The problem is, the save file I've used is Deathdawg's. I didn't save or anything. So, the old map and states should still be saved in the save file. Originally, I've got the error, too. But after fixing it and loading the unchanged save, it worked.
The only point in time I've changed the map was, when I walked north to get to the next level and check if the screen fades-in again. And that was when I changed the event to force a fade-out, without fading-in again. Without this change, everything worked fine. Now, when both Deathdawg and I are using both the fixed map file and the same save, it's not working for him, but for me.
That's why I'm not sure how the save is responsible, even if the map needs to be changed first, to load the "new" map.
The problem is, the save file I've used is Deathdawg's. I didn't save or anything. So, the old map and states should still be saved in the save file. Originally, I've got the error, too. But after fixing it and loading the unchanged save, it worked.
The only point in time I've changed the map was, when I walked north to get to the next level and check if the screen fades-in again. And that was when I changed the event to force a fade-out, without fading-in again. Without this change, everything worked fine. Now, when both Deathdawg and I are using both the fixed map file and the same save, it's not working for him, but for me.
That's why I'm not sure how the save is responsible, even if the map needs to be changed first, to load the "new" map.