There're always words once said "If you need something done, you gotta do it yourself."
Have a good idea ? Just go present them to dev yourself is the best course of action, not every dev gonna care that much about forum debate.
I'm not eager to help getting this game finish quicker nor do I care, countless 'good' project like this hold into a milking machine for whatever reason but I'm just gonna be here, living my struggle life and wait things out, it can be done or dropped off for all I care, this kind of event are not revolutionary new in this game making world, especially porn game that goes by sustained backing method.
Lots of 'good' project out there been abandon countless of time, worst of that is some of them turn out to be a blatant lies and even con-artist, all these project will rather milk people's dick dry than try to finish them as quick as they can.
At the end of the day, it just a porn+game, true that it's rarely find but the good dev too, are even rarer to find in this community, apart from GRIMHELM I see no one else finished a project as good as he has with in the same timestamp, not to mention that he's just a one-man-army at that. A free release are comprise with many understandable reason too.
If you can't find a good porn+game to use, than you just have to find them separately and use them accordingly to its role, no need to focus on one thing you have no control over, easy as that.