Where in particular did you feel that you were forced into hookups that you didn't want to?
Most of the time getting drunk seemed to involve going home with someone, but something like going to a concert and going up on stage to do a dive or something resulted in sleeping with the band stood out as out of nowhere.
I gave the latest version a quick shot and getting drunk at the first college party and all the college living situations involved a romantic partners. But there could have been a flag issue from backtracking several times as it also had me pledge DDD without picking it (went KKG, KD, DZ and prioritized DZ)
Edit: I suppose I should qualify that I'm pretty fickle about romance in an all-in or bail attitude, best regarded outlier rather than bellweather. The #1 reason I drop books or shows is romance related tropes and subplots I'm not interested in to the point I try to find media without it. The irony of doing so while playing porn games is not lost on me; though, interactive media affords the opportunity to dodge content that others don't.
2: I realized I should mention I tried the online version from the 1st post, which is version 3.3P_hf1 which I noticed now isn't the latest version.