BackspaceHow to you exit the settings? xD
lol, didn't go down with 80+ bullets for me. I'm not stupid... I just wanted to see if it was possible, haha.We can't kill the fat zombies ? I spent like 30 bullets into one and it won't go down.
No save. Sucks, but it's not an especially difficult game, so the only reasons you'd want to save, probably, would be if you want to start from a specific location after exiting the game. You get checkpoints if you die, so you respawn at certain locations once you reach them, rather than starting all the way over. Also, I'd imagine the devs would implement a save mechanic since this game's still in infancy, and since there's literally a "Continue" option on the title screen.How the hell can u save in this game?
P.S: what does the red heb do in this game exactly?
Probably onboard graphics/cheap computer graphics issue?Why does a black screen appear at startup and nothing happens?
I have a weak computerProbably onboard graphics/cheap computer graphics issue?
As for someone mentioned earlier... Infection level "does" do something in game. It just may not be noticeable at lowered graphic settings? Or seemingly obvious.
The higher the infection level, your "vision" gets distorted more. Things start getting wavy and lights seem brighter... its almost like some soorta drunk effect. It goes away when you eat the blue herbs that "removes infection".
I agree not having any way to rebind any keys is a pain. Also not having a list of what each key does before you play is annoying since I had to go through the same to find out backspace was cancel lol.I've seen some bad keyboard controls in games but what was the dev thinking?
It was bad enough having to go through most of the keyboard just to find the cancel key in the options menu (backspace) but then the game starts and you see F to pick up and my first thought was "Is that a typo?"
Actually picking things up is bizarre, for some interactions I had to stand facing the item and turn the camera away from the item to be allowed to pick it up.
Its nice to see somebody trying to do something in the style of the game but needs some serious polish and ideally the option to rebind keys .
She slowly becomes pregnant when infected from what I've seen. You can see her visually get larger after say the 4th "infection"It's pretty nice so far, though are there any actions with the dogs?
What exactly is the infection doing besides a little desorientation?
Would be cool if there was any visual change, transformation as the infection is going on...something like:
>Eyes turning red, or more vibrant atleast
>Skin becoming pale/dull/grey/brownish-grey
>Black veins around eyes, mouth, breasts and vagina