll explain that a teacher is giving him problems with his work. The next day, go over to the kahlua and ask the accounting teacher for a favor. Go back to the stepson on whatever day you can and tell him that the professor will not be giving him anymore problems. You'll progress to dancing for him and tutoring him, then he'll start masturbating (you can only see this if you win at least one game - save / reload worked for me :)). Eventually you'll offer to jerk him off. Keep doing that and you will suck him. More of that and you will fuck him. At some point after that he'll call you on weekends around 4pm and offer to accompany him at his friend house. That opens up the Oleg residence (see below for his guide). He'll also invite him to meet the family. Once you do that his (uncle? / older brother?) Misha becomes available (guide also below).

Sex scenes:
- sex in the hall after 17 on mon, wed and fri
- sex while playing games in the hall on mon, wed, fri
- sex in his room while teaching lessons
- sex in his room before bed
- sex in his kitchen (i don't have an exact time for that)
- sex in the forest if you come to the house on weekends without him calling you
- after you progress the Misha path enough for him to invite you to sleep over at the house, you can have sex when you go to bed

Oleg (stepbrother's friend):
You meet him if you accept your stepbrother's invitation to go to his house. You can have sex with him multiple times while your stepbrother is drunk progressing to having sex next to him and him waking up (sadly, no threesome = missed opportunity). After that he'll allow you to visit him in the afternoons. If you come during weekend the text says his father is home so he takes you out back and fucks you (haven't met the father yet - might be placeholder for the future).

Sex scenes:
- the progression sex, kitchen, somehwere upstairs, living room next to drunk brother
- in the 1st floor hall
- riding the bike on the first floor
- second floor in his room
- weekends in the back of the house

Misha (stepbrother's uncle or older brother):
You meet him when stepbrother invites you to meet the family (weekend between 18-20). After that you'll sometimes meet him in the hall at 17. If you have your accounting degree he'll ask you to double check some papers for him. Keep saying yes and he will eventually invite you to sleep over. Keep doing the papers thing and sleep / bathe over there and he'll eventually start spying on you when you do that. (That's as far as I've gotten).

Sex scenes:
- spying on you when you take a bath (i'm sure it will lead to more)
- spying on you when you go to sleep

Pool Teacher:
Make sure to keep your appearance higher than gray mole. Go to the Kahlua between 17:00 and 19:00 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Talk about swimming lessons. Keep going to swimming lesson until he wants to stay later for extra lessons. After doing that a few times, he'll want you to strip down. keep doing that he will ask you to his girlfriend and you can visit him in his house after 20 he lives at the river close to your grand father house.

(Never tried this)

He'll show up at your house a few weeks in during weekends. You can find him in his apartment in the city during the week. Talk, massage to him and eventually he'll mention a weekend vacation with you and Tamara. Talk to her and afterwards at 19 on a Sat / Sun talk to your brother to go on that vacation. You and Tamara will have sex and he'll fuck her after. Then he'll offer you 3 free laser hair removals if you get Tamara to join him again. Get the laser removal then at the shop you can talk to Tamara about what happened during the vacation. This will open up more vacations. Do those a bunch of times. Then talk to her again. Then go to your brother and do a striptease dace for him. If your appearance is high enough, he'll like it (tell you're HOT or smth along those lines). Once that's done keep doing vacations until you suck your brother. Once that happens you need to talk to Tamara (her house at 18-19) and then to your brother at his house. Then at your house on weekends, between 12 - 14 masturbate in your room twice, and the second time he'll join in. Then, in the weekend at your house, at 8 am, in the hall, blow him. Once that's done you can now blow our brother in many locations. Keep doing that and you'll start having sex.

Sex scenes:
- on vacation you with Tamara (choose this option for most scenes / plot progression)
- on vacation you can spy on him and Tamara
- at your house (hall, tv, bathroom, beach, kitchen)
- at his house (hall, bath, bedroom)

Kate (stepfather's assistant):
Talk to her at the office (while visiting stepfather). She'll invite you over after work to chat. Go there, chat, she'll mentions she likes wine. Buy wine and keep drinking. She'll eventually confess that she fucked her boss (your stepfather).
Also, if you visit her during the weekend she'll have her brother over. They seem awfully close :) If you progress the treasure event you'll have a task to ask her to help out and she'll ask for a kiss. Kiss her and after that you can keep kissing her. Then you can ask for sex. If you buy a dildo you get more sex options.

You meet her on the bench in the park (where you fuck Vasya) between 11 and 14. If you're wearing the dress your stepfather got you she'll comment on that and you two can start chatting. Do that a bunch and she'll invite you at her house after 16. Viset her there over and over and over again and you can get here to strip more and more, then kiss her then eventually fuck her.

Other random events:
- read at the club, you'll find out about a treasure, talk to mom about it she'll direct you grandfather, talk to him about it he'll mention some collector in the village. Talk to the collector in the afternoon / evenings and you can seduce him and he'll lead you to the archives and Kate (see above). Talk to Kate and she'll get you access to the archives. That leads you to the forest and a well. Go to the forest and search for wells three times. Third time you'll meet a german old dude who's also looking for the treasure. Fuck him and find out what he knows. He'll mention a lake. Find the well by the lake and dig up a necklace. Go to the collector and negotiate selling it for about $320k.
- talk to mother she'll mention a guy in the garage with a bike. You can go there and "negotiate" getting the bike. After which you can bike to the city.
- if you go by bus to the city you'll get groped. Keep ignoring it and at some point a guy will fuck you (maybe more to come?)
- if you fuck Julia at her house and go visit Kate at the office, the head of the village (her father) will want to talk to you. You can resist him, be neutral(ish) to him (he'll make you strip) or submit to him (he'll fuck you).
Last edited:


Aug 15, 2016
Thanks to MSpiral i add some info on his words and sorry for my English if i misspelled anything
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Last edited:
Jan 12, 2017
Thanks to MSpiral i add some info on his words and sorry for my English if i misspelled anything
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i don't have all the images with the brother, do you know in which uptade they come?


New Member
Aug 27, 2016
Updated with a bunch more stuff. I think I'm doe with it for now (until next update at least). So anyone feel free to add to it. Public domain and all :)

Thanks Ankosh for your help.
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Aug 12, 2016
so here comes a idiot and comments, how to start game? when i press Big Kuyash.exe i get this,

edit, wanted to redownload but now mega is limited, anyone can share a torrent for 0.12?


Aug 5, 2016
so here comes a idiot and comments, how to start game? when i press Big Kuyash.exe i get this,
u cant have 2 qsp files in your standalone_content. Just remove one. Hope it helps.


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Aug 12, 2016
u cant have 2 qsp files in your standalone_content. Just remove one. Hope it helps.
if that works i will punch a wall

is my folder,
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