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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2019
There's no difference between boss floor and regular floors for drops. What matters is your depth so dive deep. It starts dropping at depth 8 or 9.
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Noah Neim

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2020
I have a theory in mind, can I discuss it with someone? Preferably with someone very critique, since I don't want to cause misinformation.

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I mean just throw it out there, this forum exists for that thing. Phenir wil notice it eventually lol, but other people could chime in
  • Thinking Face
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Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
Very well. This theory is intended to make you look at the game from a different perspective.

First of all, since Phenir confirmed that Black Goat was not initially in the game, which is also implied by , it means that originally there was no accent on space beings and space gods in the game.
They existed as a primordial concept in the Red Hood's Woods, and were grown into something more later.
For example, the Hollowed Serpent is probably what we can see now as a Serpent God Yig in the BS2.

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It is concerning, isn't it? Now, what is next...
A bit different story with a BS1. Originally BS1 was about a dying world, filled with a changed fairy tales and ruled by a cruel god Mary Sue. At some point she got tired of granting wishes to people, because they are greedy morons who kill each other. She decided to change the world.

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Now now... I am aware that in BS2, memories tell us that Mary Sue teleports people into her world, rather than change existing one. Or everything is just a never ending dream? As you can see there is no straight answer, so, let me continue.

What is concerning about Mary Sue? Her words. In the ending C, her words about the world going still even if Grimm defeats her is absolute truth and she is aware of it. I must remind you that Black Goat didn't exist at that moment and there was no ending D.

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Since she is an aware being and absolute Creator, who also created Red Hood and her world of nightmares, including primordial concept for future gods (including characters, such as Catherine and Jabberwock), it would be not surprising if she add something new into existing frozen world. Despite what the information from BS2 implies about gods enjoying repetition, Mary Sue can get bored of it. You will see that if you lose to Mary Sue (Why did she use my name instead of Grimm's? Is she aware of player?)

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Grimm lost to her so many times, that you can imagine her changing her mind and deciding to change the ending and let you kill her.

After that, she would get bored again and think of a new world. She decide to add Black Goat of The Woods and The Thousand Young and ending D, as a transition into a new world, with previously unrealized concept with space gods and space beings.

"But she is her mother!" you would say? Then I will say that, creating fake backgrounds and families is Mary Sue's specialization.
If Black Goat is Mary's mother, then Elizabeth Bathory is a mother of Red Hood as well. Mary Sue has no family, she created it.
Yes, I didn't prove anything, but perhaps just shown you a schizo point of view.

And yet, if Mary Sue is a Toro's self insert, would my theory make sense?

Someone: No, because in BS2 Mary Sue lost her powers and was changed/renamed.

Hmm... isn't it weird that despite anything Mary Sue survives? Isn't it weird that Mary Sue's identity has no place among space gods or rather there is no straight clarification?
Isn't it weird that Mabel, the oldest, the wisest, the most powerful god is dumb like Mary Sue and cries like a child when she loses in chess?
Isn't it weird that Mary Sue is looking at YOU in the H ending?

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Isn't it weird that the next game will be in the underground city, which is considered to be the Underworld by some people, because that's where you'd expect to see Dead Red Hood?

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Isn't it weird that Elysium belongs to Mary Sue?
Isn't it weird that if you google what Elysium is, you will find out that it is afterlife or Underworld?

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What do you think about it, people? But, don't take it too seriously, it's just probably my schizo ramblings.
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Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
To add something to an existing theory, I'll say that the game feels like Toro self-inserted himself as Mary Sue. And what is he doing?
He is using assets, fairy tales, ideas (basically using works of other people) made by other people and um... changing them, in a way that he wants. He gives them names, descriptions, gives them roles, places them wherever he wants, etc.
But it's just my personal opinion.

Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
So your proposition is to interpet this story as a meta narrative
One issue though
All of that was clearly planned from the beginning
Ending D is a dlc that was added at a later point, but it clearly serves to set up for BS2
Or perhaps Toro had these plans, but wasnt ssure his game would succeed.
It's a common trend in newly released media, you can see some aspects where the story telling almost shifts, or ends abruptly
One example i can use is adventure time, from it's beginning it seems like a kids show, but then it expands into a different narrative all together, completely seperating itself from its identity
That's what The black goat dlc could be, Toro had a fairly large idea of what he wanted to make, but he had no gurantee that Bs1 would succeed, that's why he held off before giving us a snippet of the true narrative in bs1 and etting up for a sequel
I've written a bit further in the theory, that Toro perhaps planned space gods as a concept, since Hollowed Serpent is probably future Serpent God Yig. But in BS1 he didn't use that concept, until he added Black Goat as a transition factor.

Arent those words supposed to mean that grim beating her in ending c and becoming the creator is literally pointless, because the world will reset again
This iss because she was never beaten, grim at this point is unlikely to have actually matched up to the old ones, in bs2 it's a different story, but here he's too weak
So she let him win, "The hero won!" ending
I know, right?
After you get C ending, you will unlock special Mary's ending, in which she tells you that she plays many roles, perhaps the role of a main heroine and even a princess, even a role where she dies, and every role is played perfectly (in her opinion at least).

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So, both that and the world being frozen are most likely a truth, which she is aware of. To be precise, isn't what she says is a fact? We beat the game and... nothing changes, everything stands still, only Grimm moves, while everyone else are repeating their phrases.

Idk... Thinking about it from this meta perspective isnt really good for the story "LOL, i was mary all along, great ending to the franchise am i right guys?"
I'm sure that people would agree with me that altough it might be a plot twit, it wouldnt be a good one, nor a note people would want the story to end on
I agree with that. But it is what Toro planned originally, and it was changed later as we can see. Black Goat became transition into a world of space gods and BS2 is about Grimm being abused by the gods. But in ending H, Mary Sue once again reminds us that she aware of everything and everything looks like under her control. Later in the theory I have written why I think so. It's about the next game.

God's being stupid isn't anything new, it's, much to my dismay, very common
True, but in her case it's weird. The most ancient and the most powerful god is acting like a Mary Sue, who is trying to look like she is not Mary Sue. But it's just my personal opinion.

As for her survival
It could very likely be linked to this entity
And in the very 'childlish' way of adressing mary, you could say that it's the black goat, but obvoiusly nothing is confirmed
An unknown enityt compltely unknown to the white queen somehow sneaked into wonderland, they're clearly a VERY powerfull old one, perhaps on of those 5 great ones that mabel mentioned
I know, from the game's narrative it all should make sense, but only if you completely ignore Mary Sue's weird fate. She never truly dies and in the end she is even looking at YOU. I'd be more critique about it.

Isnt this the exact same thing TCO does in Mary's G ending? Altough it's weird i wouldn't think anything by it
Not sure. I think TCO is looking at Grimm and Mary Sue, not at YOU, the player. Look:
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I can't say much on this, since i dont recall, where exactly is it said she own Elysium?
In the Chaos Dungeon. Look:
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Mar 2, 2022
Does entering Winterbell reset your difficulty level? I'm at diff 9 but then when I return from Winterbell i saw it become 0

Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
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Hmm... are you sure that all this concept was not made by Mary Sue, inspired by reading Lovecraft's books, just like the same happened with Grimm's, Carroll's and Andersen's books?
It is only a speculation but I don't see why it can be impossible, since we already know that Mary Sue is a God Creator.

I have another lead that suggests Mary Sue having more power than she shows, for the sake of a narrative.
Do you remember how exactly Chaplain Ezwald called Mary Sue? Goddess of the End.
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I tried to google who is a Goddess of End, and I have found a god Janus, god of beginnings, ends, passages, gates, time, doorways, etc.
It's a primordial god, which was not born by anyone, just like Azathoth (before Lovecraft's lore expansion!), while his description and powers are kind of similar to the Yog-Sothoth (coincidence?)
Of course it doesn't prove anything, but surely adds fuel to the speculations.

