
Jan 25, 2024
Yeah, whoever's in charge should clarify that in the front page, it being avoidable was clarified in dev notes, which will make people think it's obligatory NTR in the future.
Why would they want to play it then knowing it'll go to shit no matter what for a vanilla harem?
They're gonna drop it.
Fix that note, dev or mods.
If ntr is going to be added in any way shape or form it will turn to shit regardless. Not that big if a deal, it doesn't say it will forced either.
The notice works for people that want to avoid ntr bullshit in its entirety, those that want to find out can go to dev notes and see that its yet another of those harem+cuck avoidable mixed games, a trend that should fucking die already.
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Formerly 'Golzd81'
Apr 25, 2023
Ah, another game that mixes harem and future netorare, mixing never works imo but what kind of ratio of content are we talking between the paths?
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Jan 30, 2019
There's definitely more scenes in the game, Kyoko has the intro handjob, a buttjob, blowjob, titfuck and sex scene, so if you're not seeing them after progressing with her more and more then there's a bug I need to fix,

If you want to check your progress with any girl in particular you can use your phone > contacts, and click on any of the girls, you'll have two bars near the bottom of the screen, one is the current progress to the next level and the most bottom one is the current Heart level of the girl, a new scene unlocks with every heart.

Thanks for the response!

I appreciate the quick reply, and took a look at it with your tips. Managed to get heart scenes by repeating interactions until the phone showed hearts, so it works fine, just confusing with the text bug.

See you've already mentioned that it's a bug with the text messages, which makes a lot of sense. The other issues I could see so far is thus:

No matter who you train or where, you always end up at the red crystal in the southern map that explains training, this is fine when they're just to the left of it, at the lake, but adds a lot of walking when they're to the northwest of the player house.

In the village defense I'm noticing that the people who had done their turn roll over into the next defense, so if 3 of the girls attacked the Goblin boss on defense 1, those 3 girls will still be on cooldown for the first turn of defense 2.

There seems to be an issue with Kyoko where she gets stuck on "I have already done something with her today" for the Evening bar, when I know she had asked me previously if I wanted to help with the tavern. I don't know if it's triggered because I said no the first time, but even if I pass time directly to evening it doesn't change.

The random player placement at the start of Village defense sometimes places me inside trees and I get stuck, requiring me to reload.

Balance wise, the goblins are incredibly strong. My experience is that several of the girls are completely unable to defeat even one goblin at the start, and considering the hp gets reset I was essentially hoping for a lucky streak of misses and crits more than any real tactic or skill. Not sure what could be done without a rework, perhaps reducing base stats of goblins and punishing more for missing days (as they grow stronger)? Definitely something to keep in mind especially as you've said you plan to add NTR failstates to poorly managing the defense.

Perhaps a level up for girls used in combat (even if just against goblin boss) to help even the curve, or have training sessions cost 2-3 AP but let you train every girl in that session. The goblins getting stronger stats even on days you attack them consecutively also add to the difficulty coming off as a cliff at the start.

As it stands I'm forced to use male villagers as every girl just fails miserably at even attempting to win a fight, the only ones they managed were the tutorial goblins, after that it's just a curb stomp no matter what.

Besides the fixable issues, I think this has a good potential to shape up to be a fun game focused on busty elves and I hope your inspiration keeps flowing and it all shapes up to be what you envision it as c:.

Thanks again for the response, and thank you for sharing your game.
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Feb 22, 2018
What kind of NTR is it going to be will it be Netori where the player is the one stealing the women or netorare where the women are being stolen? It might sound like a dumb question to ask but I would like to know what the "corrupt route" entails.


Aug 28, 2021
The NTR is going to be netorare. Proof? There's a warning that NTR will be avoidable and netori games that never get that, because it's not looked down upon. Plus, people always say NTR to mean netorare, but say netori outright.

Ass bandit

Apr 24, 2021
How do you help out at the tavern again? Just keeps saying you have already helped.

How do you select which 9 girls go into combat? Honoka is my boss killer, but she did not go into battle.

Random stat gains from level ups are very bad. You can end up doing no damage.

Adding an icon by girls who have had their turn would be immensely helpful.

Game is great, mate. Keep it up.
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