anyway yes total worth just note lobotomy corp has a different game play style then the other two
So looking it up. The first game seems like a anime version of a SCP simulation game, second one is a weird mix of VN and card game and the third is straight up a gacha. This is a very weird pipeline for them to end up at gacha........and then i looked up the devs and they are korean so everything checks out.
It leads off with a trigger warning and there's another one midway through prior to the section about Carrol, as well as the various graphical censoring. Anyone that feels they need that stuff in their video is already too normie imo.
Thats more on modern YT then anything else imo. Nowdays your vod can get nuked for saying fuck or shit while not having the correct labels. Unless you are one of YT premium league of course
Funny enough the 2h vod was nuked anway by the algoryhtm or some people spamming report till the bot takes it down regardless.
I do agree with the final sentiment. I hope when the day comes the language barrier is enough for Toro to be immune to it. Or at least Toro can live in creative blissfull ignorance. Depending on the scale they might take down Toros official social media...which would be a shame because lots of art isnt backed up on their pixiv.