With this my theory ends. Thank you for your attention.

PS: Thank you for a post about Black Souls Discord servers, that helped my poor mad mind very much.
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Dec 26, 2021
Uhhhh because that point about Agata/Agathia irks me. As it seems to refer to one of my posts in the past. So to clarify
The "Underworld" thing i mentioned was the double meaning the new games story could have. As Dead Red Hood is a interesting title. Not that it is a known fact or anything like that.

Agata is a legendary underground city/continent/kingdom inside the earth. Also tied to some hollow earth theory story`s & myths.
For example like how some storys about El Dorado the city of gold is supposeldy underground etc.

So Dead Red Hoods game taking place in a underground settings combined with event from BS2 that lead to her "death".
Made me assume the hidden double meaning. Toro likes to do stuff like that.
Thats all i wanted to clarify IF this was based on my post in the past.
  • Thinking Face
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Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
Uhhhh because that point about Agata/Agathia irks me. As it seems to refer to one of my posts in the past. So to clarify
The "Underworld" thing i mentioned was the double meaning the new games story could have. As Dead Red Hood is a interesting title. Not that it is a known fact or anything like that.

Agata is a legendary underground city/continent/kingdom inside the earth. Also tied to some hollow earth theory story`s & myths.
For example like how some storys about El Dorado the city of gold is supposeldy underground etc.

So Dead Red Hoods game taking place in a underground settings combined with event from BS2 that lead to her "death".
Made me assume the hidden double meaning. Toro likes to do stuff like that.
Thats all i wanted to clarify IF this was based on my post in the past.
What you are saying is true, but we can scrap all the knowledge we have and think what we can do with it.

Agartha/Agarta is a non physical place, where gods, spirits(souls) and mythical creatures exist. It is connected to the esoterism, occultism and Shambhala.
Shambhala/Shangri-La too is a non physical place, where gods, spirits(souls) and mythical creatures exist. It's a Tibetian Heaven so to say, which exists somewhere above the Gobi & Mongolian desert or rather high in the Kunlun Mountains of Tibet (depending on the source).
Agartha, on the other hand, exists under the surface of Earth.

Comparing these two mythical places, you can imagine Shambhala being Heaven and Agartha being Underworld.

I took information from here:
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New Member
May 14, 2024
do you guys know the password of this rar file on bonus folder? I'm curious cuz there's password in it I can't open it


New Member
May 14, 2024
It will be written on the wall once you get far enough. You can't miss it.
In the wall? Is it red word? If it is, I think it's around on end f & g, cuz when I first time see that, I feel like there are something suspicious about that :unsure:


Jun 10, 2017
You can't buy it, but you can farm it by killing these unfriendly fellows on the 4th floor of the Crimean Nursing Graveyard... here... just enter the door...
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Though... they have a buff that makes them unkillable and you can't dispel it by magic (they reflect it), but only with this thing, which you can get in the Chaos Dungeon.
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Technically, you don't require Mary's Wand to defeat them, you can just wait out Requiem's 3 turns as well. Or you can use Ragna Blast from Ragnarok (Claymore's final form), but it has a cooldown and only hits one at a time.

Generally speaking, the clawless Star Pests are pretty simple to wait out, because their magic attack (Fallen Star Pest) isn't a certain hit, so you can dodge/reflect it as needed.
155.png These, on the other hand are probably worth avoiding/running from if you can't kill them on the first turn, because Scratchx5 is much more painful, and is certain hit to boot.

...Honestly, I don't think I ever needed to fight them until right now to test if Absolute Precision might work for them =\

In the wall? Is it red word? If it is, I think it's around on end f & g, cuz when I first time see that, I feel like there are something suspicious about that :unsure:

That's correct, but if you don't want to look it up, the password is 185254.
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Mr. Cofman

Apr 16, 2024
If there are no objections to my previous theory, I'd like to talk about Nightmare Spirits and their possible role in revealing truth.
4.80 star(s) 81 Votes