Long ass wait to go.. like damn man.. I just don't really get as to why the dev decided to basically halt the entire game just to remake it and go the sandbox route, ya know? Like, if the dev really wanted to remaster some of the art, do that, but then release the updated art with every new version as the game continues on..
Now the whole ass story is basically on a stand still until it can be continued god knows when.. Shit sucks man
Also, regarding the parents? Yeh, hammer, meet nail. Would have understood if he had a better reason for cutting them out, but like, still the most powerful beings in existence atm, yet he just *snip snip* them right out instead of using them and getting advice n whatnot to actually further his mission. Or at least give the option to either cut ouf/off, think about it, or move on. Also, that segment feels INSANELY fuckin rushed.. like.. that part of the story was written in the Notes app while grocery shopping or on the toilet or summin.. Like, far too quick and with too little of substance..
But then again, these are just my thoughts n opinion.. what do I know lolol