
Jun 14, 2017
You keep insisting I have no idea about Twine for some reason, even though I did use it to make another game.

Give me some examples of games that use mechanics other than story ones in Twine.
I literally told you how to implement blackjack into twine, earlier in this very thread. Before I can 'give examples' I have to have an actual definition of what qualifies as 'mechanics' under your clearly very arbitrary definition.
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Oct 20, 2019
I'd do a review of the game but since it seems to be on it's earliest steps giving it a review seems to be too harsh especially considering my current opinion of this title.

In concept, a game where you win against different women in blackjack to strip them down and fuck them is unique, considering most other "real porn" games on this forum are very similar to one another, I just think that it has a few problems on it's execution.

The player doesn't know how many times or how much money you need to WIN the reward, and the reward itself is just a bunch of gifs or pictures grouped together based on the category, "here's 5 gifs of her touching herself, here's 5 gifs of her showing her ass" and so on, this is personal preference but I really disliked it.

I also didn't really enjoy how in the second match where you have to win, I'd say around 500$ just to then see "more on future updates" it felt really dickish, because I had all that trouble for basically nothing.

Although having said that, the game it's on it's starting point and I believe it has a lot of room for improvement, which I am looking forward to. So I'll give some ideas, feel free to take them or disregard them based on what YOU want the game to be, I'm just some asshole so don't worry too much about this.

What would I change on this?
This doesn't take into consideration of how hard it is to do these because I personally have no clue

And again, it is based on personal preference.

I'd make it a hub world
nothing too fancy mind you

Here I'd have different locations, the Home of our character and the locations of different blackjack places you could play on, each place would have different minimums you could bet and different girls to play against, so you'd start at the slum's blackjack and go up as you win more and more money.
I'd have a normal Home layout where you could encounter the girls on different locations (maybe a randomizer) of the house and fuck them there, each giving different sets of gifs.
Although I wouldn't add any realism, like adding sleeping, eating or showering for the character, maybe for the girl for some kinky shit because it's not needed.

So in practice it'd be like, you finish talking to the goddess and you see the hub map with 2 locations, the Home and the Slums Blackjack, maybe others but blacked out saying (reach X amount of $/fame to unlock this), clicking on one of these would show the top side view of the places with icons showcasing where the girls are.

I'd add more towards the blackjack
Since you can control people's minds maybe force them to [HIT] a certain times per match but only once a round (i'd say 3x per match, so that the player has a bit more control to what's going on and it doesn't feel like so much chance based.
I'd allow the player to leave the table/change the table to play against another girl, maybe make it that it lowers a level but that's up to you.

Although if you prefer your game to stay as it is I'd still just recommend to change how the sex scene works, as I said before I didn't really like the 5 gifs thrown together, and I'd show your progress towards winning against a girl. Sorry if I sounded too harsh and good luck with the game.
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Game Developer
Dec 18, 2017
Thoughts so far:

  • So that RNG behind the cards needs some tweaking. Boy howdy I was either on a non-stop winning streak of Blackjacks out the butt, or I was getting butt fucked by the dealer having non-stop Blackjacks. I'd suggest easing off the "need to make it like real blackjack" because if I wanted to be ripped off at blackjack I'd go to Vegas.
  • Girls you picked are pretty hot, though I think you should temper the list of gifs you got. Oh sure, the quantity is impressive, but they're not all that great.
  • Glad this is Blackjack and not Poker, too many Poker games out there revolving around the adult games genre, much prefer something less mind gamey like Blackjack.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2018
You just activated my Alu-card.
*later that day
I hope you don't mind. I brought some friends. Afiliates? Slaves... I brought slaves -__-
For real though, can we just ditch the whole "real porn" shtick?
If I wanted an old hag with cheek bones the size of the next persons dick (as in that big, of course, no homo), I would have gone to Scouts mother, or TF2's Announcer page at Rule 34 XP


Jan 23, 2018
New update!!
Going to try this out :)
Also, if people are talking about randomness (it might have changed since last I played this), but for my two cents I'd actually prefer as close to 'true' random as possible. I'm aware that truly random distributions can look non-random at time, as streaks of good or bad results tend to colour minds more readily than 'normal' occurrences.
That being said, onto the testing!
Alright the first thing I notice is that it's possible to bet $0 (at least for the first model). This isn't game-breaking, I just find it kinda funny. If you're fine with people betting $0 and counting cards (it's only two decks if the info-graphic is correct) until the deck turns in their favor, that's totally fine - just not sure if it's an intentional implementation.
Attached first bug I found (or I might just be missing something obvious) - can't progress in the betting, we both have money, and I appear to have won this round so I'm unsure why I can't progress
Another suggestion I have: could the UI be altered to make it easier to view the photos and betting area simultaneously? It's technically possible at the moment, but it requires zooming out to an extent that the words are difficult to discern (for me).
This might be something I'm missing, but the amounts of money each of us have - relative to the amount bet- appear to have some discrepancies. I consistently bet only $10, yet frequently her account (or mine) will change by $20 or even $30 upon ending a round. Again, I'm not sure if this is a bug, or something I'm missing that's obvious to others
I think the double down function is coded incorrectly: as it stands I'm able to double the amount of my bet on a draw of an ace & a ten - 21 points. I think what's happened is that the ace is counting as 1 point for the purpose of doubling, but obviously it should count as 11 (for a blackjack!)
Found the same bug in a later model
And found the same bug in the third model
Tested loading a save from during a match (blue jean girl) and it loaded to the first match for me [unless I'm an idiot and used the wrong save]
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Active Member
Aug 17, 2016
Buggy.... after the split it doesn't let me finish the round...


Apr 25, 2017
Is there a way to increase the starting funds?
Press F12
Click on Console
Type the following:
playerSettings.playerCash = amount
playerSettings.emperorPoints = amount
blackjackGame.dealerCash = amount
blackjackGame.dealerScore = Amount higher than 21

Replace amount with number.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
you need to fix the save system badly. I beat the first girl and save just before i play the second girl with blue jeans, then lose so i load a save from just before the blue jean girl only to be put right back to the first girl and i have to play her again
Secondly, when i actually do beat the blue jean girl it says "one or more standing games finish all games" and i cannot continue past that screen
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New Member
Mar 25, 2018
Sometimes it breaks, happened to me everytime after i split and stand on both hands, and just now happened in a regular hand.


Dec 26, 2019
you need to fix the save system badly. I beat the first girl and save just before i play the second girl with blue jeans, then lose so i load a save from just before the blue jean girl only to be put right back to the first girl and i have to play her again
Secondly, when i actually do beat the blue jean girl it says "one or more standing games finish all games" and i cannot continue past that screen
it happened to me to, it only happens when the player and the dealer both get a blackjack


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
Can't get past the first girl, every few hands it just keeps saying "one or more standing games finish all games".


Feb 20, 2020
I like the general idea of the game, but the "one or more standing games finish all games" bug just breaks it, might have look when it gets fixed


New Member
Sep 15, 2018
This game is fun, if not for the glitch where it will say one or more games standing, finish all games.

I have not been able to progress because of this and till it is fixed will not recommend.
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