So.. in the end I finally managed to see this product here, thanks to the effort of pinkelephant who kindly created a video for us who didn't want to download the whole "flash" thing - however, I must admit that I have to ask sorry to him because in the end, I ended up downloading another version of this that was provided on Anime-Sharing from another user who long story short, deleted all of the loops and left only the "linear" video (just to compare something, the lenght of the pink's video is 30+ minutes long because surely have all of the loops there; the video that I saw instead, is about 17 minutes because, like I said, doesn't have any loops inside - since I hate those with all of my hearts, thinking that they don't add anything at all if not some sort of... annoyance in the long run). But back to the main topic here: the verdict from a Futa fan here?
Not satisfied. At all.
But don't misunderstand me. While my words above may tell the whole truth, a part of me actually did enjoy this... let's just say not really a
piece of work (things that someone was expecting, let's tell the truth), but rather a small
entertaining porn video. Since I'm not really good with reviews and such, I'm gonna try and be as descriptive as possible about the flaws that didn't made me like this video at 100% but instead at a good.. 60%.
- First of all, like I said I'm not a fan of the whole "loop" thing. Always like I said, personally speaking after seeing five minutes (or even more sometimes) of the same scenes all over again, but just with different angles every one minute and a half just to give you the impression that the scene will be changing sooner or later, I get bored almost immediately. To the point that I even start to loose all of my interest and that is why when it comes to this, I always skip. Skip, skip, skip 'till the action changes and there's actually something new that I'd rather see instead of "enjoying" five to ten minutes of the same position.
- Second of all, the thing that everybody mentioned up to this point is the whole "sync" thing for the voice, for the speech that both of the girls try to say but ending up failing miserably. I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to fix this in the .mp4 official release, but something tells me that can only be a silly thought and that even that version will be scourged by this small thing that honestly, could've been avoided. Yeah yeah, Miro fanboys, I know that it's a hard work and everything and that it's not easy to make a things like this, but let's be honest here:
the work from Puppetmaster in this case, is way, way better than this one. Period. If with G4F they did a great.. no, a wonderful job with the whole loop thing (the only video that I watched from the beginning to the end, honestly) and with the VA, in here they ended up again right where they started. The whole graphic design of the place and the two girls is exquisite and I can't certainly say otherwise, but it's just.. that. When you fail even in providing a simple thing like a correct VA, lad, there's something wrong here.
(and now I'm really wondering how the heck Puppetmaster has less fans than this Miro here is a whole mystery to me, but that's another matter that I don't want to deal with)
- The third thing that I'm gonna write about it (a shocking revelation coming from one that loves the Futa stuffs), is the.. fucking size of that dick. But on top of everything, about the fact that in the fellatio scene right in front of the portal, there was practically speaking.. no bulge at all within the Sophia's throat. I can agree with the size (though I don't particularly love it since it's really absurd and nonsense - and don't tell me that it's just because she's a vampire that she can do that, because I'm gonna honestly spit on your face, trust me), but missing a details like that? Really? I'm fairly disappointed.
- The fourth thing and probably the last, will be surely the most short of all of the things that I've said above: Anal scene more predominant compared to the Vaginal's one. Just one? Really? Then three scenes with Anal? At least some variety, Jesus. And last thing, I know that the whole concept wasn't supposed to be romantic or anything but if there's another thing that turns me on so much in a Futa x Girl scene, is the kissing part - and with this, I have to blame even Puppetmaster unfortunately. Both Miro and Puppet put just a single and short kiss right at the end of the video and that was another disappointment.
Final though: while I would recommend this video to those who loves futanari, at the same time I wouldn't recommend to buy this. Personally speaking, I would've even request a refund if I ever ended up buying this on the Affect3D site. While instead I would've gladly use some money for the Puppetmaster work, which really is good - mind you, not perfect because it's not, at all, but again way better than this for sure.
Guess.. I'm done with the whole speech here? Uh.. if this can be considered a review, then I'll gladly copy all of this and paste it in the right section. I honestly can't tell