where is the Savefile?At some point Maya just stops coming to the store, what's up with that?
Been about 5 weeks now she hasn't shown up but I see her at the coffee shop... what the fuck
EDIT: Figured out what was wrong, my Feeling bugged and it was on minus... can't recover from that... I edited the save file manually to Feeling of 2 and then she's there
And to top that off, the implication is that the first game's girl wasn't the first prostitute he fell for, at least according to the bucket, who could just be jealous, as he is a bucket, but I feel he's a pretty trustworthy bucket... Back to the point! If the first game's girl wasn't the first that he fell for, and now she too has disappeared... I mean that suddenly makes this game really sinister... or, and I think this is the "best" case scenario, it's extra sad, because these girls not only aren't his girlfriends, like he imagines, but they leave so that they don't have to deal with him...So... Lemme get this straight.
We play as a dude that recently moved into a blacksmith's house. For shits and giggles he decides to use the smithing gear until from trial and error he lears how to smith. To the point that the rest of the folks from town call him "the blacksmith".
This dude in question isn't really social, we can infer this from the gameplay but also from the fact that he has an imaginary friend, a talking bucket.
So, from being the blacksmith he makes enough money to survive and the rest of it he spends it on a brothel.
At this point, this dude starts to fall in love with the prostitute. Even to go as far as daydreaming about going on dates with her and having her wait for him at home, etc.
I don't know about you lads, but personally... I can't wank to this, the CG's are good and all, but the underlying story is borderline depressing.
My dick is sad now.
Interesting, now I'm curious. I've been playing for a while and nothing different seems to be happening. Day 18 if I'm not mistaken. Does anyone know if I just need to finish the 30 days of if there are minimum requirements to get the "true ending", if that even makes sense for this game?And to top that off, the implication is that the first game's girl wasn't the first prostitute he fell for, at least according to the bucket, who could just be jealous, as he is a bucket, but I feel he's a pretty trustworthy bucket... Back to the point! If the first game's girl wasn't the first that he fell for, and now she too has disappeared... I mean that suddenly makes this game really sinister... or, and I think this is the "best" case scenario, it's extra sad, because these girls not only aren't his girlfriends, like he imagines, but they leave so that they don't have to deal with him...
That can happen if you cum inside her on a non safe day and she doesn't like you enough. I went from 10 straight to -2.Also I had that weird issue too where her feeling was 7 then went to -2, then she refused to see me.