3.80 star(s) 45 Votes


Apr 13, 2019
Yeah I can confirm this does not unlock any of the character customization other than name. Either way I appreciate the codes so thank you.
The customization works, you have to delete the Saved folder, and redo the whole process of code input and then put the Saved folder again
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Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
My download stopped at around 90% so it's less than that, I haven't downloaded anything else from mega in days
I downloaded it in a few minutes. I think the limit is 5 GB. Maybe restarting your router (and getting a new IP address) helps.


New Member
Nov 28, 2020
1 year for 2 animations? In the update notes they made it seem like there was a lot being added, yet mostly everything looks the same. I understand its not easy work to do what they do, but my man adeptus steve out here updatin Wildlife(Same engine) every few months. Pretty pathetic tbh
Oct 8, 2019
1 year for 2 animations? In the update notes they made it seem like there was a lot being added, yet mostly everything looks the same
The boss fight accounts for 16 of the 22 reported new animations. I haven't seen others aside the 2 crawler ones myself though. They said most of the work was pretty much having to re-do and port existing stuff because they made other optimizations and a newer version of Unreal than the last release.


New Member
Nov 28, 2020
The boss fight accounts for 16 of the 22 reported new animations. I haven't seen others aside the 2 crawler ones myself though. They said most of the work was pretty much having to re-do and port existing stuff because they made other optimizations and a newer version of Unreal than the last release.
So basically they said theres new animations but didnt say they were Sexattacks?
Cause lets be honest, most of us dont give a shite about the actual gameplay side of the game.


Active Member
Jun 28, 2017
Tutorial for people that want to learn how to use UE4 Unlocker and use the useful commands for the game Google Drive
I am getting no console available in features here.. (even updated UE4 unlocker)

EDIT:Logs: ">>>>>> ERROR <<<<<< The ConsoleClass definition wasn't found in the objects store. Can't create the console"


Jun 16, 2017
Did you download this? And did you read the readme.txt? I did a step-by-step for what you have to do. You have to go to the save location and replace the game generated save folder with my replacement, then enter the codes.
So the folder you posted says "Bioasshard" but the folder located in C: for where saves are stored is listed as "Bioasshard_Arena" and it only has a Saves folder inside.

Your instructions however specifically state to replace "Bioasshard" folder, not the files inside.

Still says code is invalid.

Ermm....... ?? o_O

EDIT: Tried renaming the folder in C: to just Bioasshard, launched the game, "Crocodile" still says invalid, closed game, game has now re-created Bioasshard_Arena". :/

EDIT, EDIT: Turns out I'm a twit, thought the code was literally "crocodile" and completely blanked on the "no, there's an actual code for crocodile tier". Herp derp... codes work now and probably did all along.

EDIT, EDIT, EDIT: So codes work, yay! Customization (other than name) is still locked however. :(
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2017
Now that they come´d this far why not add new enemies? For example maybe some kind of worms/slugs that maybe stick to Julias body and in time will penetrate her both anus and womb.. You can spin the idea alot haha
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Jun 9, 2020
Ok, so I just downloaded their 0.5.328 version from their blogsite and had a quick look...

I had a quick run through thet Mission 1 "test area" and seemed pretty similar to the previous v0.4.254 (apart from a few re-arranged areas towards the back of the map)
Got grabbed by a few zombies and noticed that the scroll-wheel can now zoom out a little more which is nice. Sadly, the zoom is locked when you press F in the scene though, which is dissapointing because the climax scene is still a blurry, zoomed-in mess... (would have been better if the climax scene kept the zoom/pov you had before pressing 'F'...)

I didn't see any new scenes and got killed so I chose to do the mission again.....

....and then all hell broke loose.

On on the replay, once you go down the stairs and pick up the items, after press 'E' the sub-menu (use / combine etc) no longer shows so you go into some wierd menu "state".

Pressing esc or return flips the game from full-screen into some windowed state. All the while you can't seem to get out of the inventory screen, while you're frantically smashing keys to try and get out (all the while it keeps flipping between windowed and full-screen)

It's bit of hot-mess atm... it looks like they rushed it a bit... I'm expecting an update soon (or two? or three?) similar to what we saw with v0.3.198..


Dec 5, 2018
Nvm had to run both as Admin heres a few commands that its useful (maybe?)

r.Tonemapper.Quality 0 or 1 (to disable the stupid Vignette)

r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur 0 = clear up the blurryness (motion blur of course)

obviously theres:god,fov #,stat fps
What does the stat do?
3.80 star(s) 45 Votes